Chapter 17

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Tuesday morning came quickly. Willow dropped Beth off at the cruise ship in Cape Canaveral. She pouted the whole time because she was jealous she couldnt go. Beth unloaded her bags. Hugged her good bye and boarded the ship. It was huge. Bigger than any cruise ship she had ever seen. It took almost an hour to go thru baggage checks and security. She was handed her booklet with all her information in it and a crew member showed her to her room. The room was quite large with two double beds and a small living room area. She had forgotten to tell Cody that Willow wasn't coming so she got a double room to herself. She got her luggage situated and then decided to explore. The ship had everything you could ever need. Comedy clubs , dance clubs , buffets, restaurants, a water park on the ship , you name it they had it. She was walking down a random hallway when she heard familiar voices. Matt and Nick were arguing. She paused to listen , having never heard them fight before.

"Look Dana and i want to spend alone time on this cruise. It'll be the first alone time without kids we have had in a long time. Just go see if there is a single room available."

Matt huffed as he folded his arms. 

"You wait till we board the damn ship to tell me this. There are no other rooms Matt. Chris told us last week that we are completely booked. Where the hell am i supposed to stay for the next five days asshole? "

Beth had never heard Nick so mad before.

"I dont know bro. But it wont be here. See if you can stay with Kenny or Adam. "

At that point Nick stomped off around the corner with his luggage. Beth realized he was coming right for her and she had nowhere to go. He stopped dead in his tracks as he rounded the corner and saw her standing there. His anger slid off his face and a smile took its place .

" Hello beautiful. How long have you been standing there?"

Beth shrugged and smiled.

"A couple minutes. I wasn't trying to eaves drop i was exploring and heard y'all yelling. Im sorry. "

He waved it off and sighed.

"No reason to apologize Beth. Looks like i gotta go see if Kenny or Adam have space for me. I could kill my brother."

They began to walk down the hallway when she had a thought.

"I dont know if this would be awkward or not and you can say no if you want. I won't mind but my best friend Willow was supposed to come on the cruise with me and last minute she had to cancel so I've got a double room"

She spoke quickly before her nerves got the best of her.

"Are you offering to share your room with me Beth?"

He asked as realization hit him.


She breathed out biting her lip in a panic.

"I will absolutely take you up on that offer. Lead the way beautiful."

Her room was on the other side of the ship. Once there she unlocked the door and they both entered. 

"This room is nicer than the one matt and i had. Serves his ass right. "

Nick laughed as he set his luggage down. Beth smiled as she shuffled thru her welcome packet for the spare key.

Once she found it she handed it to Nick and sat on her bed. Looking thru the map of the ship she couldnt help but notice he was staring at her.

"Can i help you with something?"

She asked looking up. He shook his head and looked down at his hands.

"Sorry i was just thinking how lucky i am to not only get to spend five days with you but now i get to share a room with you. "

He bit his lip and glanced back at her.

"It should be fun… as long as you stay on your own bed and you dont snore. I will smother you with a pillow if you snore. "

She broke the awkward tension with her witty reaponse. That was something she was good at. Sarcasm was like second nature to her.

"Okay i don't snore so ill live to see another day and I'll stay on my own bed until you beg me to share yours. "

He stood up and walked toward the bathroom. Before he entered he turned around and smirked at her.

"And you will."

The ship set sail and Beth found herself sitting in one of the buffets with Mox and Darby Allin. 

"Thats like your sixth plate of food. Just because it says all you can eat does not mean you should eat it all."

Darby pointed out as Mox scarfed down his next plate.

"I take buffets very serious kid. To me its like a challenge."

Beth rolled her eyes and took a sip of her mixed drink.

"One time we were on tour in Japan. We were thrown out of a sushi bar because he ate so much sushi that the other patrons in the restaurant couldn't get any off the conveyor belt."

Beth smiled at the memory. That was the last time they had been to Japan as the shield. 

"Jesus Mox. Don't you ever get sick from eating so much?"

Darby asked with a laugh. 

"I live on the edge kid."

"Yeah the edge of the toilet seat when he throws up ."

Beth mumbled , Mox flipped her off and they all laughed. 

"So whats this i hear about you sharing a room with Nick Jackson? "

She turned around as Cody came out of nowhere.

"Well hello to you too Cody. How the hell do you know that already?"

He sat down at the table and crossed his arms.

"Word spreads fast Bethy."

"Well Willow couldnt come and Matt threw Nick out so i offered him the second bed in my room. Whats it to ya?"

Cody looked around at the others around the table and shrugged. 

"Just be careful. People talk."

Shaking her head she stood up and grabbed her drink.

"Let them talk Cody. My life is none of anybody's business. "

She wandered around the ship for awhile by herself. She sipped her drink and enjoyed the ocean breeze. 

"Beth, there you are. We wanted to invite you to the club tonight. We are all gonna drink and dance our asses off to start off this amazing cruise. Are you in?"

Brandi Rhodes , Codys wife , asked her excitedly. Maggie and Stella were standing there both begging her to join.

"Absolutely im so down. What time we meeting there and which club?"

"10pm and its the dance flamingo just look at the map to find it. See you there"

Stella explained as they all waved and fluttered off. 

Beth wandered for awhile longer before she decided to head back to the room and start to get ready. Nick wasnt in the room so she showered and began to get ready. Her makeup and hair were done shortly before 10pm and she got dressed in a little blue dress and matching heels. Her hair was up in a tight bun . She was just spraying her perfume on when Nick walked thru the door. 

"Oh my lord, you look amazing. Where are you going dressed like that and am i invited?"

He licked his lips and moved his eyes over her body.

"Im going to the dance flamingo with Brandi , Maggie and Stella. You are more than welcome to come along."

She slid her room key into her bra and checked herself in the mirror.

"Ahhh no thanks i dont dance. "

He plopped down on his bed and yawned.

"Well thats a pity. It should be a good time."

With that she walked out the door.

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