Chapter 14

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They arrived at the venue just in time for the weekly meeting. 

"Next week we will be on the jericho cruise for DYNAMITE. So this week we need to make the story lines pop. We want our fans to be excited about us performing at sea. "
Cody explained as he went over all the preparations. The cruise was going to be a big deal. Especially for Beth. Her first title opportunity in the company. She would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous but a part of her was excited. Once the meeting was over everyone went their own ways to prepare for tomorrow's show. A few hours later Beth sat in her hotel room relaxing. She was tired from her earlier flight and decided she would take a nap.

She had just layed down when a knock sounded at her door. She ignored it but it continued. With a huff she threw the blanket off of her and shuffled to the door. She swung it open to reveal Nick , Matt , Mox , and Cody.

"Why is it everytime i want to sleep , one of you has to ruin that?"

She asked as she allowed them all to come in.

" We've told you before Bethy sleep is for the weak. Now wheres your room service menu?"

Mox walked around and snatched the menu off the side table. Beth rolled her eyes and plopped down onto the bed. 

"I can't believe in a week we will be in the middle of the ocean on a giant cruise ship. Im so ready for a mini vacation."

Matt announced as he sat down at the table on the other side of the room.

"Exactly how i feel too. We will board Tuesday morning. By tuesday night we will be sailing. Wednesday we have dynamite and then thursday , friday and saturday we get to enjoy the cruise. Sunday we arrive back at the port. Its gonna be a blast."

Cody responded as he went over the schedule.

 "You and Beth better make sure to bring sunscreen cause y'alls pasty pale asses will burn and blister after four days in the sun."

Mox chimned in as he waited on hold for room service.

Both Beth and Cody flipped him off. 

"We can't all be naturally tan our whole lives asshole."

Everyone laughed. A few hours later they were all still shooting the breeze in Beths room. Empty and half eaten plates of food sat all around the room and everyone seemed to be having a great time. Beth and Nick occasionally would share glances across the room and both picked on the other every chance they got. It was about 11pm when Beths phone began to ring. She pulled it off the side table and her mother flashed across the screen. Smiling she hit the answer button. 

"Hi momma. What are you doing up so late?" She asked knowing her mother usually went to bed around 9.

"Hey baby , i just saw something that i think you should see. Im sending a link to your phone are you sitting down?"

Her mother sounded very worried on the other end of the phone.

"Am i sitting down? Yes i am. What is it? Whats going on?" 

Beth was panicking now. Her phone dinged and she saw a text from her mom.

"Hold on i gotta put you on speaker so i can open it. "

Everyone in the room was silently watching her. She clicked the link and as it loaded her heart sank.  It was an article that had just been published.

"Beth are you there, did you open it. "

Her mother's voice echoed in the quiet room. Tears began to slide down her face and she began to breath hard. Without thinking she handed the phone to Mox and stood up. She ran to the bathroom and slammed the door. 

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