Ice Figure Skating (1/5)

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Taehyung POV
"Taehyung you can do it! Just a little bit higher so you can spin!" I took a deep breath before I started skating over the ice. Once I found the right timing, I jumped and spun, landing perfectly afterwards. My coach clapped his hands, smiling widely. "That was all for today. Tomorrow is your big day. Get enough rest yeah?" I nodded and bid my goodbye with Mr Cha before I left home. It was already 11 p.m yet I still was training for the competition tomorrow.

I came home and just fell in my bed, falling asleep like an instant, forgetting to take my pills.
"You got this" I nodded lightly before I made my small handshake with my Coach.

Yoongi POV
"Common lazy ass. I want to watch my cousin and you are going to come with me!" Jungkook groaned in annoyance before he finally entered the ice arena behind me. We came in and saw the males already on the ice. A small, blonde boy caught my eye as he waved at me. I grabbed Jungkook's wrist and pulled him to Jimin. "Hey Yoongi!" I smiled and hugged the younger boy before greeting him too. "Oh by the way. Jimin meet Jungkook, my best friend" Jimin looked at Jungkook and smiled. "Nice to meet you, Jungkook. I am Park Jimin" My best friend just smiled lightly. We all sat back down. Then Taehyung skated on the ice. A big smile immediately appeared on my lips. Jimin directly started cheering. Everything quiet down as he got into his position.

Jungkook POV

Damn... that was pretty cool. Yoongi and that Jimin guy were cheering loudly next to me. I just smiled lightly.

Taehyung POV
Once I was in my changing room, I took my pills, trying to calm down my shaking body. "Please. Please" I drunk some water afterwards and closed my eyes tightly. Nothing working. I should have taken those damn pills yesterday. "Taehyung-ah you did we-" I opened my eyes to see the coach but before he could finish, I passed out.

Jimin POV
My eyes roamed through all the people, trying to find my best friend. The smile quickly dropped as I saw some emergency doctors run in his cabin. "What?" Without sharing a glance at Yoongi, I stood up and quickly run towards his cabin.

"What happened?!" Mr Cha looked at me with worry in his eyes. "I don't know, Jimin. He just passed out" The doctor then looked at us. "We will take him to the nurse. When he wakes up again, he should drink enough" - "Can he still skate?" The doctor looked at Mr Cha. "Yes, he can but he should be careful" We both bowed before the doctors took Taehyung to the nurse room. "He looked perfectly fine before it started..." I smiled sadly. "Don't worry, Mr Cha. Taehyung is number one skater. He will be fine again. I belive in him"

Taehyung POV
"What happened, Jimin?" - "Hyung I don't know. I just saw the emergency doctors running into his cabin. When I got there Mr Cha said he just passed out" My head was pounding. I slowly opened my eyes and quickly recognized the now very familiar nurse room. My eyes wandered around until they landed on three figures. Jimin, Yoongi and someone else. "Guys, he opened his eyes" My overprotective cousin snapped his head in my direction and quickly hugged me. "Baby, how are you feeling? Are you hurt? Why did you pass out?" - "Hyung, let the boy breath. TaeTae, are you okay now?" I nodded lightly. "I am fine, Hyung"
"I told you it was dangerous! But you never listen!!" I just rolled my eyes at my half brother, Seokjin as he kept telling me to stop figure skating. "I am not stopping! You can't tell me what to do! You are mom and dad's favorite! I want them to be proud of me too! They always praise you for getting high grades and at math awards you always get the first place! I am figure skating and winning the first place over and over and still they don't appreciate that!! So leave me alone!" With that I shoved him out of my room and closed my door. I took a deep breath as small tears slowly run down my cheeks. "I have to rest..." I weakly walked over to my bed, took my pills and laid down, closing my eyes. Tomorrow everything will be better. Well at least I hope so...
Okay today another competition. Let's train. I took a deep breath before getting on the ice.

Jimin POV
Yoongi, Jungkook and I sat in the front row, watching Taehyungie training.

[[[The video I used got taken down and I can't find another one similar to that one. So sorry]]]

"Shouldn't the other skaters be off the ice?" I turned to Jungkook as his eyes were fixed on the ice. "Nope. That is only in competitions. That was regular group practice. That's a difference" He nodded understandably.

Taehyung POV
I got off the ice and immediately got greeted by Daehyun and Kira. "Omg oppa you are so good!!" I smiled and hugged the girl tightly. "Thanks, sweetie" My gaze went to Daehyun who smiled at me. "We came here to watch you perform in half an hour. And also best of luck yeah?" I nodded and hugged him too. "Oh could you take care of my ice skates for a minute, I wanted to talk with Kira in private" Daehyun nodded and took my ice skates once I had them of. I grabbed Kira's hand and pulled her into my cabin. "What do you want to talk about, oppa?" I smiled lightly and pecked her lips. "I watched your dance video on YouTube and it was amazing. You should keep going. Maybe Hoseok will help you" She smiled widely and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Thank you. Don't you have to take your pills now?" - "Oh yeah right" I picked her up, making her wrap her legs around my waist. Then I sat on the bench next to my bag with Kira on my lap. I took my pills and drunk water afterwards. "Take care yeah? I don't want you to black out on the ice again" - "Don't worry, baby. I will take care. If I don't you are allowed to hit me" Kira chuckled and connected our lips together. My hands rested on her waist, holding it gently. "I want the old us back" Jimin's little sister laid her forehead against mine after breaking the kiss. "I know, baby... but we can't" She nodded understanding and pecked my lips again before getting of my lap. "You have your perfomance in 20 minutes, let's go back" I nodded and drunk some more water before we went back to Daehyun. He smiled and handed me my ice skates. "Thanks, Hyung"

Jimin POV
I watched as Taehyung interacted with my two siblings. They were smiling brightly. "And now! Please cheer for our first place holder representing Korea, Kim Taehyung!" Tae kissed Kira's cheek before skating on the ice. He smiled and got into his position.

I cheered loudly for my best friend, making Yoongi cover his ear. "Jimin shut up, you loud ass" I just hit his chest and continued cheering.

Daehyun POV
What?! Why didn't his ice skates break?!! I just stood there in disbelief as my plan to ruin his career didn't went as planned. "Fuck!" With that I just stormed off. Out of the arena to Seokjin's car. He waited there for me and once he saw me, he opened the door. "And?" - "No. It didn't happen!" He sighed heavily. "Fuck. Well.... I have an other plan"

Taehyung POV
I smiled widely as my cousin, best friend and Kira pulled me in a group hug. "That was brilliant!" They all broke the hug and smiled at me. "Ah! Yes! Because you didn't get to meet my best friend properly yesterday... Tae meet Jungkook. Jungkook meet Taehyung" Yoongi said as he held to other now known boy's shoulder. I bowed lightly. "Nice to meet you, Jungkook" He smiled awkwardly and bowed back. "Now let's only wait for the evaluations" We all nodded and watched the other skaters.
"And now our first place with 111.82 points! Kim Taehyung!" Kira immediately hugged me. I smiled and hugged her back before I slowly skated on the ice. After bowing to all four sides again, I skated over to where the medals and flower bouquets where gave. I smiled at the third place and hugged him. "Good job. It was really cool" He smiled and bowed to me afterwards. I went over to the second place and did the same. After that I hopped on the first place  raise.

《《That was all for part one. Hope you enjoyed!💜💜💖》》

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