Chapter 11.

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The whole crew stayed busy right up until DYNAMITE the following night. Beth came out with Kenny and the Young Bucks during their match against the butcher , the blade , and Shawn Spears. Allie also known as the bunny was at ring side along with the other team. Every chance she got she tried to interfere with the match. Trying to distract the members of the elite or giving them a low blow behind the refs back. At one point she was on the rope in Nicks face. She swung back and hit him hard across the face and Beth lost it. She grabbed her ankle and yanked her down off the side. Allies face collided with the mat and Beth took that as the perfect chance to start swinging on her with no mercy.

The butcher and blade were preoccupied watching the women fight and Kenny was able to get the pin. The bell rang and Beth jumped into the ring to celebrate with them. Later on in the show Beth had an interview with Excalibur. Half way thru she was attacked from behind by Nyla Rose. They spent five minutes beating the hell out of eachother before officials were able to separate them. A few minutes later it was announced that it would be Beth Lovely vs. Nyla Rose for the AEW womens championship on the Jericho Cruise. It was pretty funny to Beth how easy it was to fight Nyla. Backstage they had started to become very good friends. But in the ring they were perfect enemies.

The show ended with another spectacular match by Cody. All of the elite boys, Mox, and Beth were all staying in the same hotel. Normally Beth would have booked a flight straight home after but things did not work out that way this time. She rode back to the hotel with Mox and it was the first time they had been alone in weeks.

"So you and the youngest buck huh?"

He asked as he drove out of the venue and onto the main street.  She looked over at him like he was crazy .

"What the hell are you talking about ?"

He took his eyes off the road for a split second to give her an unimpressed look.

"Dont play dumb with me Beth , im better at it then you are. Im talking about you and Nick. Are yall dating? Thats cool if you are. Id just think you would tell your best friend first."

Beth rolled her eyes and looked out the window. 

"Your right i would definitely tell Willow first."

He shot a glare at her and she laughed out loud. 

"Mox nothing is going on between me and Nick. He took me to lunch today and hes super flirty but i know nothing about him and he wont tell me anything either. Its super frustrating. I think hes cute but i dont know if im ready to date someone yet. But if something happens Willow….i mean you will be the first to know."

She braced herself as he smacked her arm playfully . He didnt press the topic anymore. They pulled up to the hotel and went their separate ways. Once in her hotel room she showered and changed into a pair of booty shorts and a tank top. She was about to order room service when a series of knocks was heard at her door. She hesitated to open it knowing it could only be one of six people. She sighed and opened the door. Standing on the other side was Nick , Matt , Kenny and Adam. 

"Whoa look at you. "

Matt said as they all looked her up and down.

"You see more of my body in my ring gear shut up. What do you all want?"

They all laughed as she folded her arms.

"Well you promised you would party with us last week and we knew you wouldnt come to us so we came to you. " 

Nick explained as he pushed himself past her and into the room.

"Okay first of all i never promised anything. Second of all you don't drink. Whats the point of a party. And third of all sure come in ."

She added sarcastically as she motioned for the others to enter. 

"We dont need to drink to have a good time Beth." 

Matt interjected gaining himself an eye roll.

"Well they dont. I sure as hell do. Ive got whiskey if you'd like any. "

Adam held up his bottle and smiled at her. Kenny also had a bottle of something and they clinked them together.

"Well this i can get down with."

She mumbled as everyone got situated.

An hour later her bed was covered in all kinds of room service food and they were all laughing hysterically.

"So Beth tell us about you and Cody. Anytime anyone asks him he just says you all have been friends your whole lives and that he fucked that up. " 

Kenny asked the question that apparently everyone of them wanted to know because they all perked up.

"Well lets start at the beginning. Cody and i became friends when i was six years old. He was eleven. Our parents were good friends and he was brought to a bbq at my house. We were instant friends. Anytime we were together we were inseparable. He was there for me thru all my home life issues and was there when my parents divorced. I gained a massive crush on cody when i was 16. It lasted for a few years and we hooked up , just once on my 18th birthday. Things got awkward after that and we decided to remain just friends. He met Brandi and fell for her and shortly after that i met Seth. Right away Cody didn't want me to date Seth. He told me that he thought he had bad intentions. I ignored him because i fell in love. He could be happy why couldn't I. Cody got married and left WWE. We lost touch a bit after that for awhile. Seth proposed and i was the happiest i felt i could ever be. Two weeks before my wedding Cody came to me and told me not to marry him. He was no good , i would just get hurt. I told him he was wrong and out of line. He freaked out on me and told me i was fucking stupid and i deserved whatever i had coming. He told me not to come crawling to him when my dumb ass got my heart broken. That was the last time i saw him in five years until you all showed up at my house."

She took a sip of her drink as she finished her story. 

"Lord that totally explains why you freaked out as soon as you saw him. "

Matt shook his head and laughed 

"Right you looked like you wanted to rip his face off. We've been wanting to know the whole story for months but didnt want to pry."

Kenny added on right after Matt.

"That was super shitty of Cody. Hes lucky that you forgave him. "

Adam tipped his drink to her before he downed the rest.

"Im still not completely sure ive forgiven him but i guess in the end he was right. Maybe if i had listened to him i would never have gotten married, never got cheated on , never gotten divorced and my whole life destroyed. " 

She shrugged as she picked at the food on her plate. 

"Yes but you would never have ended up where you are now. And you never would have ended up here with us. So some good things do come out of shitty situations. "

Nick spoke up for the first time since she had told the story. 

"I do however think you deserve to punch Cody one good time in his throat for that bullshit he said. Hell i might hit him for you. " 

He added making everyone laugh. 

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