Chapter 27

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Once Nick had fallen asleep she untangled from him and walked out onto the balcony of her hotel room. She hit Willows number and waited for her to pick up.

"Best friend!!"

She answered excitedly.

"Don't you dare best friend me you sneaky , conniving, little troll."

Beth replied . Willow laughed loudly already knowing why she was mad. 

"So Mox told you huh?"

"Yes he did and he invited the guys. Nicks looking forward to it. He has no idea the hell thats in store for him when he meets you. This man has fallen hard for me and you are gonna terrorize him on my birthday. "

She spoke thru clinched teeth.

"Oh stop it. He's gonna love me. Look you wouldn't let me meet him any other way so i took things into my own hands with the help of Mox. You are worrying too much. Its gonna be fun. 30th birthday go big or go home. "

Beth tried to remain serious but she couldn't help but laugh.

"Willow he doesn't drink , neither does his brother. They will be sober around all of you drunk fools. Im so nervous about this. "

"Wait he doesn't drink. What kind of freak is he? You know Seth didn't really drink either. You definitely have a type. Oh well , call us drunk fools all you want but you will be one of them. Relax best friend. Its gonna be a blast. Your future husband is gonna have a good time. "

The next day Beth and Nick headed to the arena a few hours before the show. They met Mox , Darby , and Matt in the catering hall. 

"So have you talked to Willow yet?"

Mox asked as she sat down. She glanced up at him and nodded as she began to eat.

"Yes i called and cussed her out last night. She thought it was the funniest thing in the world that i was mad."

"Why would you cuss out Willow? Isnt she supposed to be your best friend?"

Matt asked. She nodded again and laughed.

"She is, shes just a sneaky little troll and makes my life difficult."

"Are we gonna meet her at this party?"

Nick inquired .

"Oh yeah the party is being thrown by Willow. It was all her idea."

Mox interjected, earning a glare from Beth. 

"Good im looking forward to meeting her. Yall talk about her all the time. "
Nick added.

"Thats so funny because she said the exact same thing about you. Huh!"

Beth reached over and flung Mox' fork on the floor. 

"Testy testy there Beth. Just wait till you see the present she got you. You're gonna flip."

Beths eyes got huge and a frustrated groan left her mouth.

"This isnt gonna be good."

She mumbled. 

The show started a few hours later and the cage match was the main event. The crowd was excited to see Beth back with them. She watched as the cage came down locking the guys in. The match itself had her on edge. Everytime Nick hit the cage she was worried. Half way thru the lights went out in true inner circle fashion.
When they came back on they all stood in the cage surrounding the bucks. Beth screamed and shook the cage. The beat down began and there was nothing anyone could do. Cody , Kenny and Adam came running out and climbed the cage to get inside. Beth screamed at the ref to have the cage lifted and it began to rise once the elite was inside. The inner circle left the elite all in a heaping pile in the middle of the ring and taunted her.
The show ended there as the stadium stampede match was set. The guys were all safe with no injuries . They all rode back to the hotel together and went their separate ways. 

"Why did you seem so frustrated earlier about us meeting Willow. Is there something i should know?"

 Nick asked as they sat on the bed together.

Beth chuckled but said nothing , looking for the right words. 

"Willow is a lot to handle and i don't want her to scare you away. I like you too much for that. She wants to meet you so bad , so does my brother , but im afraid they will make you not want to be with me. They are super forward, blunt, and pushy. I don't know, its stupid. I feel like shes throwing this party just for her to meet you. Shes been my best friend since we were twelve and and i just want her to like you."

Nick nodded but remained quiet for a minute. 

"Im looking forward to meeting everyone in your life. Nothing anyone does will change the way i feel about you Beth. If anything, meeting your best friend and your family will give me more insight into who you are. These people have been with you your whole life , ive only known you a few months. I can't wait to hear stories about things you've done. Trouble you've gotten into. What a perfect way to learn about you than to celebrate you being alive. I think you are stressing this more than you should. If you don't want me to come i won't."

Beth shook her head and wrapped her arms around him in a possesive way 

"No i want you there more than anyone."

He beamed at that. 

"Good , now what do you want for your birthday?"

She thought about it for a second before she laughed.

"You , in nothing but a big red bow so i can unwrap my present."

He raised his eyebrows and made a mental note.

"Okay done , what else? Like something material."

She shook her head .

"Nothing, you don't have to buy me anything. You being there is enough. "

She leaned over and kissed him , trying to distract him from the question.

"Nice try , im still getting you something."

The next morning they all headed to the airport. Their flights where all around the same time so they sat around the airport waiting.

"So Cody isn't coming to the party. "

Mox announced as he sat down across from Beth.

"Not a shocker but why not?"

She asked casually.

"Well he doesn't want to take the chance of Caleb showing up, because your brother hates him for what he did six years ago and hes afraid of Willow."

Beth laughed loudly bringing unnecessary attention to herself.

"As he should be. Willow wants to kick his ass so bad."

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