FXWF Exclusive: An Offer to Think About

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*We are seen in the women's locker room where Saber is seen getting ready as someone knocks on the door.*

Saber: Yes?

*Through the door comes Dva, with her MDG shirt on.*

Dva: Hey Saber!

Saber: Greetings Dva.

Dva: I just came in here to say good luck in our match for a spot in Guts N'Glory! I know we're going to tear the house down!

Saber: Why thank you, I send good luck your way as well but I just want you to understand that I will not go easy on you just because I have respect for you.

Dva: Oh most definitely, I'm giving it my all so win or lose at least we can both sit well knowing that we gave it our all out there! May the best person win!

Saber: I plan too.

*Dva gives a slightly confused/irritated look as Saber continues to get prepared and Dva leaves but someone else strolls in and stands at the doorway.*

Saber: You know, it's rude to stare at someone.


Freddie Benson: I wasn't staring but if you want to make it out like I was then so be it.

*Freddie walks up to Saber but she quickly pulls out her sword and aims it toward him.*

Saber: I'm going to give you a chance to turn around and leave for I am not here to tolerate your annoyance.

Freddie Benson: Wait, wait, wait, I'm here alone! I promise that, I'm just here to talk and I promise I won't be long.

*Saber takes a closer look at Freddie who simply just moves the sword away from him and takes off his sunglasses.*

Freddie Benson: If I can have a seat.

*Freddie pulls up a chair and sits down as Saber continues to give him an untrusting look.*

Freddie Benson: I can assure you Ms. Pendragon that nobody is here to assault you so please lower your guard and hear me out.

*Saber keeps hold of her sword after it was pushed away by Freddie but she finally calms down and takes a seat.*

Saber: What do you want?

Freddie Benson: What I want is simple, I want to make sure that you don't suffer the FATE of being shoved down the card and then not used..you came to FXWF to see what this division was all about and in your first match you're facing a trend? "The MDG Gang?" Really? That's something the bloke Hitkid came up with and now everyone's doing it, Saber, your boss in WWA.. isn't all of what he's cracked up too be, his portrayal to everyone else is simply a disguise to his true means.

Saber: Why in the world should I believe you?

Freddie Benson: You don't have to believe me, you can believe Asuna.

Saber: You mean that backstabbing wench?

Freddie Benson: That's what I'm talking about! Hitkid and James Needham have made you think of her as that but I promise you, the IWC is here to help people like her and you. I don't want you to have to suffer in midcard purgatory because someone found a Dva remark "funny", you have what it takes to be a champion, hell, you have PROVED that countless time after time but when it came down to it and you got taken out..did anyone come to help you? I didn't see Hitkid and I didn't see Needham but what I did see was you busting your ass to make sure that you got your vengeance and I respect you for that and I'm sorry for any back handed remark I've ever made about you, people should RECOGNIZE the talent you posses, people should basically take a bow at what YOU'RE capable of and people should FEAR when they get on your bad side but instead they treat you like a circus animal, YOU are the king of knights, YOU are who they should fear, who they worship! YOU. ARE. ARTORIA PENDRAGON! And myself, along with the IWC want.to make sure that people know the name Artoria Pendragon.

*Freddie clinches his sunglasses as Saber looks at him with a strange look..as she took in everything he said.*

Freddie Benson: Should you EVER want to join..the offer is on the table, an offer to take into consideration, should you not want too then I will not hold it against you. Have a splendid rest of your evening.

*Freddie gives Saber a IWC card and his contact info and leaves, Saber looks at the card in her han, questioning everything Freddie said as the screen fades.*

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