Chapter 42

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A year went by and Beth began to get ready to return to the ring. She worked out as hard as she could but something in her told her going back wasn't for her. Wrestling was her life but she felt like it was time to hang it up. Her place was to be home with Silas and to give him the best life she could. Having two parents on the road would be super hard on him. Two weeks before she was to return to the ring she found out yet again she was pregnant. That was the sign she needed in her life to hang up her wrestling gear . She made one final appearance on AEW Dynamite but this time it was different. It was to announce her retirement. The fans werw heart broken and she would miss them all but it was time. 

Nick supported her decision and was over the moon with happiness that they would be expanding their family once again. Her pregnancy was a lot easier this time around and in the spring she delivered a healthy 7lb baby girl that they named Novella Ashlynn Jackson. Life was great. 

Before they knew it five years had passed. 

Beth sat next to the playground in their backyard watching Silas and Novella play with Mox and Renees twins Raider and Ryland.

Mox was rambling on about how his match the week before had kicked his ass and at 40 years old he was getting too old for this shit. 

"Shit or get off the pot Mox. If you are tired of doing this then retire. "

She replied with a laugh.

She was looking down at her phone as a headline caught her eye. 

"Breaking News the newest inductees into the WWE hall of fame have been announced and there is one name in particular we are excited to see. The Shield will reunite once again after seven years to be inducted into the hall of fame. Lovely and Moxely have been out of WWE for many years now. We wonder how this will go."

"No fucking way. Mox look at this."

She tossed her phone to him and he shook his head.

"I haven't heard anything about this. This isnt real is it? "

He asked in disbelief. 

Nick chose that moment to walk outside.

"Is what real? "

He asked as he handed Beth a drink. 

Mox handed the phone to him and he laughed. 

"No way. Is this something you all are gonna do?"

He asked handing the phone back to Beth.

"We gotta find out if its real first. "

Beth did the only thing she could think of . She called Hunter.

"So the shield is being inducted into the hall of fame?"

She asked as soon as he answered.

"Well hello to you too Beth. Im doing fine thanks for asking."

He replied sarcastically. 

"Yes i was gonna call you before it hit the media but word travels fast."

Beth looked over at Mox and nodded. 

"So what happens if we say no?"

He laughed on the other end.

"Im serious Hunter. What if this isn't what i want? Vince hated me after i left, why would i go back even just for something like this? "

He was quiet for a minute before he answered.

"This has been your dream since you were little Beth. Don't let bad blood be the reason you don't get what you earned and deserve."

She hung up and spent the next two weeks thinking about it.

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