Boyfriend's brother (2/4)

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Taehyung POV
I looked down, playing with my finger. I was so nervous. Then Hoseok spoke up because no other did. "They are brothers" I quickly clearly feel their eyes on me. "They are... what?!" Jimin laid his hand on mine, trying to calm me down. "Wait! So you are telling us that the whole time we bullied YOUR brother, Jimin?!" - "Jep. Pretty much it" I just looked down, trying so hard not to get a panic attack. Jin noticed this and laid his hand on my thigh, caressing it gently. It slowly became difficult so I lightly tucked on Jimin's shirt. "What is, Taehyungie?" - "H-hyung.... the a-asthma s-spray" He quickly reacted and started searching in my bag until he pulled it out and handed it to me. "T-thanks"

Jimin POV
We all watched as Taehyung calmed himself down with the asthma spray. "You better now, baby?" He nodded and looked back down. I smiled lightly and looked at the others. "Okay umm so are we getting some explanations?" I just sighed. "So well ummm..." Taehyung held my finger. "H-hyung you don't... have to" I shook my head. "So the reason why I did all that is dumb I know that but well I had my own frustration. So ever since Taehyung attended school mom was proud of him. I tried many things to make her proud but she always said: 'Be more like Taehyung' so I gave up. Dad also left us. I thought it was because he didn't like me anymore but he and mom had a big fight... so basically it's all my fault" They all looked at me with unreadable expressions. The bell then rung. Taehyung slowly stood up, shaking a bit. "I h-have to go t-to class..." Seokjin stood up to. Taehyung grabbed his bag with shaking hands and left with Jin. As soon as they were gone, I turned back to the others. "So ummm...." I laughed awkwardly.

Taehyung POV
"Okay. Taehyung it's time for your presentation" I looked up, nervously. Jin noticed that and showed me thumbs up. I took a deep breath, took my notes and my asthma spray just in case and went to the front. After I put the USB stick in the computer and opened the power point presentation, I looked at my classmates. My gaze landed on Jimin and Jin. They both showed me thumbs up.

Everything went well until I heard a painful comment. "I swear this is so boring. He should just fucking kill himself. It's not like anyone cares" I stopped talking and felt panic rush through my body. "Taehyung?" Jimin then spoke up. "Sir, could we go outside real quick?" - "What? Yeah okay?" Jimin stood up and showed me to go out with him.

"Are you okay baby? What happened? You did so well" I looked down, tears rolling down. "T-this one g-girl..." - "Oh... I heard it. But baby ignore them okay? They have nothing to say against you" He pulled me in a soft hug, placing kisses on my head. "Her comment h-hurted" - "I know baby. I know..."

After a long school day with many panic attacks, Jin and I walked to our coffeeshop where we always go after school. "Oh hey you two! The usual?" We nodded to Jisoo noona. She smiled and went to make our things. Jin and I sat down in the corner next to the window. "So what do you wanna do about the fact that your brother told his friends that you are his brother?" Nothing.... right? "I don't know. Nothing?" He just nodded.

Jimin POV
"So you are really saying that was your reason to bully him?" I shrugged and put the beer bottles on the table. "Unbelievable Jimin" - "It's not like you didn't do anything" They all just shook their heads. The front door suddenly opened. Our gazes went there and we saw Taehyung with some wounds and a boy next to him. The boy next to his held Tae by the waist. "Omo! What happened?!" I went up to the and cupped Taehyung's face. "Some drunk dude nearly raped him. I luckily came in the right moment and helped him" My jaw fell to the floor and I quickly hugged Taehyung. "Are you okay baby? Do you need anything?" He just shook his head. I sighed and kissed his head before looking at the boy. "Thanks ummmm" - "Baekhyun. Just Baekhyun. And besides don't thank me. It's my job to take care of him" My face filled him confusion. "What?" Tae then hit Baekhyun's chest. "Hyung!" - "Yeah Yeah. Okay just rest okay?" Taehyung nodded. Baekhyun waved at me and the other, pecked Taehyung's lips before leaving again. "Okayyyyy????? So I am confusion!" Tae just pressed himself past me while putting his hand in his jacket pocket. He then stopped in his tracks. "What's wrong?" His eyes were wide. "Oh fuck!" We all looked at him confused.

Taehyung POV
My hand roamed through my jacket pockets. "Shit..." - "Tae what the fuck is wrong?" I turned to Jimin. "I ummmmm... I have to go again!" I want to go past him again but he stopped me. "Tae what the fuck is wrong?" My breath started to quicken. "H-hyung let g-go" - "Just tell me what's wrong" I tried to calm myself down but well yeah no. Just the thought that my asthma spray is somewhere in this world, brings panic and anxiety. "Tae... calm down. Common. Where's the asthma spray?" Tears started building up in my eyes. "I-it's g-gone" His eyes widen. "Oh shit. This is bad. This is bad. Do you have one in your room?" I slowly nodded. "I-in the c-cupboard" Jimin quickly nodded. "Hoseok take care of him while I go get this damn spary" Hoseok nodded and came up to me after Jimin left. He carefully laid his hands on my shoulders. "Taehyung... take deep breaths okay? It's okay. We will find it" I tried to take deep breath but I couldn't as the comments the got thrown at my head rushed through my head. My breath quickened even more if that is even possible. "Hey hey. Look at me. Breath in and out. You can do it" I just couldn't do anything. "Fuck! JIMIN! WHEN THE HELL WILL YOU FIND THIS?!! YOUR BROTHER IS ABOUT TO HYPERVENTILATE!!" - "I CAN'T FIND IT FOR FUCKS SAKE!!" Hoseok looked at me again, cupping my face. "We can do it okay? Yoongi call an ambulance" Yoongi quickly reacted and called them.

I calmed down after the doctor's helped me. I laid on the couch with closed eyes, Jimin and Hoseok talking to the doctors in the background. The other four were just with them. I took deep breaths like I got told. They gave me a asthma spray since we didn't find one anymore. "Okay thank you. I will keep that in mind" After that there were only some footsteps, the door closing and some footsteps coming towards the couch. "Are you feeling better?" I nodded at Jimin. He laid his hand on my head and patted it.

《Stay tuned for part 3!! Sorry it's shorter than the last one. still hope you enjoyed it💜💜💜》

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