Truth (2/8)

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《《There may be a sensitive scene for some of you. If you aren't comfortable reading, please wait for the next chapter! Purple you!💜💜💜💖》》

Taehyung POV
It been good three weeks since Seojun left to that mission. I really missed him, but I am sure he is protecting people right now. Right now I was just listening to some music, leaning against a tree while making some more sketches about Seojun's suit and the flower bouquet. A small smile on my lips. Only four more months till our wedding. Suddenly the music cut as someone called me. I looked at the ID, my face litting up at seeing my fiance's name. I quickly picked up. "Junnie!" I squealed lightly. But that all soon washed away... "Hello? Is this Mr Kim Taehyung?" - "Uh... yes? Who is this?" The person, a female indeed, sighed on the other side of the line. "This is Officer Kang. Mr Han's co' boss..." I slowly stood up, putting my sketchbook away. "Oh hello... is um everything fine?" Officer Kang sighed heavily again.

Jungkook POV
We all were watching Taehyung again. In the past three weeks, he wasn't that smiley. He always sat against the tree and drew, until the lunch breaks were over. Right now his face showed a lot of concern. "What do you think is going on? The poor boy looks so worried" We all shrugged at Seokjin. He was definitely talking on the phone.

Taehyung POV
"I am sorry to tell you this, but ummm your fiance got shot on the mission" My heart stopped beating for a second and I could tell my face paled. "W-what? He is f-fine now, r-right?" - "I am sorry, Mr Kim... He died one hour ago" Tears immediately rolled down my cheek. I shook my head repeatedly. "No, no, no. H-he wouldn't l-leave me. We wanted to m-marry i-in four months. J-junnie promised to c-come back in n-no time" Small sobs left my lips as I slowly slid back down to the ground. Officer Kang hummed lightly. "I know... Whenever he talked about you, his eyes were shining and everyone could tell he loves you with his whole heart" I buried my face in my knees, my hand only shakily holding the phone to my ear. "H-he did?" She answered with a sad yes. It broke my heart. Another sob left my lips, tears wetting my pants. "Should I pick you up from the college? So we could talk a bit more privately?" - "Y-yes please" Officer Kang hummed and told she would be here in just a few minutes before hanging up. I just let the sobs leave my body. My shoulder shuddering up and down as I cried in my knees. My phone falling to the ground. "S-seojunnie..."

Jungkook POV
We all slowly got worried about the male at the tree. He had his face buried in his knees, phone laying next to him but he himself didn't move once. "I think we should go check right?" The others all agreed with Jimin while I had my eyes fixed on the boys. Just as we were about to go up to him, a woman in police uniform went up to him and placed her hand on Taehyung's shoulder. The boy looked at her and only now we could see his tear stained cheeks and red eyes. The officer brushed his hair back and helped him stand up.

