"It's no bother. This is what friends do." I assure then turn back to the stove, where Ivy's fish stew is getting ready.

"What are you making?" Ivy asks curiously.

"Fish stew. You said you wanted some." I smile. She asked for it yesterday and today she's going to get it.

"How do you know how to make it?" I can't help but chuckle in amusement at Ivy's question. I guess she didn't think I can cook.

"I learned." I grin teasingly.

"Yeah, but when? I don't think many guys your age like to learn cooking..." Ivy implores, making me laugh loudly.

"You're right. - I nod - When I first met Lia, I was hopeless in the kitchen. Literally hopeless. The only thing I could make was cereal and sometimes I would mess up even that. It was only when Lia was staying at a hospital after... - I pause to take a calming breath, feeling my chest constrict at the memory of my kitten all hurt and broken in the hospital bed - after an accident that her dad decided to teach me how to make her favorite foods. Even since then, I would learn new things to make for my girl."

"You two are so cute!" Ivy gushes, making me laugh amusedly.

"We try." I shrug with a grin.

I don't miss how Ivy suddenly gets sad, glancing longingly at the hall leading to the basement. "Blake... where's Lorenzo?" She asks quietly, getting a sad smile from me. I know exactly how you feel, girlie.

"He's still locked up in the basement. He decided to stay there until your heat is finally over." I tell her. I'm not lying, actually. Lorenzo did say he needs to stay locked up for the whole week. It's only his wolf that didn't agree with that.


"The door is open so you can go to him if you want..." And she's gone. Ivy literally runs off before I can even finish my sentence. Damn, this girl has changed a lot.

I finish making the stew just when Lorenzo, or rather his wolf judging by his bright yellow eyes, comes to the kitchen with Ivy in his arms. "Hey." The man greets gruffly before sitting at the island, setting Ivy across his legs.

"Don't you want a shower first?" I tease. The guys hasn't left the basement for a week, surely he'd like to clean up, right?

"I want my mate. Shower can wait." The wolf grumbles, nuzzling his face into Ivy's neck affectionately, growling possessively as he glares at me.

"Shouldn't Ivy be the one to decide that? - I laugh, getting an annoyed grunt from the guy - Okay, okay, sorry. Cuddle her all you want. I'm going to see my girl." I lower the fire under the pot and walk out of the kitchen, leaving the two lovebirds alone.

Am I also this annoying when I'm with my kitten?

"Hey, kitten..." I sit beside my girl as she lies on the bed, staring blankly at the window.

"Hey, Cakey." Lia gives me a small smile, but it doesn't really reach her eyes.

"I made lunch, so why don't we go downstairs and eat, hmm?" I suggest with a smile, rubbing Lia's waist softly under her shirt.

"Blake... I'm a witch. How are you not freaked out?" My kitten asks worriedly, sitting up on the bed.

"Lia... - I breathe out - It doesn't matter to me. You're you. You'll always be you. So what if you can do magic? It's amazing, actually. Nothing, and I mean nothing will ever change who you are to me."

"Really? You don't mind?"

"Of course I don't, baby. But I'm really curious about the whole magic thing." I smirk, leaning in for a kiss. "Can't wait to see what you can do." I whisper huskily into her ear, getting a deadpan look from my girl.

"Can you be serious?" She admonishes sternly.

"Why should I? You're a witch. So what? What does it change? Nothing." I tell her seriously, gently tucking her hair behind her ear. "I will always love you, even if you change into a dragon at some point."

"Don't even joke like that." Lia gasps with wide eyes. "You'll jinx it."

"You'd be the hottest dragon ever, you know."

"Blake!" My girl laughs loudly, shoving me playfully when I nip on her neck.

"What? I'm just saying."

"You're even weirder than me, I swear to god." Lia sighs quietly, leaning her forehead against mine.

"Maybe... but it won't change the fact that I love you with everything I have. And I always will." I swear solemnly, gently taking Lia's hand in mine to press a kiss to her engagement ring. "Always."

"I love you too, Blake. - Lia says seriously - Now and forever."

"Now and forever."

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