Back to Life (2/3)

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Taehyung POV/dream
"Baby look at me..." Tears were streaming down my cheeks as I looked at the person, not seeing them clear due the tears. The person softly wiped my tears. "Baby... I promise I will help you with your depression. You just have to take my help... I want you to be save baby" The person smiled sadly. Guessing from the voice it was a boy. "You have to stay strong for me... for Yoongi, Hobi, Jin and Joonie . We will get through this" He pulled me into a tight hug while I stilled cried. Yoongi? This is not my past life.
"I am sorry babe!" Tears were streaming down my cheeks, falling into my fresh cuts. I lightly hissed as the salty tears fell into the open wound. My gaze wandered around, finding a picture of me and my boyfriend. "I am so sorry Jeon. But I messed up being a good boyfriend. You have all rights to ignore me" I wandered to the closet and opened it, looking through it. My eyes caught a rope. I quickly grapped it, tying it to fan that was hanging above me. I made a loop, big enough for my head to stick through. Am I going to kill myself? I stood on the chair with shaking legs. The blade in my other hand. I cutted a few more lines, dropping the bloody blade afterwards. I put my head through the loop. "I am so sorry Kookie... I wasn't good enough. Please forgive and forget me" I kicked the chair away, making the rope tighten around my neck. Why wasn't I scared? "I love you Jeon Jungko--" Before I could finish everything went black, my senses gave up and I took the last breath.
"Ahh!" I sat up, panting and sweating like hell. Tears were also streaming down my cheeks. What was that? Is this how I died in my past life? But like Yoongi was mentioned. And everything looked so new. Like it was in the 21st century. Who were all the other names that came up. I quickly grabbed my diary and wrote the four names down, so I won't forget them. I took a deep breath in before laying back down. That was a horrible dream. I closed my eyes, trying to get some more sleep. Just as I was about to drift off, my alarm went off, signaling me to wake up for school.

I was tired and kept thinking about the four names. Hobi, Jin, Joonie and Jeon Jungko-. Jungko? Is that even a name? The only name that comes to my mind with this is Jungkook. Maybe it is Jeon Jungkook. But why did I kill myself? What happened to me? "Tae... baby are you even listening?" I snapped out and looked at Jimin. "Ah. I am sorry Chimmy. I was in my thoughts" He just smiled softly and ruffled my hair. Yoongi wasn't with us in school because he had a appointment at the doctor's. But he would come to lunch break.

"Mr Kim could you please focus on class?" We had a new teacher and it was boring. "I am sorry. Sure" He smiled lightly before, going back to teaching math. He was pretty young. Maybe just ten years older than me. There suddenly was a knock on the door. "Come in" The door opened, revealing our korean teacher with a boy next to him. "I am sorry to interrupt your class but could Jin stay here for a bit?" My math teacher nodded. "Sure. Jin please sit down next to Taehyung" The boy's eyes snapped towards me, before walking up to the empty seat next to me. "Thanks. I'll take my leave now" With that Mr Lee left. Class just went on. I looked at the boy and smiled as I saw him looking at me. "Hi. I am Kim Taehyung. I'm pretty new here. What's your name?" The boy clearly tensed up. "Oh. Uh-huh I am K-Kim Seokjin" I smiled more. "I like your name, hyung" He smiled lightly.

"Okay class that was all for today! You can leave now" The bell rung and students started leaving. I packed my stuff and waved bye to Seokjin before walking up to Jimin's table. Jin and I came along pretty well.

Seokjin POV
As soon as I packed my stuff, I run out of the classroom. Just as I turned around the corner, I bumped into someone. "Omg I am so sor-- Yoongi" He looked at me and was about to leave but I grabbed his wrist. "Yoongi common. You can't hide him from us. I sat next to him in class. He IS our Taehyungie" Yoongi snapped his wrist away. "HE IS NOT YOUR TAEHYUNGIE!! YOU CAUSED HIM TO HURT MORE THAN HE DID BEFORE!! LEAVE HIM THE FUCK ALONE, KIM SEOKJIN!!" He never used my full name... Before I could say more he left, bumping in my shoulder on purpose. I watched as he went up to Taehyung and their friend. He kissed Taehyung's head, while smiling lightly. Then they went to the canteen.

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