Chapter 33

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They parked the car and from the driveway they could hear people in the pool. 

They walked around the house and there they were. Matt , his wife Dana and their two kids. Their brother Malachi and their friend and AEW wrestler Brandon Cutler. 

"Dude what the fuck? You all said you were gonna come to mom and dads to have lunch with me and Beth. You just let us endure that torture alone. "

Nick stated as they sat down in the lawn chairs near the pool.

"Oh shit that was today. Damn our bad."

Matt said with a laugh knowing damn well it was today. 

"Malachi this is my girlfriend Beth. Beth this is our youngest brother."

Malachi waved as he lounged in a pool float. 

"Why the hell are you all here anyways? You have a pool of your own matt."

Nick laughed.

"Its not as big as yours."

He replied with a shrug. 

"Im sure we can say that about a few other things too."

Matt flipped Malachi off and turned his attention back to Beth and Nick.

"So how'd it go with meeting the parents? Did mom go all out?"

Beth laughed and nodded. 

"It was all great until they started talking about us getting married and having kids. Then it got a bit awkward. It was good though. I like your parents."

Beth replied with a smile. 

"I bet mom is the one who started the 

marriage talk. Am i right? "

Dana asked as she played with her daughter. 

"Yep in true mom fashion."

Nick replied laughing.

"Did you get the whole we were married after four months of being together so you all need to get on the ball story?"

They both nodded making Matt chuckle. 

"They tried to pressure Dana and I into getting married a week after we started dating. So they definitely seem to like you Beth."

The following morning Beth flew home. She hated leaving Nick but she missed her bed. She had three days to relax and she spent all three lounging around her house. She hadn't heard from Willow at all which was odd for her. She was sure she would be calling to see how meeting the family went. She called her numerous times over the three days but no answer. Sometimes Willow just needed space and she respected that. 

She went the next few weeks just going thru the motions. Whenever she talked to Willow it was brief and she had begun to worry.  On top of that she was tired and their grueling schedule was starting to drain her. She found Cody the following week before Dynamite and pulled him into a meeting.

"I would like to take off next week. My parents are doing a huge party for my nephews birthday and id like to go. "

Cody looked over his notes and nodded. 

"Thats perfectly fine. I didnt have anything majorly planned for you. I meant to ask if you were okay. You have been looking a little down lately. "

She shook her head and yawned. 

"Im fine , just tired. "

He looked at her for a minute before speaking. 

"I think its something more. Are you sure you are okay?"

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