Chapter 5.

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The guys arrived the following saturday for the BBQ. Beth had the house all decked out and massive amounts of food was prepared. Parties were Beths speciality. They all sat around joking and laughing without a care in the world. 

"You seem different today. Less tense, happier. Whats going on? "

Cody asked her as he chugged back his beer. Without a word she walked over and grabbed a solid yellow manilla envelope off the kitchen counter. She handed it to him and waited. He eyed her suspiciously but set his beer down and began to open the envelope. The other five men in the room had now began watching what was going on between the two. A stack of about ten white stapled papers was removed from their confines and rested gently in Cody's hand. He began to read over them and as he got further down the first page it hit him. His mouth dropped open and his eyes shot up to look at her.

"No fucking this real? Are you serious? Omg!" 

Mox walked over and snatched the papers out of Codys hand. 

"Miss Beth Lovely...Blah Blah Blah… Notice of termination…blah blah blah….90 day period…" He stopped reading and flung the papers onto the counter. He laughed as loud as he could and picked Beth up. Swinging her around. Within seconds he stopped and just looked at her.

"Why didnt you tell me? I feel so unimportant. My heart is in pieces on the ground."

She smacked him but laughed anyway.

"Can someone tell us whats going on? We feel super left out here. "

Adam chimned in as Kenny grabbed the stack of papers. 

"In 90 days i am a free agent. My contract with WWE was terminated at my request and i am free!" 

The hoots and hollers heard thru out the room sounded like a superbowl final touch down. Before she could brace herself all of them had her in a giant group hug. 

"Okay okay whose hand is on my ass?" Mox wiggled his way out of the hug. 

"My bad…" 

Kenny chuckled winking at Mox. Everyone laughed and Beth noticed that Nicks arm was still wrapped around her waist from the group hug. They both blushed and pulled away quickly as they realized. 

All she could think about was how attractive he was. His long brown hair and those piercing blue eyes. She shook herself back to reality as Matt began to speak. 

"What made you change your mind? You were dead set against this when we were here last. What changed? "

She shrugged and looked down at the broken contract. 

"It was time."

"So when can we get you to Atlanta to sign your AEW contract?"

Cody interjected. He had always been a business man and was straight forward.

"Dude let her breath a minute. This was a huge step for her. We can't bombard her with a new contract just yet. Besides she can't sign anything yet shes got 90 days" 

Nick stated matter of factly. She had only known these guys , aside from mox and cody, for a few weeks but she was becoming more and more fond of each and everyone of them.

"Well 90 days will be September 18th which gives 3 weeks till Dynamite debuts on TNT. Ill have your contract drawn up so we can begin the process. "

Beth rolled her eyes at Cody but laugh.

"This may just turn out to be better than we anticipated." 

Adam spoke up. Beth nodded but couldn't help but feel a little sick. 

"Please don't make me regret this decision." 

She whispered to Mox as she walked away and towards the bathroom. She sat on the floor in front of the toilet and took deep breaths. Waves of nausea washed over her as she thought about what was going on. Up until this moment it hadnt hit her what she had done. She had just given up her dream of being a WWE hall of famer. Left all her friends behind. Her stomach clinched and she dry heaved into the toilet. The bathroom door opened and Mox slipped in silently. He sat on the edge of the bathtub and held her hair back. 

" Its gonna be okay...i promise."

She took another deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

"Did i just make a mistake Mox? Did i just ruin my life? " 

"Of course not Beth. You just took back your freedom. You will never have to go thru the shit you went thru ever again. This is gonna be the best thing we ever experience. Plus we get to do it together. Look I know its scary but you gotta trust us here. We got your back. "

He rubbed her back to soothe her. This wasnt the first time he had witnessed her freak herself out to the point of throwing up. He had held her hair back hundreds of times before. 

Twenty minutes later they rejoined the party on the back patio to witness Kenny and Matt arguing over the proper way to stack the charcoal. Kenny said to stack it in a pyramid and Matt wanted to lay them all flat. Adam chimned in with just spraying the coals with lighter fluid to make sure they all got lit and then got yelled at for it. 

"You cant just spray hot coals with lighter fluid you idiot. Thats how fires are started. Are you trying to set Beths house on fire?" Kenny yelled as he smacked Adam in the back of the head. They all continued to bicker back and forth about the grill as Beth sat down in a lawn chair. 

"So how did you go about getting out of the contract. I had to jump thru hoops to be released. "

Cody asked as he looked up from his phone. The tension between the two had become minimal but it was still there at times.

"I had a breakdown in Hunters office and he felt sorry for me, like everyone else does, and he then called Steph. They both begged me to stay but i said no. They made me call Vince and he lectured me about ruining my life for over an hour and then he agreed to sign off on my release after telling me i was making a big mistake. So basically he hates me know a normal day in my life lately." 

She shrugged and took a long drink from her water bottle. 

"Honestly did you see yourself returning to the ring after what happened?"

Cody asked. Beth thought about it and sighed.

"No. Just walking into the performance center felt wrong. I havent watched a Raw or a Smackdown in months. I can't watch Seth and Becky. It hurts too much. Call me a baby, call me crazy , call me jealous...i dont fucking care. This hurts worst than anything ive ever experienced. I spent two months laying in bed wishing to die. Wishing i knew what i did to make him leave me. Why i wasn't good enough after 5 years of marriage? What i could have done to prevent it. Why i didnt see the signs before? I had to give up my whole life , leave my home and move back here because it was his home first. If it wasn't for my mom and Mox i would never have snapped out of it. Then he had the audacity to bring her to the divorce hearing. I almost lost my shit." 

They had all stopped to listen to her pour her heart out.

"You definitely deserve so much better."

Nick mumbled as he folded his arms.

" I can't believe he brought her to the divorce hearing. Hes definitely got some big balls there." 

Matt added in disgust.

"Yeah but hes still got a tiny penis." 

Beths comment broke the tension and made everyone crack up. 

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