Truth (7/8)

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Taehyung POV
I traced my index finger over Seoyeon's cheek as she softly sucked on my nipple. She was now six months old and she is a cheerful baby. Just like her father. Oh yeah Seojun... I somewhat got over him. I know he wouldn't want me to suffer for too long. He would want me to move on, so I kind of did.... "Tae baby? Seoyeon? Where are you two?" I smiled widely and looked up. "We are here Kookie" Soon Jungkook came into Seoyeon's room and chuckled. "There you are. Mhmm a hungry baby huh?" He came up to us and kissed my forehead while his hand softly held Yeon's. My princess then stopped sucking and looked at Kook. "Hey princess" Seoyeon let out a happy squeal once she saw her 'father'. We both laughed at her cuteness. Kookie carefully picked her up and placed many kisses all over her face. Happy squeals leaving her lips. I smiled widely and slowly stood up, ignoring the pain in my abdomen, and grabbed my shirt once again. Just as I pulled it over my head, Jungkook pouted. "You looked better without" A loud laugh immediately left my lips. "Omg Jungkook! Seoyeon is still here!" He looked down to our princess and chuckled awkwardly. "Oops. Baby, you didn't hear anything yeah?" Yeon just laughed heartily. I went back up to them and pecked Kook's lips before taking Seoyeon back in my arms. "How about we visit your uncles hm?" She immediately squealed happily. I chuckled and got her tshirt, putting it over her head. "I am sure they are waiting already" I nodded, agreeing with Jungkook.
Seoyeon was all giggly while Hoseok and Jin were playing with her. The others were just talking with each other while I was drawing Seoyeon in my sketchbook. I was totally ignoring the pain in my abdomen, not wanting to worry anyone. "Nawww. Now who is a beautiful baby?" My gaze went up, seeing Hoseok slap the back of Jin's head. "She's not a dog, dumbass" - "Hey! No swearing in front of my daughter!" The two immediately shut up, making me chuckle. But as soon as I started, I stopped again. The pain in my abdomen getting worse. I silently hissed, not wanting the others to hear. But of course luck wasn't on my side and they all looked at me worried. "I am fine. don't worry" As much as I tried to fake smile at them, they didn't buy it. Yoongi came up to me and kneeled in front of me. "Where does it hurt?" I shook my head. "I am not hurt, Yoon" He looked at me in disbelief and held my hands. "Tae... tell me" A shaky sigh left my lips before I pointed to where it hurt. "Can I take a look? It's where you have the c-section wound" A small nod was all I gave as answer. Yoongi pulled my shirt up a bit, revealing my tummy. Then suddenly he gasped. "Tae! Since when does it hurt? This is not nothing!" I went silent. Since when did it hurt? I don't know... "Uhhhh... I am not sure" Yoongi looked at me, his eyes full of worry. "Tae... the wound is badly infected. Did you not treat it the way I told you? The doctor has to help you, seriously" I quickly shook my head and stood up. "I am perfectly fine!I I swear!" My attempt to jump a little failed completly. It suddenly felt like the wound was ripped open again. I looked down, to see if blood would come out. It indeed did. "Taehyung, you can no longer lie to me. We are getting you to the hospital" A light sob left my lips. Jungkokok came up to me. "Baby, we are all with you. This is serious. Please baby" He gently held my hand, his eyes begging me to listen to Yoongi. I sighed and nodded lightly. The small spot with blood slowly growing bigger.
Jungkook POV
We all were sitting in the waiting room. Seoyeon was sleeping in her Maxi-Cosi. It's been good two hours since the doctor said they had to operate the wound. It was too infected to just give some medications. He said the wound already caught some purulence. I was just a wreck. I really hope everything goes well. My leg was lightly bouncing up and down from nervousness. Jimin laid his hand on my thigh. "Kooks, he is going to be fine. Don't worry. We all know he is strong" I sighed and nodded. He was right. Taehyung is strong.
The doctor came up to us, putting away his surgery mask. He was still wearing the surgery clothes. We all stood up once he was near us. "And? How is he?" A heavy sigh escaped his lips. "The surgery went well. We cleansed the purulence out of his blood. He would have had a blood infection if you came later. The only thing now is that he needs a blood transplantation. Due that we cleansed his blood, he lost quiet a bit blood. Can any of you donate blood?" - "What type?" The doctor looked at the documents. "Any type. He is AB. He can have all" Namjoon quickly stepped up. "I can do it. I already donated blood once" - "Okay just come with me. It could take some time. The others could just wait here for some moments again. I can't let you see Mr Kim as he is in check up right now" We all nodded and bowed before the Doctor and Namjoon left to a room.
We all could finally go and visit Tae after 30 more minutes. We went inside while I was carrying Seoyeon in her maxi-cosi. As we came in, we saw Taehyung sleeping on the hospital bed. An infusion and a small plastic bag filled with some blood were hanging on the IV pole. Jin took the maxi-cosi from me, silently signaling me to go to Taehyung. I quickly did so and went up to my baby. As I sat down next to his waist, I carefully brushed some hair out of his face. "Oh baby" I placed a kiss on his slightly paler forehead before holding his hand once again.

Taehyung POV
My eyes fluttered opened and immediately fell on the others who were talking amongst each other. Seoyeon was sitting on Jungkook's lap, drinking some powder milk. I carefully sat up, but hissed as some slight pain rushed through my abdomen. They all immediately looked at me. Jungkook stood up, holding Seoyeon in his arms. "Baby, are you okay?" I nodded lightly. He sat down next to me and carefully handed me Seoyeon. As soon as she was in my arms, she started squealing loudly while showing her toothless smile. I chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Mhmm my baby. Always so so cheerful hm?" Yeon just threw herself towards me, cuddling up to my chest. "Did she have her nap?" - "Jup. Don't worry, baby. I am taking care of her too not?" I smiled lightly and nodded, brushing my hand through Yeon's dark brown, fluffy hair. So so cheerful. Just like your father. Just like Seojun. I didn't notice that I spaced out until Yoongi snapped his fingers in front of me. I shook my head and looked at him. "You okay?" - "Jup. Don't worry" He smiled lightly before his face became serious. "You fucking idiot" His eyes glared holes in me. "You could have died if Namjoon didn't donate blood or if we didn't even bring you here!" I looked down ashamed, my hand caressing Yeon's back. They all sighed lightly. Kook gently grabbed my chin and made me look up again. "Why did you hide the truth from us hm? We are always with you. You don't have to hide the truth from us" A comforting smile rushed on his lips as he brushed some hair behind my ears. "I just didn't want to worry you...." - "Oh baby"

《《That was all for part seven!! One more part! Stay tuned and I hope you enjoyed!💜💜💜》》

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