Chapter 37

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The announcement of their engagement and pregnancy hit the media the following day once they had told their parents. Beth sent her parents and sister a picture of her hand resting on the sonogram picture with a caption of "Baby Jackson coming soon. "

Of course her mother facetimed her screaming into the phone. Hysterical was an understatement when it came to her mother's reaction. Jay had tears in his eyes as well and congratulated them both. Ashlynn couldn't stop crying on the phone as well. She had to hang up and get herself together. 

Beth sent Matt , Malachi, Caleb and Mox a picture of the sonogram and captioned it with "Best Uncle Award goes to you."

When the phone rang she looked down and smiled as Mox popped up on the caller id.

"Are you really pregnant?"

He asked cautiously as soon as she answered.

"Yep. Im 16 weeks and four days. Everything is great , im healthy and so is the baby. Oh and Nick and i are engaged too. Not to throw another curve ball at you or anything."

She laughed as Mox began to breath hard on the other end. 

"Are you crying?"

She asked as he sniffled.

"No i got like a stick or something in my eye. Beth I'm so happy for you. No one on earth deserves this more than you. "

"Thank you Mox. That means a lot."

Nick posted a picture of them holding up the sonogram picture as they kissed. "Mommy said yes!" As the caption. 

Within minutes the picture blew up. There were thousands of people commenting on it congratulating them . There of course were people who had nothing nice to say but the good outweighed the bad. 

" So do we want to plan the wedding before the baby gets here or after?"

Nick asked as he sat next to her on the couch going thru the comments on the picture.

"Probably after. I don't want to be a whale at our wedding."

Nick left a few days later to head out for Dynamite. Before he left he kissed her and told the bump that he loved it and would be back soon. The next few weeks went by in a flash. Before they knew it it was time to find out the sex of the baby. She was officially half way thru her pregnancy and felt pretty good. She was tired and her belly was growing rapidly. 

Together Beth and Nick went to her doctors appointment. They did the sonogram and Nick cried as soon as he saw their baby. 

"You all wanted to know the sex correct?"

The doctor asked as he moved the roller ball around her stomach. They both nodded .

"Its a boy. Congratulations."

Beth and Nick embraced .

"Im gonna have a son."

Nick clutched the pictures in his hands as he inspected all the features . 

"He is beautiful. "

Beth smiled as they left the office. 

Everything in her life was going great , but she couldn't help but wonder if this was the calm before the storm. AEW had a two week tour over seas. The first time the company had gone out of the USA. Beth was sad she couldn't go but Nick promised he'd take lots of pictures. 

"So what exactly are you and Nick gonna do . Are you going to move to California , are you gonna keep the house once the boy is here? Our sons will only be a few weeks apart and i want them to be best friends. I don't know if i can handle you moving away again."

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