Chapter 29

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Beth got up and ran across the porch and jumped into her twin brothers arms.

Caleb had braced himself so they didn't topple to the ground. 

"I can't believe you are here. I missed you so much."

Tears were streaming down her face as she hugged him tight.

"Well i couldn't miss our 30th birthday could I ? I missed you too scar face."

He set her down and it was then that she noticed his bandmates standing behind him. She hugged all three of them and then led them all to the rest of the party.

"Okay introductions are in order. Everyone this is my twin brother Caleb and his band mates Chris, Charles and O'Neill . "

She introduced them and then began the other side.

"This is Kenny , Darby, Matt and Nick."

They all said their hellos as Caleb walked over to Nick .

"So you are Beth's lover boy. Interesting. Its nice to meet you."

Beth groaned as they shook hands.

"Yeah thats me . Its very nice to meet you. Beth talks about you a lot. Happy birthday. "

Nick replied happily.

Caleb thanked him and turned his attention to Willow.

"My god Wills you are looking good enough to eat. " 

Willow made a gagging sound and held up her hand.

"Give it up Caleb. That ship sailed a long time ago. Been there, done that , bought the shirt but returned it cause it was too small if you get my drift."

Caleb acted like she had just shot him in the heart. 

"Awww you are breaking my heart. I don't know why you married James. I was all the man you needed darling."

Willow laughed maniacally.

"I think you meant to say not man enough with your micro penis."

Everyone laughed as they went back and forth. 

"Mega Penis."

Caleb corrected with an exaggeration of his hands. 

They bickered back and forth for awhile as the rest of the party continued. Matt , Kenny and Darby all sat discussing music and wrestling with Chis, Charles and O'Neill. 

"I take it your brother and Willow dated at one point."

Nick mentioned as he pulled her in for a hug. 

"On and off for like eight years. Until Willow met James and that was the end for Caleb. They are a damn mess."

She laughed and rested her head on his shoulder.Everything was going great until Caleb turned his attention back to Nick a little while later .

"So whats your intentions with my sister Nick? "

Beth shook her head and stopped him from answering .

"No uh uh Caleb this is what we arent gonna do. Nick you dont have to answer that."

Nick seemed super amused by the whole scene at hand.

"I just want the 411 . After all you are sleeping with my twin sister and i know nothing about you. "

Mox and Willow sat off to the side taking bets on who was gonna lose their shit first. All bets were on Beth. 

"Ill answer anything you want to know. Beth is amazing and im enjoying being with her."

Nick replied taking her hand. She smiled at him and then looked over at Caleb.

"So you aren't just using her for a cheap thrill. You're not just a squirrel trying to get a nut? Not just trying to get your rocks off and then drop her like a sack of potatoes? Cause if that's the case then i need to know so i can figure out where to hide the body. "

Beth stood up in outrage and yanked Caleb to his feet by his ear. 

"Kitchen now!"

She pushed him and walked into the house ignoring the hysterical laughter coming from everyone on the porch.

"Have you lost your fucking mind. How dare you speak to him like that. Hes one of the most amazing people ive ever met and you are gonna ruin this for me. Why the hell can't you act like a normal person? Get to know him like a fucking adult and not treat him like hes a horny teenager. For the love of god Caleb i am two seconds away from kicking the shit out of you. "

She screamed at him.

"Oh come on Beth you know i was kidding. Im sure every one knew i was kidding. You gotta loosen up a bit. "

His laughter only fueled her rage.

"No you were not just kidding. You want to intimidate him , make him think you are superior. It took me months to actually give in to this relationship Caleb. Ive been terrified its gonna be just like with Seth. Ive got Cody in my ear telling me its a mistake and you and Willow pushing things too far. "

She lowered her voice and took a deep breath. 

"Look im sorry. Ill go out there and apologize. I just don't want to see you hurt. "

Caleb frowned as he saw how upset she was. 

"I'll hurt more if i lose him Caleb. He's the best thing in my life right now. "

With that Caleb went back outside and Beth made her way to the bathroom. As she pushed the door open she laughed. Willow had decorated the entire house. Bathroom included. Streamers and balloons littered the entire bathroom.

She had even wrapped the toilet . She washed her face and headed back to the party. Nick and Caleb were chatting about old school wrestling. The little scene from a few minutes ago forgotten. 

"Willow why is my toilet wrapped in streamers? "

She asked as she walked back out to the party.

"Creativity knows no limits Bethy and neither do i. Wait till you see your bedroom. "

With a laugh Beth walked over and grabbed another white claw. If she was gonna make it thru this party she needed to drink. 

"Are you okay? Caleb came out and apologized to Nick and it looks like they are hitting it off now. "

Mox and Willow both stood next to her at the drink table.

"Im fine. Clearly Nick isnt fazed by any of y'alls bullshit so im gonna just drink and enjoy my party. Just know the three of you are horrible people and i hate you."

She held up her drink and they both clinked their drinks on hers.

"So she comes into the room and tries to take her shoes off. Falls over one shoe gone and just giggled the entire time. I had to help her change and put her to bed as she giggled and made passes at me."

Nick told them all about her drunken night on the ship and how he thought it was the cutest thing. 

"For our 25th birthday we rented out the 4040 club in new york. They had stripper poles on the bar and those two decided it would be a good time to dance on them. Well not even ten minutes later Beth slid right the hell off the pole and ended up spinning in circles on the bar stool laughing hysterically and Willow twerked so hard she split her shorts and gave the entire club a great view of her ass. "

Caleb explained pointing to Beth and Willow. 

" There seems to be a pattern here with you and falling off tables while drunk."

Nick pointed out with a laugh. 

"It happens more than you think. Trust me you will witness it at some point in life."

She replied covering her face in shame.

"Its pretty damn funny each and everytime it happens. "

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