SWA Road To Draft: Enough is Enough

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*We are seen in a room with the Nick Club logo on it as the cameraman knocks on the door, the voice of Lincoln Loud is heard on the other side*

Lincoln Loud: Who is there?

Cameraman: I'm a interviewer and I would like to get your word on something.

Lincoln Loud: *Opens the door* Make this quick, I have things better to do then be here.

Cameraman: I was just wondering how do you feel about the new change to SWA that might have you out the door?

Lincoln Loud: *Slight smirk* Of course it's gonna be me, I was only brought in to help Crim get this company views with a big star and now that he is getting mainstream he doesn't need me anymore, well tough shit because I'm not gonna be pushed to the side and forgotten like that, I am Lincoln Loud, I am the Main Event, I am better then every single person on the entire SWA roster! And if you think I am just gonna take my leave then you can go fuck yourself because I don't need any of you fans to make me know that I am the star of this company, I KNOW I'm the star so I'll see you all wherever I end up on in the SWA Draft bit just know that anyone on what roster I end up on..It will only take one knee for me to be on the top, now get the hell out of my sight!

*Lincoln shoves the Cameraman out of the room while laughing as if he has a plan up his sleeve*

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*Lincoln shoves the Cameraman out of the room while laughing as if he has a plan up his sleeve*

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