Apocalypse (5/11)

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3rd person POV
Taehyung panted while having an arm around his cramping stomach. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to ignore the pain. His sword was on the ground next to him and the new dog tag in his hand. He was out to get himself some medications for the pain he has for some days now. The others weren't home so he could just sneak out, which he regretted now. The monster in front of him came closer, not caring about him already being in pain. Taehyung didn't even care that he might get killed now, all his focus was on those cramps. Hoseok heard something further away from them and looked around. Jungkook and Namjoon took notice of that and also listened closely. The monster let its crawls dig into Taehyung's skin, making the boy let out a scream. He weakly grabbed his sword and tried to stab the monster but it only dug the crawls more into his skin. Namjoon and Hoseok run to where the scream came from, seeing Taehyung and a monster. Hoseok quickly shot the monster three times, until it fell limp to the floor. The two run to Taehyung, seeing his thigh bleed badly. "Taehyung, what are you doing here?" The younger looked at them but didn't answer, instead he wrapped his arm around his stomach again. The others also came in the alleyway. Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Why was the boy out here? Hoseok wanted to help Taehyung but the other turned around and walked a few steps away, trying to get away from the others. He stopped and closed his eyes tightly, trying to ignore the pain in his thigh and stomach. Jungkook went up to him and laid his hand on the younger's back but it got slapped away from the other. Kim coughed hard, turning around hiding the blood in his hand. Junghyun watched with worried eyes. Taehyung's earphone made some weird noises, making him look around. He saw a monster walking behind the others. As he tried to talk, his coughs interrupted him. The monster came closer to the others. Jungkook held Taehyung's forearm. The younger freed himself and weakly grabbed his sword. Before the monster could hurt one of them, he stood in front and took the stab in the side. He gasped at the impact. Jimin quickly shot the monster five times, kicking it away after it stopped moving. Taehyung fell to the floor, holding his new wound. Jungkook and Jin rushed to him. Jungkook took off the bandage around his hand and wrapped it around Taehyung's stomach before picking him up bridal style. The others kept them safe. They came to their house again, Jungkook laid Taehyung on the couch and quickly grabbed the aid kit. Yoongi took Junghyun away from the scene, Jimin following them. Kook grabbed a lot of equipment to treat the two wounds on Taehyung's body. He started with the thigh. Once he was done with this, he looked at the small hole in Taehyung's side. He gulped before looked at Jin. "Hyung...." The older immediately knew what Jungkook wanted and took the equipment from the younger.

The wounds were treated and Taehyung was resting. The others were relieved that it went well and that Taehyung was treated. Junghyun was sitting next to his Hyungie, feeling sad to know that his Hyungie was hurt. Yoongi stood in the doorway, watching sadly as the little boy sniffled softly. He sighed softly and went next to him laying his hand on Junghyun's shoulder. "It's going to be okay, Junghyun. We all know that Taehyung is strong" The younger nodded lightly, still having his eyes on his Hyungie.

Taehyung curled up into a ball as the pain in his stomach was there again. He woke up 20 minutes ago and wanted to go back to sleep again. Jungkook entered the room, holding a tray in his hands. Once he saw that Taehyung was in pain, he quickly put the tray down and went to him. "What's wrong?" Taehyung just shut his eyes and groaned in pain. Jeon looked over him worriedly, until he noticed that the other was holding his stomach again. He carefully took away Taehyung's hands before he started to gently press around the stomach. Taehyung cursed at him once he pressed on his right lower side of his stomach. "Sorry. I think we should go to our medical room, Tae... it doesn't seem good" Kim looked at Jeon with pained eyes. The sight broke Jungkook's heart a little. "Let's go, hm?" He carefully picked up the younger in bridal style and carried him downstairs. "Jin can you come with us?" The others looked at them confused before Jin stood up and followed them into the medical room. Jungkook laid Taehyung on the bed and turned to Jin. "Hyung, can you make an ultrasound for him? He has really bad pain in his right lower stomach" Jin's alert tingled at that and he quickly nodded, getting the equipment. "Tae, can you free your stomach and pull your pants down a little?" The other just did as told, hissing and groaning from the pain here and there. Jin grabbed the transducer and the gel, putting some of the cold gel on Taehyung's stomach before carefully letting the transducer glide over the skin. Jungkook stood there, nervously staring at the monitor. Jin knitted his eyebrows together, looking at the monitor. "Let me just feel it" He gently wiped the gel away and carefully pressed on the spot, making Taehyung wince in pain. "Jup... that's what I thought. Taehyung you have an appendicitis and basically you need a surgery" The two younger boys looked at him shocked. "What do you mean surgery?" - "This infection can end deadly. We have to operate it as quick as possible, it's just that we don't have any real surgery equipment here" Jungkook looked at Taehyung and then back at Jin before speaking up. "The others and I will get the equipment" The oldest looked at him and nodded. "Just be careful and please come back soon" Jeon nodded and did a salute before walking out of the room, grabbing his gun from the cupboard. "Guys, I need someone who comes with me to get surgery equipment" - "Why surgery?" Hoseok asked confused. "Taehyung needs a surgery. He has an appendicitis" They looked at the younger shocked. One of them had a deadly infection. Yoongi and Namjoon stood up. "We'll come with you" Jeon nodded and soon they were out the door, leaving Hoseok, Jimin and Junghyun. Seokjin came out of the medical room, sighing deeply. "Jinhyungie, you will save Hyungie, right?" Junghyun asked, his eyes full of hope. The three elders looked at him. "At least I hope so. I hope that the medical knowledge I have is enough" The oldest said truthfully.

