Chapter 34

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Beth and Nick hadn't discussed the Cody issue. She felt like Nick just didnt know how to bring it up. Matt and Nick had both agreed it was the best thing for Nick to go with her to visit her parents, even if it meant missing Dynamite. They left early Monday morning and traveled to Muscle Shoals, Alabama.

"Im just warning you right now, my parents are not like your parents. They are foul mouthed, blunt , and love to pick on people. They mean well but this will definitely be a test of your love. If you break up with me after these three days i will understand."

Beth prepped him as they drove up the drive way to the house.

"I will not be breaking up with you ever. So get that thought out of your mind. Im sure your parents will be great. "

Nick laughed as he patted her knee.

She looked over at him with an unsure look.

They parked in front of the barn style house with the red front door and grabbed their bags. As they walked up the front walkway they could hear music coming from the house.

She pushed open the door and walked inside. They could hear music coming from upstairs. They set their bags down in the living room and walked into the kitchen. Her mother sat at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and her tablet.

"Hi momma."

She looked up and smiled big.

"My baby. I didn't hear you come in. "

She got up and pulled her into a hug.

"Mom this is Nick. Nick this is my mother Penny."

He shook her hand .

"Its very nice to meet you."

He replied with a smile.

"It's very nice to meet you too Nick. Finally. I feel like my daughter has been avoiding let you meet us. JAY! Come downstairs and see Beth."

Her mother yelled loudly. The music stopped and footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs.

"Do you have to yell like that babe. "

Jay said as he rounded the corner into the kitchen.

"Yes i do , im surprised you heard me over that ruckus you were causing up there."

Penny replied matter of factly.

"Trust me , your voice travels. Hi baby girl. How are you?"

He gave her a bear hug and then turned to Nick.

"Jay this is my boyfriend Nick. Nick this is my step dad Jay."

Jay shook his hand and clapped him on the back.

"I was starting to think you didn't exist. Beth has kept you from us for so long. Its great to see shes not crazy."

Nick laughed loudly as Beth rolled her eyes and rubbed her forehead.

"We have been busy im sorry its taken so long to bring him around."

She mumbled as she walked over to the coffee pot and poured herself and Nick a cup of coffee.

"Eight months. You've been busy for eight months. Couldn't find one weekend to come and see us. I think you are ashamed of us. "

Penny announced as she sat back down at the table.

"I wonder why that is."

Beth replied with a laugh. Penny threw a pen at her and stuck her tongue out.

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