Chapter 10

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Tuesday afternoon Beth got off her 8 hour flight to Detroit michigan . Aside from Mox she hadnt talked to any of the guys since the group chat. She wasnt avoiding them, they all just had their own things to do. Once she had her luggage she hauled it out to catch the shuttle to her hotel. At the hotel she had enough time to drop off her bags and then head to the venue for a meeting. She walked into the arena and watched for a minute as the crew worked on building the set. The show wasnt until tomorrow but it took a lot to get everything perfect. Looking down at her watch she hurried back stage to find where the meeting was taking place. Cody had decided every tuesday the whole roster would meet up to discuss the up coming show. She slipped into the room silently and stood next to Mox.
Cody was already talking about tomorrows show. He was mapping out the match list as she glanced around the room. Her eyes caught Nicks as she scanned the room. He smiled at her but tried to act like he was listening. Cody brought up the Jericho cruise and took a vote. Almost everyone in the room voted yes. Chris explained all the details of the cruise and then told them it was just a month away.  The meeting lasted an hour before everyone was dismissed to go about their day. 

"So its settled we are hitting the deep seas in one month. Are you excited? "

Nick walked up next to her as she left the conference room. 

"I guess im a little bit excited. As long as we dont sink like the titanic." 

She replied looking over at him. He laughed as if she was the funniest thing on earth.

"Well if it happens we will have to reenact that steamy car scene before we die. "

This time it was Beths turn to laugh. 

"Ive said it once and ill say it again. You are frickin corny . "

" I accept that. You will soon find out its one of my best traits Beth."

He stopped walking and waited for her to do the same.

"Are you hungry?"

His question caught her off guard. 

"Uhhh...what? I mean yeah i guess...why?"

She stuttered her response and internally cursed herself.

"Well im starving and i think we should go grab some lunch. Matt will be busy most of the day helping Kenny with something and Adams not feeling great . So please dont make me eat alone."

He pouted at her like a child.

"Oh i get it. So im like the last resort for lunch dates huh?"

She tried to keep a straight face but failed miserably as a smile spread across her face.

"You will never be a last resort Beth."

Even though internally she was screaming not to go she agreed and they found themselves at a little pizza place around the corner from the venue. 

He ordered two pieces of Supreme pizza and a diet coke . She ordered two pieces of Hawaiian pizza and a sweet tea. 

"Pineapple should not go on pizza. Thats an abomination. "

His face looked disgusted once she had ordered and the waitress walked away. 

"That's the only way i will eat pineapple for your info. And im not hating on your order so back off mine."

He held his hands up in surrender.

"Okay okay , but still its just wrong."

Beth threw her straw wrapper at him from across the table. It bounced off his nose and then hit the table. 

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