Chapter 25.

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The next day was a normal chaotic Wednesday. Cody called a meeting among the elite and the inner circle. They had been feuding for weeks but they had an idea for this epic match. The stadium Stampede match which would be taking place in Jacksonville Florida in a month. Leading up to the match the inner circle would target one member of the elite at a time. Tonight it would be Beth. Knowing how close the entire elite had become to her it was the perfect way to begin the build up. It would happen during her match against Shida. 

"This will be the first time in years that we've cut a promo together. We shall see how good your mic skills have gotten."

Chris taunted her as they all stood backstage. 

"Im gonna blow you away. Just wait. "

They bantered back and forth for awhile before they went to get ready for the show. She rounded a corner and stopped as she heard Nick and Cody arguing .

"It's gonna be fine, we do this kind of shit all the time. "

Cody shut down whatever Nick had protested against.

"Im aware of that but having five grown ass men and Nyla against Beth alone. Something could go wrong. She could get hurt. "

She was stunned that it was about her .

"Beth is a tough woman. She will be fine. Shes done this for years. Just because you have no faith in her doesnt mean she cant do it. "

Beth winced at Codys tone. 

"You know damn well i have faith in her. Hell probably more than you do. Thats just a lot to take on at one time. One wrong move and she could get injured. "

Nick spat back. The anger in his voice was prominent. 

"She's gonna be fine. Your girlfriend will come out of it unscathed."

Nick went to say something but cody cut him off. 

"Don't let this interfere with work Nick."

With that the conversation ended and they both walked away. Beth wasn't sure what to do about the situation at hand. So she just headed to get ready.

The show began and the young bucks had their match against the butcher and the blade. Beth accompanied them to the ring and was able to see their family sitting ringside where she was to be hanging around. The match got crazy at one point. The blade dove thru the ropes knocking Nick off and straight into Beth. She bounced off the barricade and hit the ground hard. Nick checked on her but she waved him off back to the match. Allie came over and got a few good kicks into her before she got up off the ground and speared her from behind. The Bucks got the win and the night went on.

As Beth got ready for her match Nick hung around but didn't say much. She could tell he was pissed off but she didnt want him to know she had been listening. Her match started and went on like every other match. Until the lights in the arena went out. She stood her ground prepared for whatever came her way. When the lights came back on she was surrounded. Chris , Nyla, and Sammy stood in front of her. Jake Hager , Ortiz and Santana stood behind her. She looked around and then locked eyes with Chris. Even though this was somewhat planned she had no idea what was gonna happen. Chris began to talk all about her jumping ship to aew and how she was all over the elite. One thing about Chris jericho is that his promos get personal and quick. He spoke about her failed marriage and how she had run away from her old life to mooch off of Cody. Without a second thought she ripped the microphone from his hand and began to spit her own insults. She aimed the threats and insults at every one in the ring. Her promo was killer to say the least. She looked around letting the crowd know she was looking for the elite guys but no one came. 

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