Quinn's POV:

It's quiet, I hate the silence. I want to say something but I don't know what to say, I'll open my mouth but nothing comes out, I can't seem to look at her either without thinking about that stupid ring going on her finger. I wonder what we'd be if I never moved, I wonder if she would've waited if she knew that I was coming back, that's the only thing going through my head and I can't get it out and it makes no sense there should be no reason why it would be dead silent in here. I pull into my neighborhood and I decide that I should say something before she leaves, but what. "Hey Anna." I manage to get out, "Yeah?" I pull into the driveway and I turn to her, "Uh about earlier with the whole party thing and the stuff between Ryan and I um I just want you to know that I am sorry, I know I shouldn't be threatening him and getting into shit and arguments with him, and the truth is we didn't get hit by boxes." I tell her as we get out of my car, "I know." she says catching me off guard, "Hmm you know?" I question being a little scared, "Yeah Emery told me what happened and so did Daisy, I'm not mad or upset at you for lying to me I understand why you did that, but the thing is they aren't mine." She says walking over to her car,

"WHAT WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY AREN'T YOURS!" I shout quickly covering my mouth, she unlocks her car and I open the door for her and I watch her hop in. "Yeah they're not mine, their Jennifer's, Jennifer has a freckle on the side of stomach and it's not hard to miss and it's the picture, before I got with Ryan the pictures went around school and it basically wrecked her and no one knows who sent them out in the first place." she looks down at her pedals and I close the door and she rolls down her window. "The only reason I don't like Jennifer is because she claimed that Ryan cheated on me but she didn't have any proof and the fact that she's his ex doesn't help, I never sent any pictures to him, I don't trust him that much even though we've been together for more than a year." She puts her keys in and starts her car, "I don't care if they're not yours he still tried to put your name to them, now I really wish I knocked his brains out, Anna that isn't right I will find him right now and beat him and I'm sure Tommy is willing to help me!" I blurt out. I'm so mad. "Please please don't." She holds my hand and looks at me, "What?" I ask, "Don't beat him up, I'll talk to him okay, I don't want you to get hurt so please don't go" She pleads and I give in, "Okay I won't but getting hurt ha that won't happen but I can easily beat him" I laugh but she doesn't, "Yeah the bruise and busted lip says otherwise" she rubs the side of my face with her thumb, "Okay toche I'll give you that, but seriously that isn't okay." I tell her leaning in the window, "I know but it's okay I'll handle it you've already done a lot like I said I don't need you getting hurt." She smiles, "I will not go after him unless you tell me to, but I'll let you go now, tell Tommy and Brandon I said 'Hi'" I give her a smile and a few seconds later I feel her kiss my cheek, "I will, I'll see you tomorrow Quinn." She starts driving out, I wave at her seeing the car disappear around the corner.

Anna's POV:

Well that kiss was close enough right, knowing she's willing to hurt someone because of how they can hurt me is comforting. I make it back home and I walk inside, seeing Tommy and Brandon sit at the dining table, "Hey Anna!" They both greet me, "Hey, Quinn says 'Hi Brandon'" I tell him and I see his face light up "Can you tell her that I said Hi and that I miss her" she smiles, "Of course." I respond and he goes back to the table, "So how was the skating." Tommy asks and I walk over to the money sitting on the table, "It was good I can actually skate now." I tell him, I take the money and I hand it to him, "No way! OOOOH I was RIGHT!" he gets excited and I roll my eyes at him, "AHHHH I WAS RIGHT I TOLD YOU SO I TOLD YOU SO I TOLD YOU SO!" he starts teasing me, "Yeah Yeah shut up I get it, I'm going to bed." I tell them both and I walk upstairs to my room, I jump on my bed grabbing my computer and I feel my phone go off, I look at the screen seeing Ryan call, but I ignore it, he eventually stops calling but then it turns into texts,

Ryan <3

Hey where are you?

Ryan <3

Hey are you good?

Ryan <3

Answer me Anna

I turn my phone off and go back to my computer, it goes off again but it isn't Ryan its Quinn,

Bubs <3

Bubs <3

Hey I just wanted to make sure you got home safe :)


I did thank you :) also Brandon and Tommy say Hi, and Brandon misses you

Bubs <3

I miss Brandon too, I'll come visit soon yeah?


Yeah that'll be great he'll love that

Bubs <3

Okay bet I'll come over on Sunday


Sounds good, I'm going to go to bed, and I think you should too you've been through a lot today.

Bubs <3

Fair enough, goodnight Boon


Goodnight Bubs

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