Panic Attack - Thomas

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Trigger Warnings: anxiety, panic attack

"What's happening Newt?" You asked as he stood inside the box not saying anything. 

"It's a girl." He replied, shock evident in his voice. 

"Big deal, I'm a girl too." You shouted back down. "I'm coming down with you." You jumped down into the box, but then you had the same shock he did. 

"I think she's dead." Newt said as you stood there, trying to find signs of her being alive. 

"What's the note in her hand?" Gally shouted down to you. You shrugged and grabbed the note he was talking about, reading it and handing it to Newt, trying to process what that could mean. 

"She's the last one, ever." Newt read out loud. "What the hell is that suppposed to mean?"

"I don't know, but let's just get her out of the box." You bit your lip, now a little nervous about the note.

With Newt's help, you both got the girl out of the box. Clint and Jeff took got her and took her to to the medjack tent, while you and Newt were climbing out of the box. Once you were out, Alby had the rest of the Gladers get back to work while you and Newt were to do inventory. Newt handed you a piece of paper to jot down what has been brought up with the new Greenie, and then you both went back down into the box for the second time today.

"So what do you think of all of this?" Newt asked as he opened the first box that the creators sent. 

"What if they just mean that she's the last girl, not necessarily the last Greenie?" You asked. 

"Yeah..." Newt trailed off. You started writing down the contents of the box, your mind settling back down onto the thoughts of what that note could have been. 

"So Y/N, onto the lighter topics," Newt said, noticing your nervousness. "Any guy here that you like?"

"Well obviously. Out of the fifty or so guys here there has to be one I think is attractive." You said, smiling at the thought of who it was. 

"Who is it then?" Newt asked. 

"It's really kind of obvious." You said, biting your lip. "Like everyone knows, I'm always teased about it."

"Well I don't know, care to enlighten me?" Newt asked as you wrote down the contents of the next box. You glanced up to look at his face and he had a knowing smirk.

"You know." You stated blantly.

"Come on! I want to hear you say it!" Newt pleaded.

"Fine, Thomas, though you already knew that. I swear that boy could calm me down from anything." You said, thinking about his perfect face and how good he is at running and everything about him. 

"Really now?" Newt asked, opening the next box.

"Slim it." You said jokingly, your face red. You both worked in silence after that so you could finish inventory before it got dark out. You finished and a few of the builders came to put the stuff away and take them to where they needed to be, while you sat down with Newt in the grass to relax.

"So, what do you think it meant?" You asked him.

"What?" He questioned.

"The note."

"Oh." He paused for a second. "Well, I honestly think it meant that there wasn't going to be another girl greenie, but all of these other shanks think differently so I don't know." 

"True." You replied. "I hope it's that, I mean I want more girls to come up because then there would be more girls to talk to but as opposed to what they are thinking about there never being a new Greenie again, I would hope it was just that."

*The Next Day*

The box still hasn't gone down. It always has gone down before this. Why isn't it going down? Your anxiety levels were going up, you started to feel trapped. You didn't like the idea of the box not going down or the fact that you may not be able to survive if you didn't find a way out- which as of right now was extremely doubtful. All of this was adding to your anxiety which was already built up. 

Newt was the first to notice something was wrong. You were curled up into a ball out in the field and shaking badly. It was getting really hard for you to breathe, and you were starting to freak out at the fact of this, making it even worse. Tears started poring down your cheeks as Newt reached you, but his words were incoherent and blurred. You heard a ringing sound in your ears as you felt trapped, all alone, by yourself as this strange thing was consuming you.

"Y/N!" Newt shouted, but you didn't understand it. You were heavily breathing, trying to grasp onto any air you could find.

"Someone get Thomas!" Newt shouted. Within seconds, Thomas was next to you and there was a huge group of Glader's near you. You saw Thomas and tried to listen to what he was saying. 

"Y/N, slow breaths, breathe in and out." You heard Thomas say.

You tried to do what he said, but it wasn't working. You couldn't slow down your breath enough to stop it, it was like the things you were thinking of consumed every part of you, refusing to let you snap out of it. You felt trapped between this and the amount of Gladers standing around you and how you may never find a way out and you could be trapped in here until you die and...

"Everyone go back to what you were doing!" Newt shouted to everyone as Thomas rubbed your back, trying in every way possible to calm you down.

You slowly started to slip out of it, but it was still happening, and the thought of it still happening put you back in your original state. Thomas let out a small groan of frustration, trying to think of something that could help. You kept gasping for air, trying to slow your breathing down again. Thomas then did something you didn't expect.

He kissed you. On the lips. You slowly started to get over whatever just happened to you and you could breathe normally again. You pulled away from Thomas and wiped your eyes. He looked at you and gave you a look as if to ask if you were okay. You nodded your head and pressed your lips back onto his, and he cupped your cheek and kissed back, You both pulled apart and he looked at you, a small smile on his lips. 

"Thank you." You whispered to him, not trusting your voice quite yet. 

"I'm just glad you're okay." Thomas replied, wrapping you in his warm embrace.

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