50. Bonfire cont.

Start from the beginning

We look up from our phones and we look at her and Anna's direction, she's right they look like a couple.

Anna's POV:

"Here you go." Quinn hands me a s'more, "Thank you." I tell them and they smile at me. It's cute seeing Brandon and her laugh and have fun together, "Hey  can you put me down?" Brandon asks and a few minutes later he starts to run around, "Can we sit?" I ask her and she nods. I take her hand and we sit beside everyone else, "Oh finally you guys came to join us." Jade laughs, "Hey hey we were making s'mores." Quinn nudges her, "Yeah yeah okay then married couple." Arya playfully rolls her eyes, I swear everyone keeps saying we're a married couple, I get it that I said it but still. We continue talking and one of Jade's cousins jumps up, "Okay y'all this wouldn't be a bonfire without scary stories." He says and everyone cheers, I low key hate campfire stories mainly because they all say it's true and then I start to get paranoid. "YAY SCARY STORIES!" I hear Brandon yell and he jumps onto Quinn's lap and Jade cousin starts walking around creepily around the fire looking at each of us, Brandon and her look like they're having the time of their life and I'm here like a idiot because I'm scared, "This guy is the cousin that tells the most and the best scary stories" I hear Jade whisper, oh great. 

I don't know how much time has gone by but the story isn't over at first it was pretty normal and then it started to get intense, I mean shadows, weird sounds, doors opening randomly yeah no thank you, "Of course no one would believe her, who else would believe a story about something that she can't proves exists, it's almost impossible right but here's the thing it doesn't appear to those who believe in it, if you believe it will stay in your head but it won't ever show it's face. If you don't believe in it then your luck seeing it rises, so be careful in your rooms tonight, be careful when opening your closet, be oh so very careful, be hesitant when looking up because one night you might just see a skinless dark creature, a creature so long yet so dainty, a creature that looks like shadow but yet is so dense, but don't look for too long because if you make eye contact with this being you'll be looking at it's empty red eyes as you hear the light cracks from it's neck turning every so slowly and the second you make a sound even if it's a single breath it will JUMP AT YOU!" 

"AHHHH" I grab onto Quinn's arm and she lets out a laugh, she puts her hand on my thigh and rubs her thumb back and forth,  luckily I wasn't the only one who screamed Soph and Emery did too. "And that is the story of the-" I cover my ears not wanting to hear the name of the creature I don't want to think about it tonight, I would like to get some sleep. I hear people clap at his story and I do too. "That was an awesome story." Brandon tells me and I just lightly nod my head, "I think she might've been scared." Quinn tells him and he pats my knee, "I'M MAKING MORE S'MORES!" He announces the world and I continue to hold onto her. 

Daisy's POV:

That was a pretty good story and it was funny to hear Anna, Emery and Soph scream a bit never fails to make me laugh. "Hey we should we ask Quinn now before she leaves?" I whisper into Emmi's ear and she nods her head, "Hey Quinn can you slow dance?" She asks bluntly no warning, no transition just a random ass question during a bonfire, I facepalm myself and I look up seeing everyone lean in, great not suspicious whatsoever. "Uhh yeah I can, my mom watched a lot of 'Dancing with the Stars' so I picked up a thing or two about dancing." She says and Anna looks at her a little surprised, "I didn't know you can dance?" She says, YESSSSS EMMI'S PLAN IS WORKING, "Well I'm not the best dancer in the world but I can pull off a good Waltz." Anna seems intrigued just as all of us are, I don't even know what a Waltz is. "I have no clue how to dance at least slow dance, tried it and yeah no it's hard without a partner." Anna tells her, this is so easy we haven't said anything and Emmi's plan is falling into place, "Maybe I can teach you sometime." Quinn says and I see Jade and Emmi start freaking out. AHHHHHHHHHH ITS HAPPENING, now if Mother Nature screws up tomorrow I'm going to cry. "Anyway it's past Brandon's bedtime, we're going to head home." Anna stands up along with Quinn, "Yeah Imma head home too, this was amazing though Jade we have to do it again." We all say bye to them and they walk through the house. 

"You know what's funny?" Emmi asks and we all look at her, "Quinn isn't going to be able to sleep in her bed tonight, Anna was scared it looked like she was about to pee her pants, she is most likely going to stay over." She takes a sip from her drink. If Emmi is right, we're just going give her all the power. 

Quinn's POV:

I start driving behind Anna's car since we don't live to far from each other, about 10 minutes go by and I see text from Anna saying to follow her to her house. I wonder if everything is okay? I listen to her and not too long after I see her park in the driveway. "Hey is everything alright?" I ask her hopping out of my car, "Uhhh yeah just follow me." She says and again I listen. "Goodnight Quinn, goodnight Anna" Brandon says and runs upstairs, Tommy doesn't seem to be home along with her parents so I guess it' just us three. I walk in her room after her and she points to her closet. "Uh what do you want me to do with your closet?" I ask her scanning the door, "I want you to check it please." She says sliding the door open, "Wait are you that scared of the story?" I let out a small laugh, "Uhhhh no I just want you to check because this morning there was a spider." She lies, I know she was lying, "Okay okay whatever you say." I roll my eyes, I take a peek at her ceiling and there was nothing, but this would be a pretty funny prank. "Uhh Boon?" I try to sound scared and I hear her walk closer, "Yes?" She sounds scared, I cup my hands into a ball, "I think I got the spider," I lie trying to hold in my laugh. "But it's moving a lot oh ahh uh BOO!" I open my hands up in front of her, "AHHHHH!" I see her jump onto my bed and I burst out laughing. 

"That wasn't funny." She throws a pillow at me, "You're right I'm sorry." I toss the pillow back, "There is no creature or any kind of bug it's completely safe." I tell giving her a hug, I feel a little bad but that was too funny. "Can you stay I still think that story is true." She lets go of me, "I can tell you that it's not, no matter what creepy sound comes from your room or your closet, but yeah I can stay, my mom is on a night shift anyway, let me just get my overnight bag." I start walking to her door, "Wait you have an overnight bag?" She asks, "Yup ever since the first night I stayed I have a overnight bag prepared just in case of unexpected nights, like this." 

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