Chapter 12.

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Chapter 12. 

Around 2am they all began to get tired. Kenny and Adam were both drunk and managed to help eachother down the hall and to the elevator heading to their floor.

"We should probably go make sure they get to their rooms okay. Beth thanks for allowing us to crash into your room and throw a little party. I hope your flight is good and ill see you next week. "

Matt gathered up his left over chicken salad and gave her a hug.

"Nick you coming?"

He asked as he headed for the door.

"Yeah in a minute, ill meet you back at the room.Im gonna help her clean up."

Nick replied as he looked back and forth between them. Beth nodded and said her goodbyes to Matt. Once he was gone she turned to Nick.

"You really don't have to help me clean up. I can handle it."

He waved her off as he stacked dishes on to the room service tray.

"I was not raised to leave a mess for someone else to clean up. My mother would kill me if she knew i left a beautiful girl with a mess i caused."

She couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you. I appreciate it. Sounds like your parents raised you right. Thats always a plus in my book. At least thats one small thing i know about you."

He stood back up from shoving trash into the trash can and fixed his hat. A grin was plastered across his face.

"I told you little by little ill reveal everything to you. "

She crossed her arms and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Yes thats what you said. But whats the real reason you wont just tell me about yourself? Im an open book. You can ask me anything and ill answer it honestly."

That got his attention. And she could see the thoughts bouncing in his mind.

"Thats good to know , ill keep that in mind. Okay ill level with you, you wanna know all about me. You wanna know why im making you work for it?"

When she nodded he took a staggered breath and a serious look washed over his face. 

"Truth is if i tell you all there is to know about me im afraid you will get bored and have no reason to spend time with me."

Beth was taken back by his response. She hadnt expected that answer in the slightest bit.

"Nick, thats crazy. I enjoy spending time with you because we are friends. You are corny and irritating , not to mention super pushy at times but i kinda like it."

"So what you are saying is that you like me."

He wagged his eyebrows and licked his lips.

A pillow found its way across the room aimed for his head.

"Okay now im getting sick of you."

Beth joked as he ducked just in time.

"Oh you are breaking my heart. I shall go pout in my room now."

They both laughed . Once the room was cleaned up she walked him to the door.

"What time does your flight leave tomorrow?"

He asked as he stuck his hands in his pockets.

"I gotta be at the airport at 6. Plane leaves at 8. Im probably only gonna get an hour or so sleep before i gotta head out. Hopefully i can sleep on the plane. What time are y'all headed home tomorrow?"

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