Chapter 7.

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The day had finally arrived. Dynamite started in just a few short hours and Beth was losing her shit. She paced around her dressing room. Her gear was laid out and ready for her to get ready but it was too early. She had only briefly seen the guys. They were all fluttering around in a panic trying to make sure everything was ready. Her match was fourth on the card and it was a women's battle royal. Which meant each women would come out every 60 seconds. If you were thrown over the top rope and both feet hit the ground you were out. She was looking forward to it but she had a gnawing feeling in the pit of her stomach. What if the crowd hated her? What if she was booed off stage? What if she messed up? She hadnt felt this way since she debuted with the shield in 2012. Wrestling was in her blood, her great grandfather , grandfather and her father were all wrestlers at one time. This was all she knew, and even that didnt make her feel better. Her phone went off snapping her out of her internal panic. It was a text from her mother with a link to an article. She clicked on it and her eyes about bugged out. 

"WWE Superstar Beth Lovely has been released from her wrestling contract. Reports say that she requested her release a few months back due to creative and personal differences. A 90 day grace period was put in motion to prevent her from signing a new contract with another company. Theres no word yet on what Lovely plans to do but its safe to say that her divorce from Seth Rollins had a big hand in her leaving. Everyone had been anticipating the tension between Lovely , Rollins and Becky Lynch upon her return . Looks like that wont happen now. We wish her all the best and hope she finds happiness."

She was steaming when she finished reading it. She forwarded it to mox and replied to her mother.

"Creative and personal differences? You've got to be kidding me. They put my divorce on display and used it as a storyline. How is that creative differences? " 

She waited a few moments before her mother replied. 

"Its not, its sick and twisted behavior. The whole McMahon family is wrong for this. I just knew they would make you sound bad after you were released. "

She put her phone down and left her dressing room. She didnt know where she was headed she just knew she had to get away. The arena was huge , hallways all looked alike and it was super easy to get lost. She found herself in the catering hall. She wasn't hungry but she grabbed a bottle of water and sat down at an empty table. She began staring off into space. She had been like that for a few minutes before someone cleared their throat in front of her, bringing her back to reality. 

" You looked deep in thought there. I didn't interrupt something did i? "

Beth looked up to see Nick pulling out the chair next to her and sitting down. He had a plate stacked high with all kinds of different foods. 

"No .. Sorry i was just plotting someones death thats all." 

He smiled at her as he took a bite of a chicken wing. 

"Ohhh murder. Anyone i know? Wait don't tell me i wanna be surprised." 

Beth laughed and shook her head. 

"If i tell you i would have to kill you and thats just too much murder for me. Plus i may need you to give me an alibi and pass a polygraph. " 

"Well you are in luck. Im just the man for that job."

He continued to eat but kept glancing at her.

"Okay but in all seriousness are you okay? "

She looked at him and nodded as she swiped a carrott off his plate.

"Im fine, thank you for asking."

"Well i don't exactly believe you but im sure when you are ready to talk you know ill be here for you. " 

He squeezed her hand before he stood up and fished his ringing phone out of his pocket. He signalled he had to take it and got up from the table. He waved goodbye and threw his plate in the trash. As she watched him walk away she mentally scolded herself.

'We swore off dating and men all together forever. These feelings for Nick need to be squashed. Hes just a friendly guy. He doesn't want you. No one does. You are damaged goods.' 

An hour later she rushed to get her bright pink and green gear on. It consisted of a two piece set. The top was just a strappy bra that hugged her breasts just right. And the bottoms were shorts with her last name across the butt. Both were the perfect combination of neon pink and green and just the right amount of sparkle. Her long black hair was straightened and left down. Her make up matched her gear and she was covered in body glitter. 

Dynamite started and the energy was electrifying. Cody started the show against Samy Guevara. Then came Best friends against Private party. Jungle boy Jack against Joey Janela was next which meant the womens match was up after that. All 15 women stood in the gorilla getting ready. Chatting excitedly amongst themselves. Codys wife Brandi was among them . Beth didnt know too many of the women personally but she had done her research on their in ring abilities. She knew it was gonna be a great match. A hand touched her arm making her turn around. Mox stood behind her in his ring gear. He was part of the main event . 

"You are gonna kill it out there. The crowd is gonna freak out when your music hits. Embrace it. Breath it in. And enjoy yourself. I know you. As soon as you walk thru that curtain you will be at home. "

He hugged her as the first woman walked thru the curtain. She was number 6 so she had just a few moments before she went out. They instructed her to get into position and then her music began. As she walked thru the curtain and onto the stage the crowd was deafening. Everyone was out of their seats screaming as she got to the top of the ramp. She struck her pose and laughed as the pyro lit up the arena. Mox was right , she knew this was where she belonged. She was home. The match lasted half an hour and it came down to Beth and Nyla Rose. Nyla tried everything she could to eliminate her but in the end she screwed herself. She was so preoccupied trying to get Beth over the top rope that she allowed her to wrap her legs around her torso. With all her strength Beth flipped her over the top rope and onto the ground. The bell signalled the match was over and Beth had won. The crowd went nuts for her . They chanted her name and cheered for her. She waved at the crowd one last time as she entered the gorilla. She was instantly pulled into a hug by Mox and then Nick. Matt was right behind them along with Cody , Kenny and Adam. 

"You absolutely killed it out there. We are so proud of you. How do you feel? " 

Beth wasnt sure when they had began but tears were streaming down her face. She wiped them away and laughed.

"I feel whole again...i feel amazing"

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