Stripper (3/3)

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Taehyung POV
"Taehyungie!" I smiled as my older brother run towards me, arms wide open. I threw myself in his arms, smiling widely. Boy I missed him so much. "I missed you so much!" He chuckled and put me down after twirling me in the air. Gyu kissed my forehead, leaning his against mine afterwards. Suddenly someone faked coughed. I turned and saw my friends there, standing awkwardly. "Oh yeah right! Hyungie meet my friends Jimin. Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok. Oh andddddddd my boyfriend Jungkook. Guys meet my brother, Kim Gyu" Gyu bowed to them before he checked Jungkook completely. "You seem okay. Just don't hurt my baby bear" I immediately slapped Hyung's chest at that nickname. "HYUNG! I am not five anymore!" They all laughed at my embarrassed face. "Well... should we go eat now? I am starving!" - "Whenever I see you, you are eating, Jimin" He looked at Yoongi offended. "That is not true! You also see me when we ha-" Yoongi quickly slapped his hand over Jimin's mouth and blushed deeply.

Jungkook POV
I watched as Taehyung and Gyu talked and laughed together. I really don't know why I am feeling jealous whenever Gyu has his hand over Taehyung's. I mean they are brothers, I shouldn't be jealous. "So how are mom and dad by the way?" Taehyung asked his brother before he stuffed his mouth full of strawberry cake. I giggled at his puffed up cheeks and wiped some whipped cream of his lips. Tae looked at me and eye smiled before turning back to his brother. "Well, they miss you. Pretty much... but besides that they are doing well"

Taehyung POV
I nodded and continued eating my cake and drinking my hot chocolate. Jungkook laid his hand on my thigh, rubbing it softly. The others now talked with my brother too. I turned to Kook as he squeezed my thigh. "Is something wrong, Koo?" He shook his head and smiled before he leaned in and connected our lips. "Get a room please!" Yoongi giggled at Hoseok's remark and Namjoon just took a photo 'secretly'. Jimin and Gyu just watched us in awe. Jungkook pulled away and chuckled. "You just had some whipped cream on your lips" I immediately started pouting. "He is lying. Horny bitch!" Now we all laughed how Namjoon and Jungkook bickered back and forth. But the laughter quiet down when I heard a familiar voice. "Oh. Taehyung?" I turned around and saw my boss. "Ah nice to see you, sir" I bowed lightly just like Yoongi and Hoseok. Seokjin smiled at us but his eyes quickly caught back on me. "Could we talk for a short second" - "Of course! I am right back" I was about to stand up but felt Jungkook hold my hand. I just smiled and him before I got out of his grip and followed Mr Kim.

Jungkook POV
I crossed my arms and pouted as Taehyung left with his boss. "I don't like that man" - "He is our boss tf?" My eyes wandered to Hoseok. "Yeh that's the problem. A boss shouldn't make out with his workers" The two strippers' eyes widen.

3rd person POV
"What you mean?" - "That day we saw you at work they made out" Jimin explained, looking at his boyfriend and Hoseok. "So that is why he always came later to change...." Yoongi muttered under his breath. Jin put a strand of hair out of Taehyung's face. "Hey, so I know that might sound really weird but I hope you get happy with your boyfriend. And Yoongi with his. I also want to apologize for making you do things you didn't want to. I will give you three the money y'all basically get for the next two years if you want to stop. But I just want one favour" Tae looked at him with a small smile on his lips. "What is it, sir?" - "Please keep in contact with me. I really want to be friends with you guys. I never... really had friends. You of course don't have to but it wou-" Seokjin cut himself off as he noticed that Taehyung hugged him tightly. "I will be your friend then. It's no problem, I promise" The young boy broke the hug and smiled at the elder. The businessman smiled at the younger and patted his head. "I have to go now. My sister is waiting for me to come to dinner" - "Have fun! Also eat well!" Taehyung said, waving at the other as he walked away. With a huge smile on his face, he went back to his friends. He sat down next to Jungkook and his brother. "What did you two talk about?" - "Oh just that he hops we'll be happy and when we want to stop that job he is going to give us the money for the next to years. Oh and he also wanted to be our friend" They all just nodded at Taehyung's expectation.

\\Few years later//
Taehyung POV
"Come here you little devil!!" I flinched lightly as I was half asleep just now. I heard small giggles and running footsteps. Aish those kids. I slowly got up, holding my butt as I made my way downstairs, seeing Jungkook chase our daughter with her clothes in his hands. Areum saw me and run up to me, hiding behind me. I giggled as Jungkook pecked my lips before returning to chase after Areum. Just as she was about to run into the kitchen, Jungkook caught her and laughed as she giggled and squirmed in his hold. I wanted to sit down on the couch but guess what. Jungkook's a rough bitch. I hissed in pain and decided to just stand. Areum was now fully dressed and watched teletubbies. Jungkook came to me with a smirk on his face. "Seems like the begging from yesterday didn't go out well huh?" I slapped his chest and pouted. "That is really the only thing you have to say? Not even a small sorry to my bum?" - "Nope" I crossed my arms and turned away from him. Kook giggled, pinched my booty and back hugged me, watching our daughter. Her eyes were shining with excitement from the TV show. "You know, Yoongi and Jimin are going to watch over our princess later... how about a round two but this time with massage and after care? Hm?" I laid my head on Jungkook's shoulder, closing my eyes as he whispered this in my ear. "Maybe. But better be gentle, Koo. Or else I won't be walking for forever" He chuckled deeply and pecked my lips.
My small, little, happy family. Family Jeon.

《《That was all. I know that was kinda rushed but what should I do????🤷🏼‍♀️ anyways. I still hope you enjoyed it💜💜💜💖》》

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