"Not a chance. I'd rather not get ripped apart by you."

"I won't hurt you, just let me out." Yeah, right. Like I'm stupid enough to believe that.

"No. Lorenzo's words were clear. You need to stay here until Ivy's heat is over. It almost is, so just bear with it for a little longer." I tell him then carry Lia out of the basement, ignoring wolf's snarls and warning growls. He may not like this now, but he'll thank us later.

By the time I reach the bedroom Lia and I have been staying in, my poor kitten is already asleep. She must've been really tired.

Not that I'm surprised. It's been hell of a week.

We were supposed to get a break from everything, but peace is not really an option for us, I guess.

There's always something going on.

First the issue with Kathie and the club and now this...

While my girl is sleeping, I go to check on Ivy. I can't help but sigh in relief when I see her peacefully sleeping, already under the covers. The heat is almost over...

It's been a stressful few days, so I take a long refreshing shower and get ready to bed. I lie beside my kitten, but for some reason, sleep evades me. My mind is spinning from everything that wolf said.

Lia is a witch.

Her great-grandmother was also a witch.

Is Anna also a witch, then?

Is this going to affect our lives? If so, how? I can't help but worry that things might change between me and Lia. What do witches do? What makes them different? What does Lia being a witch mean? Is she going to leave me because I'm just a human?

I hope not.

I pray not.

I will never let her go.

My answer comes in the form of a tight hug my girl gives me as she snuggles closer to my chest in her sleep, whining quietly.

"Sleep, kitten. I'm right here." I whisper to her, wrapping my arms around her small body to hold her close to me. The second my girl is safely in my embrace, her breathing slows down and her body relaxes. She won't leave me.

When I wake up, I find that Lia is still asleep, so I leave her in bed and go get ready for the day. It's better to let her rest than wake her up too early.

As I make breakfast, I'm joined by very cheerful Ivy. "Hi Blake!" She greets with a happy grin.

"Hello. - I smile back - Someone's jolly this morning."

"Yeah, I'm feeling so much better now." Ivy sighs in relief, sitting by the island.

"I'm glad to hear it. It wasn't easy to watch you struggle." I tell her honestly. It really wasn't easy. She's been in pain for the whole week.

"Thank you... for taking care of me. - Ivy smiles gratefully - I don't know if I would be able to survive that thing without you and Lia. By the way, where is she?" She implores, glancing around curiously.

"She's sleeping. She's been up for almost two nights."

"Oh my, I'm so sorry! She must be so tired! It's all because of me..." My tiny friend bemoans pitifully, dropping her head to stare at the counter instead of me.

"Don't worry about it, Ivy. - I smile at her reassuringly - Had Lia not wanted to help you, she wouldn't have, so don't beat yourself over this, okay?"

"I didn't want to bother you two so much..."

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