Single dad (1/4)

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Taehyung POV
Just as I opened my eyes I heard Ggukie and Yejun fighting again. "Aish those kids really" I got out of my bed and went to their room. "Babes why are you two fighting again?" They both looked at me. "Noona woke me up!!" Ggukie wiped his tears away. "But daddy said everyday at 7 a.m we have to wake up!" I sighedd picked Ggukie up. "Ggukie baby stop crying. We have to bring you to Yoongi right" He quickly nodded excited.

After I brought Ggukie to Yoongi's place and Yejun to the kindergarten, I drove to work.

My phone suddenly started ringing. I groaned and picked up. "Hello?" - "Tae! Hey! I wanted to say that today we are going to meet my friends. Don't forget that" I nodded my head. "Yes Hyung. Don't worry. Just pick me up after work. You know I don't wanna drive with the bus" Yoongi chuckled. "Yeah yeah. Oh and Ggukie and Yejun would stay at my parents' house for today. If that's okay" I smiled. "Sure" - "Yay! See ya!"

Yoongi POV
I smiled as Ggukie played with the cars. I don't have a job but I also don't want one. I had one before but got kicked out because 'the costumer said I cursed at her'. Those Karens really. I worked at a sweet little coffee shop. It was my best time there. Tae always pays me money for taking care of Ggukie but I always refuse then he would always put the money somewhere when he leaves. "Hyungie look! Car crash!!" I looked at Guukie and saw that he crashed two cars together. "Woahhh! We should call the ambulance!" He giggled as I put my hand on my ear. "Hello? Yeah we just had a big big car crash!" Soon after Ghukie grabbed the ambulance car and drove to the crash. "Oh no! They all died! Only little kitty survived" Ggukie cupped his face and pouted. I chuckled and ruffled his hair. "Ggukie are you hungry? Should we go see Grandpa and Grandma?" He jumped up and nodded. Ggukie and Yejun see me and Hoseok as older brothers. And since Taehyung's parents don't want to know anything from him since Yejun was born, Hoseok's and my parents are their grandparents. It's cute how our parents treat them like their grandchildren. "Okay then let's go!" I grabbed Ggukie's hand after we put on our jackets and shoes and brought him to my car. Once he sat in the seat, I drove to pick up Yejun from Kindergarten just like Hoseok. Yejun is in Hoseok's kindergarten that's why she is always so happy to go there. She doesn't have many friends only two I guess but since she loves Hoseok and the others she is pretty good alone.

"Common sweetheart" Yejun said bye to her friends, grabbed Hoseok's hand and followed us to the car.

"Ah my beautiful son and my cuties!" Mom cupped my face and kissed both my cheeks before doing the same to Yejun, Ggukie and Hoseok. "Granny look! Hyung drew rainbow with me!" Yejun held up a drawing of a rainbow and some persons standing under it. Mom chuckled. "Baby it's Oppa not Hyung. Ggukie says Hyung to Hoseokie and Yoonie hm?" Yejun pouted. "But Hyung sounds better" Hoseok and I giggled.

We finally arrived at the park. I looked around and saw Jimin with three other persons. He looked at me and waved.

Taehyung POV
I was lost in thoughts that I didn't hear Hoseok calling for me. "Taehyung! Listen! Hello?!!! Earth to Taehyung?!" I snapped out and looked at him. He smiled. "Awake?" I rolled my eyes and slapped his chest. "Anyways. There are the others" I turned to the direction and saw someone I knew. "Oh. Hell. Nah" Yoongi just grabbed my arm and pulled me and Hoseok to the guys. As soon as Namjoon saw me, I looked down. How I know him? Let's say we didn't meet in a friendly way. "Hey Yoongs!" The small boy, probably my age, waved at Yoongi. Yoongi smiled. "Hey chim. Guys meet my friends Hoseok and Tae-" Namjoon cut Yoongi off. "Taehyung" They all looked at him. "How you know him?" My eyes looked in his, begging him to not say it. "Oh well we went to the same secondary school" That was true. "And we also were friends. It's cool to see you again Taehyungie" That was a lie. I just fake smiled at him. "Well okay. Umm this are my friends Jungkook, Namjoon and Seokjin and I am Jimin" Hoseok nodded and greeted them nicely while I didn't.

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