Chapter 19

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When she woke up a few hours later she felt better. Nick wasnt in the room anymore and her uneaten food was on the table. She looked at the clock and noticed there was two hours before the show. She grabbed her gear and headed to the hair and makeup area. 

She walked in and plopped down in one of the hair chairs. Stella was arguing with Joey Janella about his hair and Maggie was doing Nylas makeup.

"So we are planning on going back to the club tonight. Are you in Beth?"

Maggie asked as she applied eyeshadow to Nyla. 

"Girl i dont know. Maybe. I just started feeling better from last night. Im almost certain i made a fool out of myself in front of Nick last night. I woke up in one of his t-shirts and only vaguely remember busting my ass trying to take my shoes off."

Everyone in the room laughed as she shook her head.

"Girl that boy has it bad for you. I dont think you could do anything to embarrass yourself in front of him. " 

Stella chimned in after she smacked Joey with the hair brush. 

"I dont get it. Why he likes me is such a mystery to me. "

Beth mumbled . Darby had just walked into the room at this point and waited behind Beths chair.

"Are we talking about the lover boy buck?"

He asked with a chuckle. Beth nodded and smirked at him in the mirror. 

"He likes you cause you are a good person. Plus you know how to give his banter right back to him. If you want my opinion i think yall should just date already and stop playing this damn game of highschool crush bullshit."

Everyone in the room agreed with him and Beth just rolled her eye.

"You'd know all about highschool Darby. Didnt you just graduate like last week?"

"Haha Beth you are so funny."

He laughed mockingly making her smile.  She had only known Darby for a few months now but he was becoming like a little brother to her. Mox had taken him under his wing as well.

Two hours later the show began. Beth came out with the young bucks and helped them throw MJF in to the pool along side the ring. They won the tag titles from SCU after a grueling matxh and were the happiest she had ever seen them. Without thinking Nick picked her up and swung her around in excitement. The crowd went wild. Matt gave him a knowing look and just laughed. 

Beths match was the main event. Her and Nyla spent 45 minutes demolishing each other. It was a no disqualification match so tables and chairs were involved. At one point Beth stood on the top rope and swanton dived onto Nyla who laid on a table. They both crashed thru it and laid there dazed. They went on for another 20 minutes after that before Beth hit her signature finisher the "Bee Hive" and pinned Nyla.


The bell rang and the referee handed her the Womens title. She burst into tears and held it close to her. The referee held her hand up just as the elite came running into the ring to celebrate with her. They all wrapped her in a big group hug and the crowd was deafening as they chanted her name. They all celebrated with the crowd for a while before heading to the talent only zone. Beth got checked out by the medics along with Nyla and then was cleared to go about her night. She took official pictures of her and her title before she headed back to her room to shower and change. Cody had informed her that they would all be celebrating their wins and the first ever DYNAMITE at sea with a late night dinner and then they were hitting the club. She showered and was putting on her makeup when Nick entered their room. She stood in the bathroom in just a towel and laughed as he did a double take as he walked past the door.

"This is the second time ive seen you dripping wet in a towel. Im finding it very hard not to throw you on that bed right now and say screw this damn dinner."

He bit his lip as he leaned against the door frame to the bathroom. 

"As enticing as that sounds , and it would be a good way to celebrate our titles wins, im gonna have to pass , I'm starving and i don't want to hear Cody's mouth ."

She winked at him as she finished her makeup. 

" Whens it gonna be my time lord?"

He sighed dramatically . Beth giggled and rolled her eyes. 

" What i want to know is why do you think im gonna sleep with you...maybe im not that kind of girl."

She asked as she walked over to her luggage and began looking thru it. 

A deep chuckle was heard from behind her. She turned around to say something and Nick was there . His mouth on hers , hot , abd passionate. She held on to the towel with one hand and pulled his face closer with her other. She whimpered into the kiss as he nibbled her bottom lip and then released her . 

"That's why. Im almost positive you are wet right now and not just from your shower. "

With that he grabbed his clothes off his bed and entered the bathroom to change.

Beths head was spinning from the kiss. All she could do was breathe deeply and press her thighs together. 

"Damn hes good"

She mumbled to herself as she finally got dressed. She chose the low cut romper that Willow had packed for her but not before she put on a black lace bra and panties set. The bathroom door opened and Nick walked out in a pair of jeans, a young bucks t-shirt and a leather jacket. Black nikes on his feet and a black snap back on his head. Beth was just slipping on her heels as he walked out and couldn't help but look him up and down.

"You clean up nicely Mr. Jackson."

She complimented him as she stood up and sprayed herself with perfume. 

"Thank you. I would say the same for you but you always look amazing. Even when you are sleeping."

"Thats a little creeper status but ill accept it."

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