Chapter 16

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Beth arrived home about 6am. The party wasnt till noon so she had time to sleep. As soon as her head hit the pillow she was out like a light. Five hours later her alarm went off startling her out of her deep sleep. She got up, showered and applied her make up. Her lip was super busted and her nose was bruised across the top. She tried to conceal the dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep . She put a green sundress on and headed the four miles down the road to Willows house. She pulled into the driveway and parked to the side of the house, grabbed the presents she could carry and headed inside.

"Aunt Bethy"

Out of nowhere two little girls came running at her. Her god daughters McKenna and Brooklyn both were jumping on her.  

"Girls let Beth at least put her stuff down before you tackle her. Hey Beth hows it going?"

James , Willows husband greeted her.

"Hey James , everything is great. Hey there's a few more presents in the trunk of my car but i couldn't grab them. could you do it for me please?" She had both girls hanging on her as she began to walk thru the house.

"Yeah no problem."

He said as he headed outside.

The party was in full swing on the back porch by the pool. The sliding glass door was open allowing her to slip out.

"Best friend!!!!!"

She heard yelled from across the back yard. Willow came running at her as she set the presents down on the table. Willow gave her a big hug and handed her an already open fresh white claw. 

"How did you know i needed this?"

She laughed as they clinked their cans together.

"I just knew."

James entered the backyard with a giant package at that point.

"Beth this shit weighs a ton , what is it?"

He groaned as he sat it on the ground by the present table.

"Its a surprise,i cant tell you. However yall arent gonna be happy about it but McKenna will be so thats all that matters."

Over an hour later the presents were opened and her surprise was revealed.

"Is that a fucking wrestling ring? "

Willow asked as Mckenna pulled the paper off the box.

"Its a kids size ring but yes it is. McKenna told me a few months ago she wanted to wrestle just like me. So i took it upon myself to start that process."

Beth smiled with pride. Willow shook her head and looked back at her daughter.

"Beth, i really hate you."

"No you dont , you love me. "

McKenna came running over and gave her a big hug. 

"Thank you Aunt Bethy. This is the best present ever. Daddy can we build it and do some moves?"

She ran back over to her dad. 

"Uh maybe later sweetie."

The party began to die down a bit after cake and ice cream. Beth finally got a chance to talk to Willow alone. 

"So he kissed me."

She randomly blurted out in between sips of her drink.

Willows head snapped around so fast she looked like the exorcist. 

"Youve been here for three hours and you are just now telling me this. What the hell Beth. Details i need them all. How'd it happen? when? was it amazing? Ive got questions."

She had moved her chair closer to Beth at this point and was facing her completely.

"Well he came to my room yesterday morning and i had just gotten out of the shower. I was in only a towel and he knocked on the door. He saw me , got all flustered , and next thing i knew i was up against the wall and his mouth was on mine. It was amazing. Hes a good kisser. "

She laughed as Willow hung on her every word.

"Okay and then what happened? Are yall dating. Did yall….you know?"

"No we are not together and we did not sleep together. We kissed a few more times but thats all. I don't have any other details for you best friend. "

Willow clutched her heart and sighed dramatically. 

"Its all happening. Im so happy for you. Girl see i told you he liked you. I told Mox that too. He didnt believe me at first either but he does now. Evidently does he know y'all kissed?"

Beth finished her drink and stood up to grab another one. 

"The fact that you and Mox are in cahoots is such a scary thing . No he doesnt know and you better keep your trap shut. I dont know where this is going and i dont want him scaring Nick away."

Willow waved her off with a chuckle.

Beths phone dinged signaling she had a text message. She looked down at her screen and smiled. It was from Nick.

"I hope you are enjoying your god babies party. I can't wait till Tuesday to see you again. "

She took a shaky breath and smiled wider. The butterflies in her stomach were fluttering at top speed. 

"You are talking to him arent you?"

Willow glanced over her shoulder at her phone. 

"Awww how cute. He cant wait to see you. You are gonna be on a ship with him for five days. You better sleep with him Beth. Lord im so fucking mad i cant go. James has a business trip and i don't have anyone to watch the girls. "

Willow turned to James and glared at him.

"Babe you are ruining my chance to meet Bethys new man. You are ruining my life."

She yelled dramatically. James who was very used to Willows crap just rolled his eyes and shrugged.

"Sorry hunny, ill try to do better."

Beth burst out laughing. Those two were too much sometimes. She looked back down at her phone and replied to Nick.

"I am absolutely enjoying the party. I cant wait to see you too. "

She hit send and put her phone back in her pocket. 

A couple days later Beth found herself sitting in her bedroom surrounded by clothes with two empty suitcases. Willow stood in her closet. Every few minutes she'd hold out an outfit thru the door.

"How about this one?"

She held up a beautiful black and red low cut romper. Beth thought about it for a second before she said yes.

"Im getting nervous."

She mumbled as she folded a few outfits and placed them into the suitcase to her left.

"What about the match , the cruise , or about Nick?"

Willow asked as she poked her head out of the closet.

"I dont know , a little bit of everything. I guess. "

"Well the cruise will be just fine, you will love it and want to go on another one before you know it. As for the match , girl this shit is second nature. You got this in the bag. Now for the topic of Nick i think you should put all of your reservations to the side and live carefree while you are on the cruise. Spend as much time as you can with him. Also pack these cause you may need them."

Willow threw a couple matching pairs of sexy lingerie into the suitcase. Beth rolled her eyes but thought to herself it was actually a good idea. It took them four hours to totally pack her luggage but she was finally ready for the Jericho cruise.

"So its leaving out of port canaveral at 1pm tomorrow it will only take a couple hours to get there from here so ill pick you up about 8am once i drop the girls off at school. "

With that Willow left. The nerves were getting to her but like Willow said she needed to keep an open mind and let whats meant to be , be.

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