Chapter 32

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The following week the elite and Mox went to the E3 video game convention to support Kenny as he had a video game competition. Beth roamed around looking at all the random video games that were being advertised. One thing about Beth was that she had loved video games since she was little. She looked around without a care in the world . Every once in awhile a fan would come up to her and ask for a picture but aside from that she just took in her surroundings. She was standing at a Nintendo booth when she heard a voice that haunted her dreams.

"Beth? Is that you?"

She turned around and came face to face with her ex husband Seth Rollins.

"Hello Seth. How are you?"

Her voice shook a bit and she knew he could hear it. 

"Im doing great. How are you? You look amazing. "

His hair had gotten a little longer and his beard was a little more bushy but he was still the man she had once been head over heels for. 

"Thank you. Im doing amazing. Ive never been this happy in my life. Oh by the way congrats on the baby news. Im happy for you."

He smiled and nodded 

"Thank you. We are very excited. Im glad you are happy. You look it. "

She was mentally begging someone to come over and break up this little pow wow. Low and behold out of nowhere came Nick and Mox.

"Hey beautiful i wanted you to see this …. Oh am i interrupting something? "

Nick played it off as he wrapped his arm around her waist. 

"No not really. Nick this is my ex husband Seth , Seth this is…"

"Her boyfriend. Nick Jackson. "

Nick interrupted her holding out his hand. Seth looked between them and then shook his hand. 

"Nice to meet you. So i take it you are the reason shes so happy. Thats great . Hey Mox whats up?"

He turned his attention to Mox who nodded at him but said nothing. 

"Yes im the reason shes happy. I fought like hell to get her. So thanks for being a cheating piece of shit cause now shes mine forever. If you'll excuse us. " 

Nick grabbed her hand and pulled her along side him as he walked away. Mox was right behind them laughing his ass off. 

"That was the greatest thing ive ever seen. "

"I can't believe you did that. I love you so much."

She laughed as he leaned down and kissed her .

"I love you too. I saw you talking to him from across the room and i yanked Mox away from whoever he was talking to , to come with me. Ive never felt rage like that before."

He explained still holding onto her hand tightly. 

"Well im glad y'all saw me cause i was starting to panic. "

"I can't believe he had the audacity to come and talk to you like nothing ever happened. " Matt stated a few hours later as they all sat in Beth's hotel room. 

"He even told me i looked good. I didn't know how to react. "

Beth replied as she sat in a chair with her feet propped up on the bed. 

"I feel like he wanted to say something but wasnt given the chance."

Nick shook his head from the bed and played with his phone .

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