Familiar Faces - Teresa

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Trigger Warnings: none

You opened your eyes suddenly, feeling cold, hard metal under you. You instantly looked around, trying to get a peak at your surroundings, but failing due to the swallowing darkness around you.

You decided to feel around the room to see if it could give you any idea of where you were. You crawled along the small area you seemed to be trapped in. You tried to stand up just then, but you were instantly jolted back onto the floor when the small box started moving. 

You leaned against the wall of the box, trying to calm down. What is this? What's happening? How is this even possible? The box kept moving for what seemed like centuries, but in reality it was probably only fifteen minutes.

The loud, obnoxious, annoying sound of the chains moving was starting to give you a headache, but you tried to ignore it. After some time, the box finally came to a stop. Two doors opened, revaling the blinding sunlight shining through. You put your arm over your eyes as an attempt to stop the burning in your eyes from the sunlight.

You heard someone jump into the box, and you removed your arm, looking to see who it was. The stranger had blonde hair, with dark eyes, almost black. He looked shocked. 

"It's another girl!" He said stunned, as he helped you up. You heard murmers around you coming from outside of the box. How is this even possible? 

"Put your foot through this." The boy said, pointing to the rope. 

You did as told and they pulled you up. Once your feet touched solid ground, again, you looked around. There seemed to be about fifty boys around you. As you scanned the crowd, your eyes landed on one girl. 

For some reason, she looked really familier, like you have seen her before today. As you racked your brain for memories, you realized you had none, just faint images that didn't help you. She noticed you staring and walked over to you slowly. Once she reached you, you looked at her again. You have definitely seen her from somewhere, but where. 

Just like she could read your mind, she said, "You look really familier. Where have I seen you from?"

"I thought the same thing." You replied. 

"I'm so confused." The girl said. 

"Yeah." You agreed. You looked around again and noticed that the blonde guy was walking up to you. 

"Welcome to the Glade greenie, names Newt." The boy, whos name you just learned as Newt said.  "All of those shuck faces gawking over you are the Gladers. Probably still in shock from a girl arriving." Newt explained.

"Why? What about her?" You asked, refering to the girl next to you. 

"Came last month." The girl said. 

"Are you the leader or something?" You then asked Newt the question you have been thinking for a while now. 

"No. Second in comand. Alby here is the leader." He said, patting the boy on the back as he came over to talk to you, you guessed. 

"No more shuck questions until the tour tomorrow. Teresa here will show you the main parts of the Glade and where you will be sleeping." Alby said. "The rest of you shuck faces get back to work!" Alby called out to all of the boys who were still shocked. Alby and Newt walked off, leaving you with Teresa. 

"C'mon, let's walk around for a little bit." She said, starting to walk off. You followed her, not saying a word until you got to a small, open field. 

"I thought we could have some fun and mess around. I haven't really gotten time to since I've been here, and none of the guys would do anything with me because they were too busy." Teresa said. 

"So what do you wanna do?" You asked.

She smirked before tapping your arm and saying, "You're it." With that, she ran off.

You laughed and started running after her. You tagged her and you started to run away, but stopped. Something took over your mind. 

You could see two girls running in a field, laughing and playing tag.

"You're it." You said to the girl, who looked like Teresa. 

"No, you're it!" She said, running away. 

"Come on! You're older then me sis!" You called out. She was about to reply, but the memory stopped. 

You looked at Teresa and she looked at you. 

"Y/N, we were sisters." She said. You walked up to her and hugged her. 

"I love you." She whispered. 

"I love you too." You replied, smiling. 

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