Apocalypse (10/11)

16 1 0

3rd person POV
The guys, Mrs Kim and Junghyun desperately tried to wake Taehyung up. Jimin walked into the room ten minutes after Taehyung passed out and immediately called the others. Jin laid his finger under Taehyung's nose, feeling no breath. "What-?" He quickly drove his index and middle finger to the side of Tae's neck, searching for a pulse. Seokjin luckily found one and sighed in relief. "Guys can you go out for a minute?" Jungkook wanted to complain about that but Namjoon noticed the worry in his brother and quickly ushered them all out. As soon as they were out, Jin pinched the younger's nose close and opened his mouth a little. After a small mental preperation, he leaned down and connected their mouths, breathing into Taehyung's mouth, to get his breath back. After three more attempts, Taehyung finally panted hard, regaining his breathing while his eyes fluttered open. "Hey, are you okay?" Jin asked worriedly, helping Tae sit up. The younger nodded lightly, feeling dizzy. "It tried to k-kill me" He breathed out. Jin nodded lightly, knowing that he meant the monster's ghost, the monster he killed at first. "Do you need anything to drink? You were out for some time" - "I think I-it's okay. But thanks"

Eight months. Still one more month to go. The situation didn't loosen up any bit. Taehyung exhaustedly sat down on the couch after coming back from the bathroom. Jin, Mrs Kim, Junghyun and Jimin were cooking lunch while the other four boys were out to get some clothes for Tae and the baby. The young boy closed his eyes, leaning his head back. Just as he started to drift off, he felt something wet in between his legs. His eyes shot open at that, thinking he just pissed himself. "Hyung!" Jin looked over the kitchen aisle to Taehyung, seeing the darker spot under the younger. He gasped and quickly run to him. "Hyung, can you bring me to the bathroom?" - "Tae... you didn't pee. Your water broke" The others' eyes widened at that. Mrs Kim quickly laid the knife down and also went up to her son. "What does that mean?" - "Taehyungie, the baby is coming" The younger looked at her shocked. He still had one month to go. "W-what?"

And now 40 minutes later, he was in a lot of pain as the contractions got regular and more painful. Jimin held Taehyung's hand as another birth pang came. Mrs Kim looked after Junghyun, not wanting him to see this. It could get real ugly. Jin was mentally preparing himself to help with the birth, knowing that no one else could, as he was the only one with medical studies. Taehyung had his eyes squeezed shut, and was slightly rolled on his side at all the pain. He wanted Jungkook to be with him, but the older wasn't there. He was out there in the danger, getting clothes. "Shhh Tae.... we are all here. It's going to be okay, soon. You are doing great" Jimin said soothingly, brushing through the pained boy's hair, while his other hand was still holding Taehyung's. Jin then sighed to himself and went to the two boys. "Tae, I know this will be a little hard and embarrassing but I need you to take off your pants and underwear so I can well you know, feel how the baby is laying and if it slid downwards" Taehyung nodded weakly, taking off his pants and underwear with their help. Jin put on some gloves and carefully laid his left hand on the big baby bump. "This will definitely feel weird but I promise I'll be careful" He gently drifted his finger towards Taehyung's hole, pushing two in.

