Chapter 18

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To say Beth had a good time at the dance flamingo was the understatement of the century. Her , Brandi , Maggie and Stella danced into the wee hours of the morning. Round after round of drinks found their way to them and they shot them back like pros.

She hadnt had this much fun in a very long time. Around 4am she stumbled her drunk ass back to her room. It took her a full five minutes to unlock the door and once inside she tried her best to be quiet as to not wake Nick up. She was doing a great job until she bent down to take off her heels and toppled to the ground with a loud thud. The light on the night stand between their beds turned on and a shirtless Nick sat up looking at her. She was sprawled out on the floor, one shoe on , one shoe off and her whole body rocked with laughter. Nick watched her for a minute just surveying the scene in front of him.

She was laughing so hard she couldn't breathe.

"Beth, are you okay?"

He asked as he threw his blanket off and slid off the bed. He was only wearing black boxers.

"Im fabulous, im sorry i woke you up. There's all kinds of gravity in this room."

That gained a laugh from him as he stood up and grabbed her hand.

"I take it you had a good time? Lots of drinking going on?"

He made her sit on the bed and took her other shoe off.

"Lots of vodka , lots of it. I had so much fun.... Do you know what would have made it better? "

He looked up at her and shook his head.

"No beautiful , what would have made it better?"

She smiled big and flung herself down on the bed dramatically.

"If you had been there to dance with me.But you don't dance. Cause you suck "

She giggled playfully.

"Im sorry. Ill make it up to you. Now lets get you out of that dress and into something you can sleep in. "

He turned around and looked at her luggage. He thought hard about it before he shook his head and grabbed a young bucks t-shirt out of his bag.

"You just want to take my dress off so you can see me naked and do naughty things to me."

She mumbled as she sat up and winked at him.

"As much as id love to do that Beth , you are drunk and I'm not that kinda guy. Ill save that for when you are sober and in your right mind. Here put this on."

He handed her the shirt.

"Ill turn around unless you need help."

He turned around and waited. After what felt like an hour she threw her dress at him and giggled again . He turned back to face her and his breath got caught in his throat. She layed on her bed in just a pair of lace panties and his shirt.

"You're so beautiful."

He stated as he pulled the blanket up around her. She yawned and laid her head down on her pillow.

"I dont see why you like me Nick. Im not good enough for you. Im damaged goods."

She mumbled as she fell asleep. He felt heartbroken by her words. He couldn't understand why she felt that way about herself. At 8am the phone in the room began to ring. Beth groaned as the sound felt like spikes being shoved into her skull.

"Please make it stop."

She begged to no one in particular. A chuckle was heard from the other bed as Nick answered the phone. A couple minutes later she could hear him set the phone back on the receiver.

"That was Cody. He said we have autograph signings at 10 . So we need to get up and ready."

Beth flipped him off and buried her head further into her pillow.

"Just leave me here to die and tell Cody to suck my ass."

Nick laughed loudly as he sat up in bed.

"You probably shouldn't have drank so much last night. "

He pointed out. Her arm snaked out from under the blanket and flipped him off again.

"Maybe later."

He smirked as she groaned into the pillow.

It took every bit of willpower she had to get up and get ready for her autograph signing. She took four advil and drank two bottles of water. She wore her big sunglasses and tried to look presentable. She knew she had to kick this hang over because her title match was that night and she needed to be ready. She was incredibly happy to see that Brandi felt just like she did.

"You'd think at almost 30 years old you'd learn not to get shit faced before a big show."

Cody pointed out as he stood in front of her signing table.

"And you'd think after 23 years of knowing me that you'd know not to talk shit to me when i feel like death . Ill hurt your feelings and kick your ass without a second thought so please flutter off and piss on someone else."

Mox , Nick , Matt and Kenny all were within ear shot and all howled with laughter.

"I love when shes all feisty. "

Mox grinned with pride.

"Have those two always been like that?"

Kenny asked Mox as they all got situated.

"Oh yeah. Ive known them both for almost 15 years and they have always fought like cats and dogs. Nomally its all in good fun but Cody tends to hit that nerve in Beth that just sets her off. He does it on purpose , im absolutely convinced of that."

Mox explained looking over at Beth.

The signing went off without any problems. They spent four hours signing autographs for all the fans on the ship and once they were done they decided to get some food.

"I dont think i can stomach watching Mox demolish 12 plates of buffet food again. "

She mumbled as they decided where to eat.

" Well we could always get room service back in the room. You probably could get a nap in before the show too. "

Nick muttered to where only she could hear.

"Thats the best idea ive ever heard. "

Her and Nick ended up back in their room. Beth layed face down on her bed , her burger and fries untouched next to her.

"You know you were pretty funny last night. "

Nick pointed out as he picked at his food.

"Im sure I embarrassed myself. Sorry about whatever i said. I havent been that drunk in so long. "

She rolled over and looked at him.

"You did not embarrass yourself. I thought it was cute all your giggles and your random chatter. I quite enjoyed it. Plus you looked damn good in my shirt."

He winked at her and took a bite of his food.

"Im keeping that shirt by the way. Its comfy."

"Its all yours beautiful."

Beth laughed and layed her head back down.

" Im gonna nap. Maybe my head will feel better. If not its gonna suck to get punched later on tonight. "

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