Chapter 38

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Nick was not happy at all when she told him about Seth showing up at her house.

"He is so lucky i wasnt there. I would have beat his ass."

He fumed on the other end of the phone.  She insisted everything was okay but he was still mad. 

"I can't wait till we are living together. That way i can protect you from everything that tries to dull your happiness."

 Over the next few weeks Beth and Willow began to not only shop for the babies but plan the wedding. Nick and Beth had decided they would be getting married August 14th. Which was exactly two months after her due date. In the hopes that she could drop some baby weight and not look like a whale in her dress. 

"Is it bad that i feel like everything is moving too fast? I mean im 25 weeks pregnant now and planning my wedding . Its just nerve racking. Im just waiting for something bad to happen. Everything is just too good to be true. "

Beth stated as they shopped for baby stuff.

"You always look for the bad in a good situation Beth. Please for once in your life just enjoy the good. "

Willow replied as she threw a bunch of baby clothes into the buggy. 

"When are you all gonna set up the nursery?"

Beth looked at her and frowned. 

"About that, we arent gonna be setting up a nursery here in Daytona. We will just have the basics for him in case he arrives early. But im planning on moving to California once hes born. "

Willow turned around and just stared at her. 

"You're really gonna leave me again. I knew it. Do you know how far California is? Im never gonna see you. "

She was visibly upset.

"Willow please. His entire family is there. I can't expect him to leave all of them and move to crappy Daytona. You were okay when i was in Iowa. Whats the difference now?"

Beth felt terrible as she saw how upset Willow had gotten.

"I don't know Beth. Its just i don't want to lose you again. Our sons are supposed to grow up together. "

"They will. Im not dying Willow im just moving. "

Willow pouted for awhile as they continued to shop. 

"Are you gonna sell your house? Like for real this time?"

She finally asked after an hour of not speaking.

"Yes , im not keeping it this time. I don't think i need to. "

Beth replied looking at car seats.

"Can i have it?"

She asked seriously. Beth looked honestly confused.

"Can you have what?"

"Your house...duh."

She looked over at her and laughed.

"You want me to just give you my house. "

"I mean instead of selling it to a stranger ill move my growing family in , that way you can come back and visit. Ill even keep the wrestling shed the exact way you leave it. "

Beth thought about it for a minute.

"If i say yes does that mean you will not be mad that im moving?"

Willow scrunched her nose but nodded.

"Okay fine , you can have my house. Most best friends give out friendship bracelets or hand down furniture when they move. Im gonna give you an entire six bedroom house."

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