Stepbrothers (2/6)

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Taehyung POV
I woke up to the sound of something shattering downstairs. I looked next to me and saw Yoongi crulled up in a ball still sleeping. I quietly got out of the bed and went downstairs. Everything was dark. My anxiety started ringing. I tried to turn on the lights but they didn't cope the way I wanted. "He-Hello?" My legs and hands started shaking. Something shattered again. This time I think it came from the kitchen. I slowly made my way to the kitchen. In the moon light I saw something or someone running by. My whole body shook now and my breath got uneasy. My hand shakingly tried to turn on the light but they didn't work just like the lights in the living room. "H-He-Hello?" I fucked up. Just as I finished asking, someone covered my mouth from behind and held me in place. I let out a scream but it got muffled due the hand. My anxiety started playing crazy. Tears started to form and fall down. This would lead to a panic attack. My whole body was shaking but the person didn't seem to notice. I shruggled but got out of the person's grip only to fall on my knees, crying while covering my head. I squeezed my eyes shut. I could see the light turn on throught my eye lids. ~Taehyung-ah breath in and out. In and out. Nothing is gonna happen Taehyung-ah. You are save with me baby. Just count to ten and take deep breaths~ That was my grandmother. She died good 10 years ago. She was there when I had a panic attack. She calmed me down. I suddenly felt a hand on my back. A high pitched squeak left my lips. "Babydoll..." Jungkook. I suddenly felt angry but I still kept crying. Jungkook then pulled me in a hug. He started patting my back but it helped nothing with my panic attack. My breath was short, heart racing and tears rushing down my cheeks. I heard small footsteps before someone else took me from Jungkook. I immediatelly knew who it was. Yoongi. He started patting my head while keeping me close to him. "Shhhh calm down... I am here cutie"

Yoongi POV
I looked at Jungkook while still patting Tae's head. "What did you do?" He rubbed the back of his neck, being nervous. "I umm wanted to prank him?" My blood started boiling. "You little! He is scared of the dark and the things that come with it you idiot!" Jungkook looked at me with apologising eyes. Tae suddenly grabbed my t-shirt tightly. "Y-Yoonie I s-saw" He cut off his sentence with sobs. "TaeTae don't think about it. You are save cutie" I knew exactely what happened that he is scared of the dark now.

Jungkook POV
He saw who? What? I felt guilty for doing all that. We all suddenly heard the front door open. Mom and Dad then came to the kitchen. Mom gasped after she saw Taehyung. "Baby! Are you okay?!" She quickly kneeled next to Yoongi and Taehyung. Taehyung immediatelly hugged her waist. I slowly stood up. Dad looked at me. "Son what happened?" I gulped. "I um found him here like this?" My dad nodded and looked back to the three. "M-Mom.... I-I sa-saw. M-Mom pl-please help. I-I n-eed he-lp M-mom" It kinda broke my heart to see Taehyung in this state. It was all my fault. "Shhhhh baby. He's gone. Don't worry. We are save" 

Taehyung POV
I swung my arms around Mom's waist to hold her even tighter. My breath was still short and uneasy and I chocked on sobs and tears whenever I tried to speak. "Baby forget the old times. He is in jail now. Don't worry. He will never come back again" If you wonder. He is my biologic father. My father was abusive. Once he did the same like Jungkook did just now. But not as a prank but to kill me in the end. He was drunk that night. He also overdosed with drugs. Mom luckily came home in the right moment and called the police. They took him and put him in jail after we told them what happened. I think it were good 20 years he has to stay in jail. So ummmm I think 9 or 8 more years. And that's what makes me scared. I am scared that he will come back in my live again. I slowly calmed down to Yoongi and Mom patting my back. I caught my breath and stopped crying but I still didn't let go of my mom. I closed my eyes as the tiredness hit me. "Minnie could you bring him to his room?" With that I was being lifted and carried to my room. Yoongi laid me and himself in the bed and cuddled himself against me. "Love you TaeTae. Sleep well" He placed a soft kiss on my cheek. With that I fell asleep.

JungKook POV
"Jungkook sweetie I see that guilt in your eyes. So please tell us the truth" Mom held my hands while looking in my eyes. I sighed heavily. "I am sorry... I wanted to prank him. I didn't know that it would end like this... I am really sorry mom" She smiled lovingly and pulled me in a hug. I looked at my dad seeing some madness in his eyes. "Jungkook I told you many-" Mom cut him off. "Honey let it be please. Playing pranks is normal. He didn't know what happened to Taehyung years ago and that he can have a panic attack now" My dad sighed and nodded. "Just don't do it again okay?" - "Yes Dad. Promise" I still wanted to know what happened back then but I think I would rip old wounds open again and I don't want mom or Taehyung hurt again.

What was all for part 2. Stay tuned!!💜🌌💜💜🌌🌌

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