Chapter 2.

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Jon Moxley chuckled and pulled her into a hug when he saw the look on her face. When he released her she looked back and forth among the men and then stepped aside signalling they could enter her home.

    “And to What do I owe this very unexpected visit?”

She asked as they entered her living room. She closed the door and then just stood there.

    “Well before we get into all that I guess introductions are in order. Beth Lovely this is Kenny Omega, Adam Page , Nick and Matt Jackson and you already know Cody.”

Walking over to them she shook each one's hand.

    “It's very nice to meet you all. I am a huge fan of your work. “
Her attention turned to Cody and the mood in the room changed.

“Yes I know Cody.. What the hell are you doing here? Are you here to say I told you so? Are you here to tell me you were right about Seth? I haven't seen you in over five years and the last time I saw you , you were throwing a bitch fit because you didn't want me to marry Seth. Well i bet you are so happy now aren't you. Why are you here?’

    Cody's hands went up in defense and Moxley put his hand on Beth's shoulder in case she went after him. The others in the room looked between eachother briefly before turning their attention back to the train wreck unfolding infront of them.

    “Whoa i'm not here for that, seriously i'm sorry about what happened back then. I would never say I told you so. What he did was unforgivable and if i ever see him again i'll rip his face off.” 

Shrugging off Mox’s hand she took a deep breath and turned to the others in the room. She sat down on the couch and motioned for them all to do the same. 

         "That went about as well as i thought it would. " 

Mox mumbled under his breath.

       "What we are actually here for is to offer you a position in our new wrestling company All elite Wrestling. " 

Matt Jackson spoke up for the first time. The tension in the room between Beth and Cody seemed to die down a bit as she turned her attention to the others.

"All Elite Wrestling…thats got a good ring to it but im gonna have to pass. Im still on contract with WWE. I cant just jump ship like that. "

"You can though, come on Beth leaving WWE was the best thing i ever did. AEW is gonna give WWE a run for its money. You know i wouldn't vouch for something i didn't believe in. " Mox chimned in . He was right, he wouldnt push the matter if he wasnt sure about it and she knew that whole heartedly.

"If you just give us a chance to explain the plan and what's going on then we will leave you to decide. But don't shut us down till you at least hear us out. " Nick Jackson crossed his arms and smiled at her. She eyed him briefely and then sighed. "Okay tell me about AEW"

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