After a lot of screaming, crying and cursing, the baby was well up just like Taehyung. The newly baked mama, held his little baby girl in his arms while Junghyun, Jimin, Mrs Kim and Jin all cooed and smiled at the happy pants. Tae suddenly started coughing badly, making Mrs Kim carefully take her granddaughter while Jin held the boy's shoulder. "Hyung" They looked at Junghyun who pointed at his Hyungie's bleeding leg. "Omo!" Jin quickly grabbed the aid kit and treated the wound. Tae also slowly calmed down with the coughing. Jimin seeing the hand print around his neck, quickly got concerned. Then they all heard some knocks on the door. Jimin, Jin and Tae stood up and walked towards the front door, telling the other two to stay in the medical room and watch over the newborn. Jin opened the door slowly, seeing the other four guys. Tae immediately smiled widely at seeing his boyfriend. "Should we help carrying something?" Jimin asked softly, looking at the four guys. "And what did you get, Kookie?" The youngest asked, grabbing the lightest bag from his boyfriend's hand. Then they all started walking inside. The last one go be in front of the door was Taehyung. And right as he wanted to go inside, he screamed in pain as a monster's sharp, spear like arm stabbed through his stomach. The others stopped and quickly turned around at the scream. Jungkook's eyes widened at seeing the monster's arm through his boyfriend's baby belly. Taehyung's eyes filled with tears at the pain. The arm then rushed back out of his flesh and he fell to the floor, the baby clothes falling out of the bag onto the dirty ground. Jeon rushed to him, softly dragging him inside. "Baby, baby keep your eyes open! Our baby" Jungkook's eyes held many many tears as he thought about his probably now dead baby. Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok were all standing there shocked with a few tears in their eyes. Jeon then remembered the ability he has to heal someone. He quickly let his hand hover over his Love's stomach. The purple sparkles appearing again. Tae then weakly pushed Kook's hand from his stomach, looking at his crying boyfriend. "K-kook, s-top" - "No, no, no. I am not letting you a-and our baby d-die" He wanted to let his hand hover over the stomach again but Tae stopped him again by saying something that let him freeze. "S-she's w-with Hyun and m-mom, babe" The older parent looked at his boyfriend's pale face confused until they all heard faint baby cries. "W-wha--?" Jimin then decided to speak up. "Tae gave birth to your daughter just 20 minutes ago, Kooks. She is well up" Jungkook let out a relieved chuckle, until the realization hit him as he heard Tae cough badly. "BABY! You are still injured. P-please let me heal you" - "K-kookie, t-think of a n-name. S-she still needs one" That brought more tears in the eyes which were already glossy and some tears in Jin's and Jimin's eyes. "Yuri! Kim Yuri! Now please let me heal you!" Taehyung powerlessly put his hand on Jungkook's cheek, wiping the flowing tears away. "S-stop crying, K-koo. Yo-you're a d-dad now" Jungkook just didn't want the tears to stop rolling down his cheeks, he wanted to help his stubborn boyfriend. Taehyung's hand fell down again as the boy coughed badly, this time blood coming out of his mouth too. Jimin furiously wiped his tears and grabbed the aid kit, to at least stop the bad bleeding at Taehyung's stomach. Jungkook's hand shakily brushed through Taehyung's light brown locks. "You're going to be okay, baby..." - "Koo, I l-love you. D-don't forget t-that" Jeon shook his head aggressively, not wanting to hear that. "I love you too, but you are going to stay with me" Tae smiled weakly at him, happy with the I love you too. His eyes closed a few times but he opened them again, wanting to mesmerize his Lover's face. Then they all watched as Kim's eyes rolled back. Jungkook's body filled with panic almost immediately. "Baby?! Baby! Yah! Don't do this!" Yoongi, with a blurry sight, grabbed Jungkook's hand and let it hover over Taehyung's stomach. They all looked at Jungkook, wanting to know if he was really okay with it. The boy just nodded and let his hand in place, praying that it wasn't too late. Yuri's cries were also heard. Hoseok had already buried his head in Namjoon's chest, too sensitive to see this. Soon the purple sparkles were seen and the huge damage started healing. The broken organs were like new and the small hole that went through the boy's stomach started growing back into one clean, flat stomach. Kook wiped the few drops of blood from under his nose. He definitely lost some living time. Jin then also kneeled next to Taehyung and laid his finger under the younger's nose, not feeling any breath. Then he laid two fingers on the side of Kim's neck, finding a weak pulse. "He is alive. We should still try to steady his heart beat and get him back go breath. Jungkook maybe you want to do some mouth to mouth" The younger nodded lightly and followed Jin's instructions about how to do it. Soon after two attempts, the youngest had his breathing back and surprisingly also had a stronger pulse. They all sighed in relief while Jimin transferred the boy onto the couch. Then suddenly Junghyun came into the living room, with Mrs Kim walking after him. "Hyungie!" The boy went next to his Hyungie, seeing him passed out. Almost immediately he had tears in his eyes. "W-what ha-happened?" Hoseok carefully patted Junghyun's head. "Baby, he is fine again. Don't worry. Taehyung is just sleeping a bit" Mrs Kim bounced the little girl in her arms up and down, keeping her calm. Only now the boys saw her. Jungkook's breath hitched at the sight of a baby in Mrs Kim's arms. His baby. Hoseok was the first one to go up to Mrs Kim and Yuri, caressing Yuri's chubby baby cheek. "Hey, baby. Wah you are so pretty hm? Perfect mix between your Mommy and Daddy, right?" He said softly. Namjoon also came up to them, laying his right hand on Hoseok's waist, while admiring the baby. Seokjin eyed his brother and Best Friend. He had been watching them lately, noticing that they suddenly got really close and clingy with each other. It's like they started dating...

Jungkook had Yuri in his arms as he sat on the one person couch, feeding her some baby milk, as the little girl was hungry. The others were already sleeping since it was past 11 p.m. . Taehyung didn't wake up since what happened. He was still passed out. At least Jungkook and Yuri got some time to bond. The young father's finger brushed through the baby's soft, really dark but thin hair. "You look like your mommy, Baby" He whispered, not wanting to disturb her drinking process. "So beautiful. Our little girl"

《《That was all for part ten! Hope you enjoyed it!!💜💜💜💖》》

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