FXWF Exclusive: Mark of a Wolf

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*The footage starts up with a home-made gym with punching bags, a wrestling ring and a UFC styled cage ring with the signature logo for Terry Bogard on the wall, in the ring is Terry as he runs the ropes an interview knocks on his door.*

Terry Bogard: The door is open!

*The interviewer & cameraman walk in.*

Interviewer: Greetings Terry, I am an FXWF Interviewer and I am here to ask you about something.

Terry Bogard: No need to specify. I already have had it played numerous times in my head and I will keep this one short and sweet, hey Rock. Me & you go way back, mentor & protege but things got in the way and that relationship got messed up and that's what happens but you came back in the CLON scene and you immediately blamed yourself for past actions and you think making up for it would be to challenge me to a match at CLON Absolution...I know that you know there are better ways of going about this but I understand fully why you want to do it this way so with that said I will not deny you of the opportunity of Redemption, you want the match then you officially have it. Cheers Rock & may the better man win.

Interviewer: Short & sweet, thank you Terry and have a beautiful evening.

Terry Bogard: You too, go talk with Crim & Rick and make this match official.

*The interviewer & cameraman both walk out as Terry sits on the turnbuckle in his home ring, sinking in the match that is going to happen.*

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