Chapter 23

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Beth had just gotten to her room and was changing out of her bathing suit when Nick stormed thru the door.

"Okay what happened? What did Cody say?"

He asked walking over to her.

"Just typical Cody shit. He doesnt think its a good idea that we are doing what we are. He doesnt want to have to choose between us if something goes wrong because he will end up choosing you. He basically told me i should have learned from my failed marriage not to get involved with people from work."

She threw on an over sized shirt and some shorts as she explained.

"What the hell is his problem? How could he say something like that to you? What we have going on is not his business. And for him to assume it will end badly and ruin anything is ridiculous."

Nick was angry. He reached out to her and brushed her hair behind her ear.

"Cody thinks he knows everything. This is the same shit he did last time. "

She let him pull her into his arms. She had her doubts about this whole thing but she felt safe in his arms.

"Forget what Cody thinks. I think hes blowing this whole thing out of proportion. Hell we arent even dating...yet."

Beth looked up at him and laughed.

"Yeah you're right. We are just fucking."

Nick shook his head and picked her up throwing her over his shoulder and then onto the bed.

They remained in their room for the rest of the day. The next morning Beth untangled herself from Nicks sleeping figure and got ready. He looked so peaceful and she didn't want to bother him. She left the room and met Mox for breakfast.

"So i heard Cody showed his ass yesterday. I don't understand why you haven't knocked him out yet. "

Mox stated as he put cream in his coffee.

Beth sighed and pushed her food around her plate.

"The bad part is , maybe hes right . Maybe getting involved with Nick is a bad idea. You know ive had my doubts about this from the start. "

Mox set his cup down and put his hand up to stop her.

"You have had doubts about getting with Nick because you don't want to get hurt again. Not because its a bad idea or because its going to effect business. Cody is not right. Don't ever side with his stupidity like that ever again. It made me want to shake you violently."

He held his fork up and moved it in a stabbing motion.

"I don't know what the hell im doing here Mox. "

She rubbed her temples with her fingers.

"Well currently you are eating breakfast with your favorite person on earth..."

Beth glared at him and threw a packet of sugar at his head with a giggle .

"Thanks for the play by play here but thats not what im talking about and you know it."

"Okay ill level with you. Forget about what everyone else thinks and start focusing on your happiness. If fucking Nicks brains out makes you happy then by all means hop on it. No one is saying y'all gotta get married."

Mox finished talking and looked proud of himself.

"Nice pep talk coach."

Once breakfast was over Beth found herself walking around the shops they had on the ship. She bought souvenirs for Willow and the girls and then headed back to her room. This was the last day on the ship and she was ready to go home. She unlocked the door and pushed it open. She could hear talking as she walked in. Nick and Matt were sitting at the table and they stopped talking the second they saw her. Which gave her the indication they had been talking about her. She set her stuff down near her luggage.

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