Chapter 41

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The morning of the Wedding came quickly and Nick took Silas with him so Beth could get ready in peace. 

"I can't believe you are getting married to Nick Jackson today. We knew y'all would get together but who would of thought it would be forever. "

Stella stated as she worked on her hair. 

"I never thought id get married again. Hell before i met Nick i had sworn off men all together. "

Beth laughed as she sipped a glass of Champaign.

" Now look at your ass , getting married and you got a baby. Moving on up in the world. Mox, Matt and i spent months trying to figure out how to get y'all together. It was my idea to kick Nick out of Matts room on the cruise. I knew you had an empty bed and would invite him to stay with you. I basically used Mox as the middle man. "

Willow explained with a triumphant laugh.

"You sneaky little wench. However i knew you were plotting. Mox tells me everything remember. "

Beth laughed as she looked over at Willow. 

Stella finished up her hair and Maggie did her makeup. She had just gotten into her dress when someone knocked on the door. Renee answered it and moved to the side to reveal Cody. 

"My god , you look amazing Bethy. "

He stated as he walked in. He was wearing his light blue suit. 

"Thank you Cody. What do you want?"

She couldn't help but be a bit snappy. 

"I just wanted to talk to you really quickly. Alone if at all possible."

She nodded and looked over at Willow.

"If i hear yelling ill beat your ass Cody. You should be very afraid."

Willow glared at him. He held his hands up and left the room. Beth followed him.

"Look i just want to apologize. Things have been rocky between us for many years now and its all my fault. I let my jealousy get in the way of our friendship. I love you Beth , always have and always will but now its different. You are my family, one of my best friends. Ive messed up a lot in our lives and for that im truly sorry. I may have ruined my marriage because of my bullshit but i want you to know i am so happy for you. You deserve nothing but happiness and i can see that you got that with Nick. "

His sincerity made her smile.

"Ive spent so many years hating the person you were. Even now i don't quite trust you but i appreciate your apology, and i accept it. Im happy , hell im happier than ive ever been. Theres no sense in dwelling on the crap of the past. "

An hour later the finishing touches were being made and all the guests had taken their seats. The wedding party got into place and they all began to walk down the isle.  Jay and Caleb were waiting to walk her down the isle. They had decided that they both were too important to choose between. 

"You look amazing baby girl. "

Jay stated as he sniffled, a few tears fell from his eyes.

"Yeah Beth. You look stunning. Are you ready to walk down to your future?"

Caleb asked as he held out his arm. 

She took both of their arms and took a deep breath.

"Ive never been more ready for anything in my life."

The music began to play and everyone stood up and turned to watch her walk down the isle. She saw Nick at the end waiting for her and he looked gorgeous. His hair was down and he was wearing his black tux. Matt held Silas who was wearing a matching tux. How they found a tux that small she had no idea but he looked adorable. Nick was crying when she got to him.

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