After nearly an hour, the others still weren't back and Taehyung's pain got worse, making Jin nervous. "Hyung, you have to do it now. Or else he maybe really dies" Jimin said sadly. Seokjin breathed out heavily, nodded. Jimin and Hoseok told Junghyun to not come into the room, unless there is an emergency before they grabbed some disinfection spray, clean knifes, a needle and thread, a bowl with hot water, a towel and a pack of tissues. They went into the medical room, seeing Taehyung curled up in a ball, groaning and sweating from the bad pain. "Tae, the others aren't back yet but we have to do the surgery now... we also don't have any numbing medicine, so you umm well it's going to be really painful?" Taehyung just nodded, being okay with everything that made this pain better. The three set the improvised surgery table. Hoseok put some tissues in Taehyung's mouth, his eyes filled with worry and something as if they were saying sorry. Jimin and Jin put the knife in the hot water and then sprayed the disinfecting spray on them, letting them dry a bit. "Okay. Are you ready?" Taehyung nodded weakly, preparing himself for the pain. As soon as Jin started the first cut, muffled screams was all that filled the room. Hoseok patted Taehyung's head softly while Jin was concentrated on the surgery. Jimin stood next to Jin to disinfect and clean the knifes again. Tears rolled down the younger's cheeks as he kept screaming into the tissues. After a few more minutes of screaming and crying, he passed out. Jin stopped for a second before taking that as a chance to do the surgery. The three guys who were out, getting the stuff came into the living room, only seeing Junghyun nervously sitting on the couch. "Hyun, where are the others?" The little boy looked at Jungkook. "They umm already started the surgery because the longer we waited the worse was the pain for Hyungie" Jungkook quickly grabbed the things and rushed to the medical room. He came in and saw Hoseok holding a passed out Taehyung's head while Jimin was disinfecting the first used knife. Jin was so concentrated, he didn't know what happened around him. Hoseok looked up as he heard the door open and saw his cousin, who wore a shocked expression. "Jin, Jungkook's here" Jin glanced at the boy standing by the door before looking back at Taehyung's open stomach. "I only need the surgical instruments. Taehyung passed out due the pain" Jeon quickly looked through the bag and took out the needed surgical instruments, putting them on the table where the other things were laid out. He then put the bag down and walked to Taehyung's head. Hoseok let go of the younger's head and stepped aside. Jungkook gently held Taehyung's head now, looking at the wound where Jin was doing his job. He wanted to cry and scream at god for getting Taehyung in this situation but he just stayed silent and laid his forehead on Tae's.

The surgery was over and Jimin, Jin and Hoseok came out of the room. Jin had some blood on his blue shirt, but he didn't care at that moment. He was relieved that he did it. Yoongi, Namjoon and Junghyun looked at them, asking how it went with their eyes. "He is okay. When he wakes up, I have to see if he is still in pain or not. But for now he is resting" The three sighed relieved, slumping back onto the couch. Jungkook took the tissues out of Taehyung's mouth, throwing them in the trash. "You did well" His voice was just above a whisper and slightly shaky. Without even thinking about it, he placed a kiss on the younger's forehead. "You did well, baby"

《《That was all for part five! Hope you enjoyed it!💜💜💜💖》》

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