Chapter 8.

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The rest of the show went off without any problems. The main event was interrupted by Chris Jerichos faction the inner circle. Naturally the elite came out to back Kenny up considering it was him against Mox. Beth hung back by the gorilla until Nyla Rose established she was part of the inner circle. She began beating up on which ever member of the elite she could get her hands on. Beth ran out thru the curtains and the crowd went crazy. She slid into the ring and speared Nyla into the mat. As she stood up she came face to face with Mox. Obviously in real life they were best friends and in WWE they had been a team. But this wasn't WWE and they were no longer members of the shield. The crowd was on their feet as they had a stare off. Beth smirked just as Kenny shoved her to the side and attacked Mox.

The members of the inner circle fled to the top of the ramp and mox ,having got away from kenny , fled thru the crowd. The elite stood tall in the ring as DYNAMITE came to a close. Once back stage a party had erupted. Music was blaring from every which way. People in and out of dressing rooms. Beth excused herself to her dressing room and just sat down.  She was exhausted, but in a good way. She was sore as hell and knew she was gonna be covered in bruises tomorrow but she didnt care. A faint knock was heard at her door. Too tired to get up she just yelled come in and began to unlace her boots. Cody pushed the door open and just leaned on the frame. His smile almost took up his whole face. 

"You did so damn good tonight. Im so proud of you. I never thought id see the day that you and i would be not only wrestling together but on the same team. Its surreal." 

Beth couldn't help but smile back at him. 

"We all did amazing. I feel like we blew that shit out of the water. The thing that really gets me is it was fun. Nobody barking orders at us , no one scolding us for anything. We put on a damn good show without fear of the higher up. "

Cody nodded in total understanding. 

"Things here are different. You will never have to be afraid again.. Except when mox takes his socks off. Then you should be terrified and run for the hills." With a laugh he walked out of her dressing room. Before the door could close all the way another light knock sounded and Nicks head popped in. 

"Im assuming you are decent because cody was just here but i had to check. Can i come in?"

She nodded as he walked in and closed the door.

"Even if i wasn't decent it's nothing Cody hasn't already seen so don't ever take that as an indication." 

Beth laughed as Nick looked at her in shock.

"You and Cody?"

He asked dumbfounded.

"Many many moons ago Nick. In a galaxy far far away. Whats it to ya? "

He just shrugged it off but almost looked jealous.

"Did you want to come back to our hotel and party. Matt and i dont drink but its a blast to see everyone get wasted and act like idiots." 

She thought about it for a second before she shook her head.

"As amazing as that sounds i gotta pass. My flight leaves at four am. So i need to shower, change and gather my belongings and head to the airport in less than two hours. "

He started to pout but nodded . 

"Well then we will have to take a rain check. Maybe next week. Same time? " 

Beth rolled her eyes but agreed. 

"Until we meet again"  

He reached out and grabbed her hand. Turning it over he kissed the top of her hand and then bowed out the door.

She stood up and ran after him laughing.

"You are seriously corny. This is not a damn disney film Jackson. However, you should probably practice your curtsie. It needs work." 

She could hear him laughing as he walked down the hall. A few hours later she was on a plane headed back to Daytona. Her car was already at the airport so she loaded up her luggage and drove the thirty minutes home. As she pulled into her driveway she noticed a giant red Chevy truck sitting outside of her garage. It was covered in dew from the morning air signaling it has been there for awhile. She shook her head but smiled. She lugged her bags into the house and set them in the living room.

"Welcome home best friend." 

Willow Deveraux was sat on her couch , feet up on the coffee table and a dunkin iced coffee in her hand. Willow and Beth had been best friends since they were twelve. Truth be told they were their only female friends . They were more than friends though. More like sisters. 

" Thanks best friend...what the hell are you doing here and how long have you been here? " 

Beth asked as she kicked her shoes off and sunk into the couch next to her.

"Well i left my house at about 5 this morning to get coffee and then i didnt want to go home and your tv is bigger than mine so i thought id catch up on some supernatural here. James took the girls to school and ive just been enjoying the peace. How was your flight? "

Willow explained as if it was the most normal thing in the world. 

"Fair enough, my flight was good. Long but good. I havent slept, im exhausted, my whole body hurts and i have a bruise on my tailbone which made it hard as hell to sit for hours but im happy so i guess that is a plus right? "

She propped her legs up on the table and yawned.

"A definite plus. By the way DYNAMITE was amazing. I was screaming along with the crowd when you came out. Your gear was so damn sexy. I couldnt believe you won and that ending was crazy. That stare down between you and Mox was hilarious. I could tell you both wanted to laugh. His ass looked really good in those pants too. "

When Willow started talking sometimes it was hard to get her to stop. 

"Oh and who were the ones in the green and black pants . With the long hair?"

Beth rubbed her eyes and yawned again.

"Matt and Nick Jackson, the young bucks."

She replied looking over at her. Willow raised her eyebrows a few times and then laughed.

"The one with the head band kept staring at you. Hes cute, is he single?"

"He was not staring at me , he is very cute but i dont know if hes single or not. You're married why does it matter?"

Willow rolled her eyes and gave her a dumb look. 

"Not for me dumbass, for you. Y'all should hook up if hes single. Its been awhile and you need to get some. "

Beth pushed herself off the couch and stretched her sore muscles.

"We are not hooking up, Im not hooking up with anyone anytime soon. Hell maybe never again. I dont know. I love you but im going to bed. Hang out as long as you want. If you leave before i get up make sure you lock up. " 

As she was walking away she heard Willow mumble something that sounded like 'He was looking at you, just you wait'.

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