Chapter 39

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Beth stood there in shock as her mother ran around grabbing her hospital bags . She watched Nick on the tv and knew she couldn't call him right now. She pulled her phone out and dialed the only person she could think of.

"Cody my water just broke. Please as soon as Nick gets out of the ring have him headed to me. Im on the way to the hospital now. I dont care if he flies , drives or runs at this point , just get him here !"

She hung up and pain hit her hard. She took one last glance at the tv to see Nick flying thru the air and then rushed out of the house. She had just walked into the hospital twenty minutes later when Nick called.

"Im leaving now. We are only five hours away im gonna try and drive as fast as i can. There are no flights out until the morning. Are you okay?"

He was frantic.

"Im scared Nick. Hes too early. "

She cringed as another pain hit her.

"He's gonna be okay. I promise."

They put her into a room and hooked her up to all the monitors.

"You are about a six right now. This baby is coming whether we like it or not. "

A few hours later she laid in the bed watching the monitor. Her contractions were just minutes apart and she was in a lot of pain.

"Your heart rate keeps dropping and its putting stress on the baby. We are gonna monitor it for a little while and if it doesnt change we are gonna need to take you back for a c-section. With him being so early we don't want to put any unnecessary stress on him."

The nurse explained as she watched the monitor.

"Nicks not here yet. He can't come until he gets here. He can't miss his birth."

Beth cried as she began to panic.

"You need to calm down. Right now you and the baby are the most important things. "

Her mother tried to calm her down. With each contraction over the next hour both of their heart rates continued to fluctuate. They put her on oxygen and made the executive decision.

"We need to take you back now. The baby is in distress. If we don't do it now you both could die. "

The doctor stated as they wheeled a gurney into her room. They moved her on to it and took her back. They gave her something to knock her out and the last thing she remembered was hearing Nicks voice off in the distance.

She woke up in recovery 2 hours later numb as all hell. Nick sat next to her in a chair holding her hand.

" made it. Hows the baby?"

She asked in her groggy state.

"I made it just as they knocked you out. Hes in the nicu. He was having trouble breathing on his own so they are keeping him on oxygen. Hes beautiful. He's so tiny and fragile. There were complications on the table though. The umbilical cord was around his neck and you began to bleed out. It took them awhile to stop the bleeding. You almost died, they had to give you a transfusion. As soon as they delivered him they rushed me out of the room. All these alarms started to go off. The monitors flashed like something out of a bad movie. That was the scariest thing ive ever experienced. I didnt know if you were gonna live to even see our son. "

Tears were rolling down his face as he kissed her forehead.

"Im sorry you had to go thru that baby. Im glad you made it in time to see our son be born. When do i get to see him?"

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