Chapter 24

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The next morning they woke up as the ship was docking back in Cape canaveral. They still had a few hours before they could get off which gave them time to pack.

"Im gonna miss spending every night cuddled up with you. "

Nick announced as he shoved his belongings into his suitcase.

"I know its gonna be weird just seeing you two days a week now. The last five days have been awesome. Im gonna miss you."

She admitted with a pout. In her brain she couldnt understand how she had gotten so attached to this man in just five days. She walked over and wrapped her arms around him. Nuzzling her face into his neck. 

"We will just have to make those two days count."

He replied as he held her close. They stayed like that for the longest time. Neither one wanting to let go.When it was time to go, they said their goodbyes in their room before they parted ways. Nick went off to find Matt and Dana while Beth exited the ship with Mox. Willow was waiting in the parking lot for her. 

"Best friend!!!!!!"

She yelled as she jumped out of the truck to hug her.

"Hi best friend. Thanks for picking me up."

She loaded her luggage into the truck as Mox and Willow chatted. Once everything was settled in the truck she said goodbye to Mox and they set off towards home.

" was it?"

Beth smiled , took a deep breath and spent the entire ride home telling her all about the trip.

"Yes bitch, yesssss im so glad you finally fucked him. I cant believe you offered your room to him. You are growing up. Im so proud. Lord i was hoping you and him would end up together on this cruise. And you did. Ive never been so happy before."

Willow punched the steering wheel excitedly as she screeched.

"Jesus Willow calm down. You would think you were the one who slept with him, not me. Hes amazing. All around. The sex was mind blowing , i swear we spent more time tangled up in eachother then we did anywhere else. Im sore, very , very sore. But its a good kind of sore. "

Beth laughed watching Willow get all excited.

"Fuck yes , so where does this go from here. Are y'all dating or just fucking? "

Beth shrugged unsure herself .

"No idea. We will just see as we go."

She told her all about the fight between her and Cody as well.

"You know i don't understand why Cody does this every time you get with someone. If you remember this didn't start with Seth. Hes been like this with everyone you ever dated. Maybe he just wants you to be alone. Kinda like if he can't have you , no one can sort of thing."

Beth thought about what Willow said and it actually made a lot of sense. 

"He had the chance to be with me back in the day and he blew it. Hes happy with Brandi and has been for almost 10 years. Why does he keep interfering with my happiness?"

Willow shook her head as she kept driving.

"Hes dumb, but enough about all that. I can't wait to try on your women's championship belt."

Once Willow dropped her off at home she showered and made herself something to eat. She sat in front of her big screen tv and stared aimlessly. So many things were going thru her head , the last five days replayed in her mind. All she could think about was Nicks hands all over her. His mouth on hers, his voice in her ear. She bit her lip as her phone dinged. She looked down and smiled. 

"I miss you already."

Was all the text said from Nick. 

"You must be psychic cause i was just thinking about you. I miss you too. "

Tuesday came faster than she had anticipated. She boarded her plane and headed to California where DYNAMITE was taking place. The flight was long but She slept most if it. Once she landed she took a cab to the arena a few miles away. Mox and Darby were standing outside smoking when she got out of the cab.She hugged them both and began her treck inside the arena. She placed her bags off to the side and began to wander around. She did her weekly ritual of checking out the stage and the ring. The arena was huge and it was all decked out. She said Hi to a few people before she headed back stage to find where the meeting was being held. She had just rounded a corner when someone grabbed her from behind and drug her into a corner. She yelped but a hand went over her mouth. Nick stood there in front of her, a grin on his face. 

"Are you insane? You almost gave me a heart attack. I was about to fight to the death."

She whisper yelled at him. He chuckled and pulled her close.

"Im sorry i just wanted to kiss you without anyone catching us."

"You could have just tapped me on the shoulder or said my name. You didn't have to kidnap me."

She rolled her eyes but pulled his face down to meet hers. They stood like that for a few minutes before they broke apart. 

"So my whole family will be ringside tomorrow. Maybe afterwards you can meet them."

He looked down at his feet and then glanced back at her. 

"Meeting the family...isnt that like a dating thing?"

 He shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck. Beth laughed at how nervous he looked.

"Im kidding Nick, id love to meet your family."

He sighed and kissed her again. They nonchalantly exited the corner they were hiding in and headed to the meeting . They listened to Cody and Chris ramble on about the ratings from the cruise and went over tge plans for the show. Matt and Nick were to be going up against The butcher and the blade for the tag titles. Beth was up against Hikaru Shida. Once they were done planning out the show they all went their separate ways. Matt and Nick were spending time with their family so Beth went to her hotel to relax. 

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