Running - Minho

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Trigger Warnings: none

Oh you were shucked when you got back. Big time. You have been on medical for the past week now due to your ankle, but today you decided to sneak out of the Glade and run. You couldn't help it, you loved running. You couldn't keep away any longer, not over your ankle. The only worry you had was Minho, the Keeper of Runners. If he found out you were in so much trouble. 

You ignored the thought as you kept running your section of the maze. Running makes you feel calmer, like you're the only person in the world and you can do anything. You liked being alone in the quiet, with the mystery of the maze to think about. You looked at your watch and picked up the pace, starting towards the Glade. You had to take another route to get to your section of the maze so the Gladers wouldn't notice you left. Probably not a smart move, but you didn't care.

They couldn't banish you, it was your job to run the maze. You probably should have talked to Minho, but you decided against it. He wouldn't find out anyways unless Clint told him you went mysteriously missing the whole day, then it would all come to him. You had to hope that wouldn't happen, and also that Clint or Jeff didn't come to check on you.

The maze doors came up and you ran into the Glade, ignoring the pain you were starting to get from your ankle. You slowed down to a walk, trying to catch your breath and make it look normal. The hardest part was your backpack. You couldn't walk to the Map Room all sweaty and with your backpack, people would know what's up. You would have to hide it. You found a spot that would work until you could retrieve your backpack tomorrow so you put it there, turning around. 

"Y/N!" You heard a voice call out. Minho, you thought, starting to turn the other way and run. You could hear the footsteps behind you and Minho caught up to you. Stupid ankle, you thought to yourself as Minho grabbed your arm, spinning you around.

"What?" You asked, pulling your arm out of his grip. 

"Clint told me he went to give you lunch and you weren't there in your room. I talked to Jeff as well and he told me that he saw you leaving the room this morning but thought you eventually came back. I know what you did." Minho said, looking at you dead in the eye. 

"What did I do?" You asked innocently. 

"You went out into that shuck maze without my permission! You can't just do that, I need to know where you are! When Clint and Jeff told me that I got so worried about you! What if you got hurt out there or didn't make it back because of your ankle? Start using your brain Y/N!" Minho replied, raising his voice towards the end. 

"Okay I admit I probably should have told you but you can't just leave me locked up on bed rest for two weeks! I needed to run! You know that's the one way I can clear my head! Don't get mad at me over this." You said, crossing your arms over your chest. "Wait why were you really worried about me?" You realized what he said. 

"Why was I worried? Isn't it obvious?" Minho asked. 

"Apparently not." You said. "Enlighten me on why you were worried. You were more worried about me then you were when Ben got stung a day ago."

"It's because I love you Y/N! There, I said it! I know you don't feel the same way so I never told you!" Minho yelled. "There's no way you feel the same way about me but I needed to say it!" You moved closer to him and placed your lips on his, shutting him up. You could tell he was shocked at first but he started to kiss back, his hands moving to your waist. You pulled away from him and smiled. 

"What were you saying about me not liking you?" You asked, smiling. Minho just smiled slightly at you. 

"I'll be right back." Minho said, turning around and running off to the direction where you dropped your backpack. He came back with it in one hand. He took yours in another, intertwining your fingers together.

"You're so pretty." Minho whispered as you started walking towards the Map Room. 

"You're so hot." You replied, squeezing his hand. Minho smiled and kept on walking. You got to the Map Room with Minho and he turned and looked at you. 

"So what are we?" Minho asked. 

"I thought it was clear when I kissed you." You said, looking at him. 

"Could you make it a little clearer?" He asked, smiling. You couldn't help but smile as well as you placed your lips on his again, eventually pulling away. 

"Now it's clear." Minho said. "But Y/N, no maze for the rest of the week."

"Ugh Minho!" You groaned. "Can't I just run with you or something so you know I'm fine?" You asked. Minho thought for a second.

"Fine, but you have to run with me." Minho said. 

"Thank you! I love you!" You said, hugging him. 

"I love you too." Minho replied, kissing your neck.

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