Idol (7/7)

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Jungkook sighed heavily before kissing Taehyung's forehead. "It's okay, baby. Let's just go and tell Bang PD that we want to leave hm? I am sure he will understand" Taehyung nodded and squeezed the younger's hand. "Thank you for being with me all the time" Jungkook just chuckled and knocked on the big wooden door. "Come in!" The younger of the two opened the door and gently pulled his boyfriend inside after him. "Oh! Hey you two! How are you? Are you good? How is Sungmin?" The two smiled lightly and bowed lightly. "Thank you for asking, PD-min. Sungmin is perfectly fine. We too, of course. But we came here to talk to you about something..." - "Of course! Of course! Sit down please" The young parents did as told and sat in front if their boss. "So, what do you wanna talk about?" Taehyung breathed out heavily before speaking up. "We wanna leave the group..." Bang smiled lightly. "I understand that. Is there a specific reason?" The youngest of the three nodded lightly, looking at his boss. "The thing is that Taehyung is mostly getting hate messages over Instagram, Twitter or basically every social Media. I just want to keep him safe from that..." - "Oh... yeah I totally understand... if you want you can still live with the boys. I am sure they would be happy about that. And I also wouldn't want you to leave. You became really important to me and other people in this company. But it's all up to you" The couple smiled at Mr Bang. "Thank you so much! Thank you for understanding too" - "Of course. I know it would be more uncomfortable for the both of you when you would continue being in an kpop group"



BTS' members V (Kim Taehyung) and Jungkook (Jeon Jungkook) announced that they officially have left the group. Many ARMYs are sad about those news but they sure have their own reasons. At 2 a.m V posted on Twitter, saying that he got a lot of hate messages over every social media account and he was too uncomfortable to continue being an idol. He also said that he would love to spend more time with his family instead of practicing and performing. No one of the other members posted anything. ARMYs are guessing that the two youngest just left without telling someone. Other than that, we wish the young parents luck and happiness in their future. Their son should be healthy and grow strong!

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Taehyung smiled widely watching as his boyfriend held his son's hands, helping him stand correctly. Sungmin was now nearly one year old and the couple loved to pay attention to their son all day. Taehyung started being a staff member for his friends and Jungkook a background dancer. They both didn't want to lose their favorite hobby. Jungkook didn't want to lose dancing, as it was his favorite thing to do, and Tae didn't want to lose fashion. We all know that he is a fashion king! "Come here baby! You can do it!" The older of the two parents had his phone in his hand, recording the scene. The Jeon father smiled lightly and helped his son walk for a few steps before slowly letting go of his tiny, chubby hands. Sungmin kept his balance well and shakily took a step forward. The parents of the cute baby smiling widely. The child took another step and another. And soon he was in Taehyung's arms. The two former maknaes cheering for their baby's first steps. "YAY! Minnie, you did so well!" Tae stopped the recording and held his son close to him. Sungmin was all giggly at how his parents cheered for him. "Momi" The younger father went up to them and sat besides them. "Yes, baby. That's your mommy and daddy" Taehyung smiled at his boyfriend and carefully put Sungmin in his arms. Momi was the first word that came out of the baby Jeon's mouth. That day all their friends were in the living room when Sungmin pointed at Taehyung and said Momi. You can say Sungmin looks more like Jungkook but is more clingy to Taehyung. Oh! He also most likely carries the same personality as Jungkook. We don't know till now. They were happy. For once they could live freely without hiding. Their fans also wished them luck in their life. They completely deleted all social media which were their BTS accounts. The other members still sing songs of the two. Jimin for example sung Jungkook's my time the other week. And Hoseok sung Taehyung's Inner child. And Yoongi released that the song lyrics are Taehyung's. They all had already recorded the song time ago. Blue&Gray. The fans crying over the song, knowing that Taehyung meant what he wrote in the lyrics. Even the haters felt sorry for putting the poor boy through depressed times. But the boy couldn't ask for more now. He had his friends and family, his boyfriend and son and even a supportive boss. Even his former fans! He was finally happy. Happy after so much hate through these years. He just pushed it away. He had his family.


《《That was all for Idol! I hope you enjoyed it!!💜💜💜💖 》》

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