Chapter 4.

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The next few weeks had Beth really racking her brain for the right decision. She knew deep down that WWE was no longer where she wanted to be but she felt such major dedication to the whole company that she couldn't just leave. She found herself at the WWE performance center on a monday morning heading to a meeting with the COO Triple H. Beth had Known Hunter since she was 5 years old. He was like a father figure to her. She knocked on his office door and just seconds later it opened to reveal Hunters smiling face. 

"Oh Bethy its so good to see you. Come in have a seat. Whats been going on? " She took a seat across from his desk and watched as he sat damn down and out his boots up on the desk. 

"Hunter i need to talk to you about something but i don't know how to go about it. I feel like you are gonna hate me and im scared." Looking down at her hands she took a deep shaky breath and bit her lip. Hunters feet left the desk and he sat up straight in his chair. A concerned look washed over him face as he watched her panic.

"Beth nothing you ever do will make me hate you. Whats going on? Are you okay?" 

She shook her head and sighed. 

"I want out of my contract."

Hunters eyebrows furrowed but his expression didnt change much more.

"Why would you want that?" 

All at once the flood gates opened and she let all her emotions out.

"I can't do this anymore. I cant pretend that my divorce hasn't destroyed me. I can't pretend that seeing them together doesn't make me want to die inside. I can't handle the thought of coming back and being in the same building as them. I hate that she got my title when i took leave. My pain was out on display and made a mockery of just to make them look inferior. This whole place doesn't feel like my home anymore. I want to feel welcome somewhere. I want to feel like im good enough and i dont think ill ever feel that again by staying here. This whole situation has destroyed any desire i have to return. I need out. I'm not asking, I'm begging you to let me go."

She was hysterical as all her emotions were released. Hunter was up, out of the chair and around the desk within seconds . He wrapped his arms around her and let her cry.

"Oh Bethy , im so sorry. I didn't know you felt this way. I don't want you to go but ill see what i can do. " 

Half an hour later she had calmed down enough to leave Hunters office. He had made a few calls and told her he would get back to her but in her mind it was done. Once she walked out that door she was no longer a WWE superstar. A week later her contract was terminated. She had a 90 day grace period before she could sign with any other company but 90 days was nothing compared to a lifetime of opportunities ahead of her. She hadnt said anything to Mox about the whole situation. She knew he had a big mouth and would spill the beans to the others. She wanted to tell them all together but she needed to do it before it hit the news. 

She decided to invite them over for a BBQ at her house. Mox , Cody , The Bucks , Kenny , and Adam. They planned a day that worked for all them and Beth got all the stuff ready. 

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