Chapter 36

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Willow snatched the test out of her hand and stared at it.

"This is amazing. We are both pregnant."

Beth snatched it back and began to pace.

"No Willow this is not amazing. Not amazing at all. Ive been pregnant before remember. I never make it past 12 weeks. I can't go thru another miscarriage Willow. Oh my god. What am i gonna do?"

She had started to panic now. 

"Okay , calm down. Its gonna be okay. You need to schedule a doctors appointment and see how far along you are. Then we go from there. Are you gonna tell Nick? What about work? You can't wrestle while pregnant. "

Willow grabbed her and pulled her into a hug.

"No im not gonna tell Nick. Not yet. Not if i lose the baby. I can't get his hopes up and then crush them. Oh my god Willow what do i do about work? What do i tell them? I can't say im pregnant without telling Nick. Oh shit what the fuck? I only took the test to make you feel better. Oh shit!"

She was freaking out majorly. 

"Everythings gonna be okay. I think."

They both made doctors appointments for the following monday. They did an ultrasound and found out Beth was almost 10 weeks along. Willow was 14 weeks. The doctor told Beth that due to her past issues he wanted her on bed rest till she at least hit 16 weeks. He didnt want her traveling or doing anything strenuous. Dynamite was being held in Savannah Georgia that Wednesday and Beth drove from Daytona. She walked in and headed straight to where Cody had his office set up in the arena. She walked in without knocking and he looked up startled. She set her womens title on the desk and handed him a stack of papers .

"This stays between you and me Cody. If anyone finds out ill know it was you and ill kill you.  I also do not want your opinion. Keep it to yourself."

He read over the papers and then looked up at her with wide eyes.

"You're pregnant? "

She nodded and shuffled her feet in nervousness.

"Is this a joyous occasion? Does Nick know?"

He asked curiously , unsure how to read her.

"Im being put on bed rest to hopefully prevent another miscarriage so ask me that same question in six weeks. As for Nick , no he doesnt know. Im not telling him until i know im out of the danger zone. "

Cody nodded .

"So whats the story? What do we tell the world on why you are relinquishing your title and will be out for a long time."

"Knee injury. Say i tore some ligaments and need surgery. That will give me time to figure things out. We go from there."

She replied with a sigh.

"Look despite everything that happened the last time we spoke i just want you to know I wish you the best Bethy. Keep me updated please."

She nodded and then walked out unwilling to forgive him for his bullshit. She added a limp and played it off.

She found Matt , Nick , and Kenny in their dressing room and had to break the news to them.

"I just relinquished my title. I injured my knee rough housing with the kids and im gonna need surgery. Ill be out for at least 9 months."

Nick was up and hugging her within seconds.

"Oh no Beth. Im so sorry. "

She took deep breaths and tried to remain calm. 

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