Chapter 26

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Beth had just gotten home and settled when her phone began to ring. She laughed at the sight of her twin brother facetiming her.

"Leave it to your ass to facetime me when i look like I got hit by a semi."

He laughed on the other end of the phone and shook his head.

"Sis i just watched last nights show. I didn't know you were hurt. Now looking at you i see that you need an eye patch or something. Jesus thats ugly."

She laughed and held her ice pack back up to her face.

"Jeez thanks Caleb. You make me feel all kinds of loved. "

He shrugged but smiled.

"Thats what im here for , thats gonna leave a bad ass scar though im gonna call you scar face now, but in all seriousness are you okay? Your eye could have been taken out. It was hard to watch."

"Oh my god , thats what Mox said too. Im okay. It hurts like a bitch. I can't see out of my left eye and my nose is broken. I can't drive and im out of work for a few weeks but im gonna live. I havent watched the segment yet. I just got home a little while ago. Willow says its brutal."

She was planning on watching the whole show before he had called. She was currently snuggled up on her couch in her living room.

"It is brutal. Speaking of Willow, why did i have to hear from her that you have a new boyfriend? She said his name was Nick. Is that one of the Young Bucks?"

He changed the subject and stared daggers thru the phone at her.

"Oh what the hell? Im gonna fucking kill Willow. Why are you and her talking at all? And why does it matter?"

He gave her an unamused look which made her sigh.

"Yes Nick is one of the Young Bucks. We aren't dating, not officially anyway. I didn't tell you because theres nothing to tell. Hes a great guy though Caleb. "

She couldn't help but smile as she thought about Nick.

"Willow tells me everything that goes on with you because you don't. As for this Nick guy the smile on your face just then when you spoke of him tells me all i need to know. When do i get to meet him?"

"I have no idea. Willow has been asking me the same thing. Yall will meet him when the perfect opportunity arises."

Three weeks later she was allowed to go back to work. She wasn't allowed to wrestle but she was allowed to be part of the story lines. Her stitches were out and her eye wasn't swollen anymore. She was still bruised all to hell but her nose was healing nicely. Three weeks sitting at home had about driven her mad. She missed Nick more than She had anticipated. Phone calls and facetime just wasn't enough.

She arrived at the arena in Cleveland Ohio Tuesday afternoon just in time for the weekly meeting. Since she had been gone Cody had been viciously attacked , Kenny had been thrown thru the windshield of a car, and Adam had been pinned down under a fork lift all by the inner circle. This week would be the last week before the stadium stampede match and the bucks were this weeks target.  The plan was that they were to have a tag team cage match against Santana and Ortiz. The attack would happen then. Beth was allowed to be ringside on the outside of the cage but would be able to do nothing to help.

"Next week we will be in Jacksonville for All In and Dynamite."

Cody announced at the end of the meeting. Beth stood and watched Nick and Matt discussing the match with Santana and Ortiz when Mox came up beside her.

"Did you know that this place was less exciting when you were gone?"

He announced putting his arm around her shoulders.

"I missed you too Mox. Im glad to be back. "

She laughed laying her head on his shoulder. 

"So i don't know if you are aware of this but Willow is planning a huge party for your 30th birthday next weekend. She's asked me to invite all of the guys but especially Nick. Now i kind of figured this was just her way of finally getting to meet him but i thought id run it past you first."

Beth closed her eyes and mentally began to kill Willow. 

"That girl is gonna be the death of me . First she tells Caleb about Nick and now shes making you do side jobs for her. Shes like a small mafia leader and we are her pawns. "

Mox laughed loudly at that, gaining Nick and Matts attention. They excused themselves and walked over to them.

"So was that a yes?'

Mox mumbled as the guys got to them. She shrugged off his arm and glared at him. Nick smiled as he stopped just next to her. 

"Welcome back beautiful. We all missed you."

He pulled her into a hug and she had to will herself to pull away. She wanted to nuzzle into his neck and stay there forever. 

"Yeah Beth welcome back. You ready for this killer match in Jacksonville next week?"

Matt added as they pulled away. 

"Speaking of next week. Beth's 30th birthday is next Saturday. There will be a huge party for the occasion at Beths house. So you all are invited. "

Mox began to back away as Beth's head snapped around to look at him.

"Hell yeah , sounds like it will be a good time."

Nick replied excitedly.

"Oh just wait and see its gonna be a hoot."

Mox walked away as Beth laughed nervously.

Matt and Nick had no idea what they were getting themselves into and Beth wasn't quite sure either. When it came to Willow anything was possible.

Later that night Beth and Nick laid on her bed in her hotel room together. 

"So considering you are a twin do i get to meet your brother at the party?"

He asked out of nowhere. 

"Probably not , Caleb is on tour and i doubt he will make it . I havent seen him in almost six months. We both are busy all the time. "

She replied as she played with his hair. 

"That sucks though, yall are twins you should be together all the time."

Nick seemed sad for her.

"My family doesnt do the whole get together all the time , sunday dinner kinda thing. Its never been like that. We all talk every once in awhile and we see eachother when we can. Ive just gotten used to it. I spend most of my time with the friends ive made family. "

She explained honestly. 

"I couldn't imagine not seeing my siblings for six months. Family has always been the one thing i knew i could fall back on. My parents have been there for us right from the start. My dad built our first wrestling ring. We get together as much as possible."

Beth smiled as he opened up.

"I wish i could have met them when i got hurt. They sound like great people."

Nick leaned down and kissed her lips gently.

"They really wanted to meet you too. You are all i talk about when im home. They want to be able to meet the girl ive fallen for."

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