Chapter 13.

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Beth couldnt stop thinking about what Nick said. The whole flight home she drifted in and out of sleep dreaming about how good it would feel to be in his arms. She spent her few days off with Willow and her god daughters. Of course Willow brought Nick up every chance she got and Beth did her best not to think too much about him. On Tuesday morning she found herself yet again on a plane. Being in the business she was , planes and hotels were second nature. This time they were headed to Austin Texas. The flight was long and filled with turbulence. She was extremely happy to be back on land at the end of the flight. As soon as she exited the plane she turned her phone back on. A text message from Nick popped up the second it had rebooted.

"A black SUV will be waiting for you outside the airport. Look for your name."

She frowned but gathered her luggage and went outside. Low and behold a black suv sat right in front with a little sign taped to the window with her name on it. The Windows were tinted so that she couldnt make out who was in it but the drivers door opened and along the side of the truck came Nick. 

"Okay now im totally convinced you are stalking me. How did you know what time my flight landed? "

She asked as he helped her load her luggage into the backseat. 

"Well see i secretly work for the CIA and i watch your every move. "

He chuckled as she flipped him off.

"Gladly anytime , but no i asked Mox and he told me. "

She rolled her eyes and mentally reminded herself to kill Mox when she saw him.

"Well thank you for picking me up."

She mumbled as they drove out of the airport.

" You are welcome. How was your flight?" 

"It was terrible. At one point the whole plane was shaking so bad i thought i was gonna die. "

He reached over and squeezed her hand in a comforting way. His hand remained there a little longer than she had anticipated and all she wanted to do was intertwine her fingers with his. He moved his hand and returned it to the steering wheel. 

"Im in desperate need of coffee and something to eat. Are you up for stopping somewhere and getting some food?"

He asked breaking the silence in the truck. 

"Im totally down for that. Coffee sounds amazing. "

Theyre found themselves at a little diner a few miles from the venue. She ordered coffee , biscuits and gravy, grits and bacon .

Nick ordered coffee, pancakes, eggs, sausage and hashbrowns.

"How could you not order bacon. Bacon is the meat of the gods. Sausage is the less superior breakfast meat."

She picked at him as she added sugar to her coffee.

"You do realize there is sausage in the gravy for your biscuits right? And besides i like sausage more than bacon. Its not a crime. The real crime here is the fact that you have put 8 sugar packets and 4 creamers into your coffee. Im sure you cant even taste the coffee. Why not just add the sugar to the creamer and shoot it back."

He picked up the empty sugar packets and let them rain over the table.

"Do not hate on the way i make my coffee. Thats a serious matter Nick. Thems fighting words."

He held his hands up in surrender as their food arrived . She began to put a load of hot sauce into her grits and noticed him watching her .

"What is it now? "

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