Taehyung POV
Officer Kang picked up my phone and handed it to me, smiling sadly. "Let's go?" I nodded lightly and wiped the last tears on my cheeks away, grabbing my stuff. With that we went to her car, which was a police car. Students looking at us curiously. I heard some whispering about if I did something bad and would land in jail. I would honestly prefer that than to live in the empty house without my love coming back. Officer Kang held the passenger seat door open for me. I bowed my head before sitting inside, setting my bag in the foot room. Kang, or better say Officer Kang Eunho, got into the car too and drove off shortly after. I just tried to contain my tears once again.
We came to the hospital where they tried to save my Seojun. Eunho talked to a doctor, asking if I could see my fiance one last time. The doctor approved and lead us to the room. There was a metal like bed in the middle and a few machines and other medical equipment around. There was definitely a body laying on the bed, covered by white sheets. The doctor bowed to Eunho, leaving to give me some time. With slow, unsteady steps, I walked to the bed, slowly pulling the sheets away. Once they were gone, I was met with Seojun's nearly white face. His eyes closed and some cleaned wounds on the corner of his lips. Tears immediately returned und dropped onto his now pale neck. "M-my b-baby" I carefully brushed some hair from his forehead and stared at his features. The little things that I loved for eleven years and will forever love. My hand laid on his still cover chest, right the place where his heart was placed. My eyes fluttered close and for a moment I thought I could hear and feel his heart beat. Everytime I laid on his chest, I would lullaby myself to sleep by listening to his heart beat. His laughs and cocky comments replayed in my head. I didn't want to sleep anymore. It was a nightmare. I want to wake up. I'll go to sleep and then when I wake up again, Seojun would come into the room with pancakes, bacon and eggs on a tray to give me breakfast in bed. Everything will be fine and in four months we would marry. We would be happy and adopt a child, raising it with love and care. I opened my eyes once I knew this was the truth. Seojun was dead. And I had no time to say goodbye or give him a last kiss, a last 'I love you'. He was gone. My lips found their way to Jun's pale, cold forehead, placing one last kiss on his skin. "Please s-stay with me. E-even as a g-ghost" A stray tear fell on his cheek, rolling down until it fell onto the metal. A shaky sigh left my lips before I wipped my tears away and chuckled sadly. "I love you, Han Seojun. And I will forever love you" With that I slowly covered his face again and turned to Officer Kang who was smiling at me sadly. "Should we go get some ice cream?" - "Can we drink something from Starbucks? It was his favorite..." She nodded and hugged me before we bid our goodbyes to Seojun or better say his body. With that we left the room and went back to the police car.
I now sat in my once shared bed, tears dripping on the picture of us. It was our first kiss together. Seojun was the cocky romantic that day. Always telling me how good I looked and how he 'secretly' eye-fucked me. We were at the beach, had dinner in a beautiful restaurant and had a night walk after that. I put the picture away and curled up into a ball, the blanket wrapped around my shaking frame. Eunho gave me Seojun's engagement ring earlier just like the bracelet I gifted him on his 20th birthday. She said that the funeral would be held in one week and I got to put one jewelry into the coffin. I decided I would put our rings on two necklaces. One for me and one for him. And that's what I did. I already had the new ring necklace around my neck and the other one laid on the nightstand.

 I already had the new ring necklace around my neck and the other one laid on the nightstand

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I sighed shakily and laid down on my side. Tears wetting my pillow.
It was a week later, in which I didn't do anything. I didn't go to college nor did I eat or drink properly. I got a lot skinnier. I stood in front of my mirror, fixing my black suit. Today was Seojun's burial. I sighed and nodded, 'ready' to let go. I grabbed the necklace and then started making my way to the church. There were a few officers who were friends of me and Seojun. His boss and Officer Kang also here. The most officers, my friend, greeted me and hugged me. BamBam then came to me and held my hands. Through him Seojun and I met. "Tae..." I just smiled sadly and felt tears built up already. My longest friend reacted fast and pulled me to his chest, letting me cry there. "Shhhhhh... I am here. We are all here" His hand rubbing up and down my back in a comforting manner. I sobbed into his chest, not ready to let go.
I carfully laid the necklace around my Junnie's neck, the ring perfectly laying in the middle of his chest. Tears rolling down my cheeks as his favorite songs are quietly played in the background. His family and friends present just like my mother and sister. I whispered a broken 'I love you' before making my way back to the other. My sister, Jennie, immediately pulling me in a side hug, letting me cry on her shoulder. My mother laid her hand on my back, rubbing it too. I didn't cry this much after... my father's death. I was broken. The world took another one of my beloved ones away from me.
Soon the coffin was getting lowered in the grave. We all threw darker roses into the grave once the coffin was safely in the grave. Me being the last one. I grabbed a rose and kissed it before throwing it onto the coffin. BamBam comfortingly rubbing my arm. After I stood there a little longer, finishing my small prayer and love confession, I went with BamBam to my family. Jennie wrapping her arms around me again, my mom hugging us both. "We are here, honey" - "I m-miss him"

《《That was all for part two! Hope you enjoyed 💜💜💜💖》》

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